Riccardo Aragno


The Spider Labyrinth
A young professor travels to Budapest to locate a lost colleague. Once there, he gets tangled up in a supernatural mystery.
The Naked Sun
An Italian businessman travels to Brazil looking for a new job. When things don't go his way, he becomes despondent until he meets a beautiful woman who reveals Rio de Janeiro's most magical, secret locales.
I Don't Understand You Anymore
On entering her bathroom, Luisa finds a naked man showering. She calls the police at once and the man is arrested. At the police station Alberto, a psychiatrist, recognizes the man: he is Paolo, Luisa's husband. Alberto offers to help Paolo, but when the two men arrive at his home, Paolo still in his bathrobe, Luisa hugs Alberto and calls him Paolo. The two men try everything they think of to help Luisa regain her memory until the last (but not too unexpected) surprise.
Man of Three Worlds: Luchino Visconti
BBC television program exploring Visconti’s mastery of cinema, theater, and opera direction.
Man of Three Worlds: Luchino Visconti
BBC television program exploring Visconti’s mastery of cinema, theater, and opera direction.
Эпифания - избалованная наследница миллионного состояния, по воли отца, может выйти замуж только за того, кто сможет превратить 500 фунтов в 15000 фунтов стерлингов за короткое время. Её миллионы прельщают многих мужчин, но происходит случайная встреча с бедным индийским доктором, и миллионерша не может думать ни о ком другом. Только есть два «но»: первое, доктор не обращает на неё внимание; второе, по воли матери, он может женится лишь на той, кто сможет прожить три месяца потратив только 35 шиллингов.