Clive Swift

Clive Swift

Рождение : 1936-02-09, Liverpool, England, UK

Смерть : 2019-02-01


Clive Swift was a British actor known to millions as Hyacinth Bucket's hen-pecked husband Richard in BBC One's 90s sitcom Keeping Up Appearances. Swift, who spent 10 years at the RSC before breaking into television, also acted in such series as Peak Practice, Born and Bred and The Old Guys.


Clive Swift
Clive Swift


Comedy Classics: Keeping Up Appearances
Self (archive footage)
Keeping Up Appearances remains one of Britain's best loved series. Running for 5 years throughout the 90s, millions of viewers tuned in to watch the delightfully monstrous Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) as she attempted to climb the social ladder, only to be endlessly let down by her family. In this 90-minute celebration we feature the very best and most hilarious moments from the series, and cast, crew and celebrity fans pay tribute to the show and share backstage secrets. Featuring an exclusive interview with Dame Patricia Routledge, who shares her memories of the show, we learn how she came to be cast, how she developed the character, and what happened when the cameras stop rolling.
Excalibur: Behind the Movie
This retrospective documentary looks back on the making of director John Boorman's 1981 movie, Excalibur. Self-described as the toughest film he ever made, Excalibur told the tale of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone and helped start the careers of actors Liam Neeson, Gabriel Byrne, Helen Mirren and Patrick Stewart. In this one hour film, they join other cast and crew to share their memories from the filming of this Arthurian masterpiece. Documentary originally released in 2013 with the title Behind The Sword In The Stone; a later, renamed version with updated biographical information on the actors involved was then released in 2016. The 2016 version has since been shown on various on-demand channels.
Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned
Mr. Copper
When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?
101 далматинец 2: Приключения Патча в Лондоне
Additional Voices (voice)
Миллионерша Стервелла Де Виль, чья первая попытка похитить 101 далматинца и пошить из их шкурок роскошную шубу с треском провалилась, готовит новый дьявольский план по захвату славных песиков. Она потирает руки в ожидании легкого успеха, но на пути негодяйки встают храбрый щенок Патч и его новый друг Громобой — четвероногая звезда экрана! Улицы Лондона никогда еще не видели такой заварушки: двое отважных, смекалистых псов против коварной, мерзкой, но ужасно глупой Де Виль. Бедная Стервелла! Не видать ей пятнистой шубы как своих ушей!
King George II
18th-century England and Ireland viewed through the eyes of four beautiful high-born sisters - Caroline, Emily, Louisa, and Sarah Lennox, great-granddaughters of a king, daughters of a cabinet minister, and wives of politicians and peers.
The Memoirs of Hyacinth Bucket
Daisy and Onslow find the secret diary of Hyacinth and start reading in it. The rest of this TV-special are clips from prevous episodes.
Brabantio / Gratiano
Noble Moroccan Othello finds his life with beautiful, fiercely loyal Desdemona thrown tragically out of balance when secretly jealous, scheming confidante Iago begins an insidious campaign of lies and treachery.
Молодой Тосканини
Рио-де-Жанейро, 1886 год, гастроли итальянской труппы. 18-летнему Артуро Тосканини поручают репетиции с идолом его детства — оперной примадоной Надиной, которая прервала свою актерскую карьеру ради своего возлюбленного — бразильского императора Педро II. Тосканини удается помочь ей преодолеть депрессию и с триумфом вернуться на сцену.
Journey's End
Captain Hardy
A British Company in the WWI trenches await an inevitable German attack in this 1988 adaptation of R.C. Sherriff's play.
Cause célèbre
P.P. Croom Johnson
When the ailing husband of an adulterous wife is discovered bludgeoned to death and suspicions fall on the older woman's young lover, the newly widowed woman claims that it was she who was solely responsible for the death despite evidence that points to the contrary in this dramatic account of true-life 1935 trial that shocked all of England. Though notable evidence and strong suspicion suggests that the murder may have been of crime of passion perpetrated by the jealous lover only half her age, Alma Rattenbury (Helen Mirren) confesses to the murder of her husband and is soon brought to trial. Despite the fact that Alma is already being deemed guilty by the general public for her adulterous indiscretion alone, her lawyer, star attorney T.J. O'Connor (David Suchet), remains convinced that his client will eventually be cleared of all charges.
Pack of Lies
A couple learns that their friendly neighbours might be Russian spies.
All Together Now
The weekly brass band rehearsal is an enjoyable, light-hearted occasion. Then Mathew, the conductor, introduces James, a newcomer to the village, who is an enthusiastic bandsman from the north, where they do these things properly.
What Mad Pursuit
Bonwit Steinhauser
If you were a famous English novelist doing a whistle stop tour of the United States to promote your books, wouldn't you welcome with open arms the chance of a quiet weekend away from it all in a remote corner of Long Island? Of course you would. Well, let what happened to Evan Lorrimer be an awful warning....
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks
Professor Jobel
At the Tranquil Repose mortuary, the Doctor and Peri uncover a sinister plot to create a new breed of Daleks under the supervision of the mysterious Great Healer.
The Pickwick Papers
Mr. Tupman
The Pickwick Papers is a twelve-part BBC adaption of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, first broadcast in 1985. It starred Nigel Stock, Alan Parnaby, Clive Swift and Patrick Malahide, with narration spoken by Ray Brooks.
Поездка в Индию
Major Callendar
Действие этого фильма происходит в двадцатые годы двадцатого века. Столкновение культур Востока и Запада показано на материале нетривиальной поездки молодой своенравной англичанки в Индию.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Lord Cerimon
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Praying Mantis
Dr. Faure
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that one of their intended victims has become a fellow conspirator.
Sir Ector
Экскалибур — это меч легендарного короля Артура, воспетого трубадурами и менестрелями, правившего Англией в те славные времена, когда достойные рыцари восседали на своих местах за Круглым столом, поднимая чаши за здравие Его Величества и окончательную победу над злом. В той древности люди больше полагались на предсказания магов и наговоры колдунов, меньше веря в силу разума и своего опыта. Однако именно тогда заклинания и пророчества уступили свое место тому, что мы называем здравым смыслом…
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Hastie Lanyon
Adaptation of the novella by Robert Louis Stevenson
Henry IV Part 1
Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester
Henry Bolingbroke has now been crowned King of England, but faces a rebellion headed by the embittered Earl of Northumberland and his son (nicknamed 'Hotspur'). Henry's son Hal, the Prince of Wales, has thrown over life at court in favour of heavy drinking and petty theft in the company of a debauched elderly knight, Sir John Falstaff. Hal must extricate himself from some legal problems, regain his father's good opinions and help suppress the uprising.
Beasts: The Dummy
'Bunny' Nettleton
A washed-up actor has a nervous breakdown and believes that he really is the movie monster that he has been hired to play. Created as an episode of Nigel Kneale’s “Beasts” horror anthology miniseries.
Air steward
A quick drink in the buffet before going home. Freddie's nerves are taking a hammering lately; the economy is in dire trouble and who can blame a businessman for the occasional drink? His wife and mistress for a start.
"All I said was the gramophone's too loud." Tony and Zoe Lyle 's silly row starts like any other, but Tony finds that Zoe means it this time. She's walking out and he's got a week to save a marriage that he hasn't looked at in 18 years, and with it all the trappings of a good life in Maida Vale.
The Breakthrough
An adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's 1966 short story of the same title, broadcast as part of the BBC's "BBC2 Playhouse".
South Riding
An adaptation of Winifred Holtby's classic novel
The National Health
Peter Nichols adapted his own hit play to the screen, based on his experiences in hospitals. A riotous black comedy that's as timely today as ever, it contrasts the appalling conditions in a overcrowded London hospital with a soap opera playing on the televisions there. In an ingenious touch, the same actors appear in the "real" story as well as the "TV" one, thus blurring the distinctions even further. Jack Gould directs such outstanding British actors as Lynn Redgrave, Colin Blakely, Eleanor Bron, Jim Dale, Donald Sinden, Mervyn Johns, and, in only his second film, Bob Hoskins. The renowned Carl Davis composed the score.
Man at the Top
Northerner Joe Lampton becomes involved with Lord Ackerman, the powerful chairman of a pharmaceutical concern, his beautiful wife Alex, and daughter Robin. But trouble starts when Joe is made Managing Director of one of Ackerman’s companies and makes a shocking discovery: his predecessor committed suicide...
A Warning to the Curious
Dr. Black
Paxton, an amateur archeologist, travels to the town of Seaburgh and inadvertently stumbles across one of the lost crowns of Anglia, which, according to legend, protect the county from invasion. On digging the crown up, Paxton is stalked by its supernatural guardian.
Dead of Night: The Exorcism
Four wealthy, middle-class friends gather for a Christmas dinner in a country cottage only to find that the past will not rest while they feast.
Линия смерти
Inspector Richardson
При строительстве одной из линий лондонского метро еще в конце девятнадцатого века произошел обвал, и часть рабочих, среди которых были и женщины, оказалась под завалом. После этого инцидента строительная компания обанкротилась, и недостроенную ветку с погребёнными под завалом телами забросили. Однако часть людей всё-таки выжила, и их потомки в изрядно одичавшем виде дожили до наших дней, питаясь... запоздавшими посетителями метро!...
Johnny Porter
Ричард Блени обвиняется в совершении серии убийств женщин, которые найдены задушенными мужскими галстуками. Подозрение падает на него после того, как обнаружены тела его бывшей жены и подружки. Дело кажется настолько очевидным, что полиции не составляет труда получить ордер на арест Блени. Однако после того как Ричарда приговорили к тюремному заключению сроком на 25 лет, инспектор Оксфорд, проводивший расследование, начинает сомневаться в его виновности и продолжает поиски убийцы…
The Stalls of Barchester
Dr. Black
Scholar Dr. Black's seemingly mundane assignment of sorting through the assets of the Barchester Cathedral library takes an eerie turn when he comes across the papers of the late Archdeacon, who plotted to gain his position through murder. However, he soon comes to discover something truly horrific about the wooden choir stalls in the church, which are tied to a famous local tree and a sinister local legend.
Roll On Four O'Clock
Max Fielder
Compelling drama from screenwriter Colin Welland set in a city comprehensive school of low expectations and ambitions. Pupil Latimer does not conform to the macho culture and is labeled a homosexual, leading to bullying by both the pupils and some of the teachers.
Mad Jack
Play dealing with the life of British Army lieutenant Siegfried Sassoon, and his protests against the inhumanity of the First World War
Michael Frayn play part of TV series The Wednesday Play.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Peter Hall's film adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy, filmed in and around an English country house and starring actors from the Royal Shakespeare Company.
All's Well That Ends Well
An adaptation directed by Claude Whatham for the BBC's Theatre 625 slot. Essentially a recording of John Barton's acclaimed Royal Shakespeare Company production starring Catherine Lacey (the Countess), Ian Richardson (Bertram), Lynn Farleigh (Helen), Clive Swift (Parolles) and Sebastian Shaw (the King), it was broadcast on 3 June 1968.
Catch Us If You Can
Dinah is a famous model and actress who is getting tired of life in the limelight and wants to take a break. While shooting a commercial spot for meat, she meets Steve, a stuntman. Dinah and Steve hit it off and decide to head to an island to get away from it all, bringing along four of Steve's friends. Before long, Dinah is reported missing and everyone is looking for her, making their getaway anything but tranquil.