Michio Morioka


Пекинский арбуз
Снято на основе реальных событий, происходивших в пригороде Токио, городе Фунабаси, префектура Тиба. Владелец овощной лавки Яохару борется между жалостью к нищим китайским студентам и заботой о прибыли. Он не может продавать свои овощи ниже закупочной цены. Всё решает простая игра "камень-ножницы-бумага". И вот уже он болен Китайской болезнью, а лавке угрожает полное банкротство.
Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast
During the fervently nationalist months leading up to World War II, a rebellious teenager is transferred to a new primary school in a small Inland Sea town. He vies with the school’s reigning bully, who takes a romantic interest in his older stepsister. When they learn she’s going to be sold to a brothel to pay off her father’s debts, they form an uneasy alliance to free her.
April Fish
A Francophile filmmaker in a creative rut tries to pass off a free-spirited young actress as his movie-star wife in order to fool a chief from the South Seas.
His Motorbike, Her Island
After a series of chance meetings a shiftless motorbike enthusiast Ko begins a romance with a carefree girl Miyo, after teaching her to ride. When Miyo proves herself a biker prodigy Ko begins to fear that she is destined to crash.
Miss Lonely
A lonely high schooler suddenly meets the love of his life out of thin air. Is she a real person or a figment of his imagination?
Это история о мужестве и смелости строителей туннелей, которые, не взирая на все опасности и невзгоды, соединили острова Хонсю и Хоккайдо. Главный герой Го Акуцу ведёт проект по строительству туннеля Сэйкан, по которому должна пройти железная дорога, соединяющая два острова. Работа начинается с проведения геологической разведки и вербовки строителей. Акуцу удаётся склонить старого и всеми уважаемого строителя Мисака, имеющего большой опыт. Вслед за ним следуют и другие. Работа ведётся в тяжёлых природных условиях в дали от семьи. Возникают чрезвычайные ситуации, где Акуцу, чтобы спасти туннель приходиться принимать быстрые и правильные решения. И недалёк день, когда строительство будет завершено.
Технополиция 21 века
The year is 2001 and the criminals have taken over Centinel City. The Police have lost control. The citizens are terrified... and no one can stop the madness. Even the Techno Police, a special anti-crime squad, find the situation hopeless until a wise cracking cop with an uncanny knack for out-guessing the criminals joins the force. When a powerful experiment tank is hijacked, the Techno Police and their newest recruit go to work. Equipped with an ultra-sonic car and crime-fighting Technoids, the rookie cop sets out on a death defying high-speed chase through the streets... trying to capture the crooks and trying to stay alive. But no one is aware of the awesome powers about to be unleashed.
I Are You, You Am Me
9th-graders Kazuo and Kazumi take a tumble at a temple in a small seacoast town in Japan. Through supernatural intervention, their minds and bodies are switched, and the result is a touching and hilarious coming-of-age comedy as they attempt to survive the pressures of junior high school life.
Without Complaint
Executive Producer
Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
The Family
Executive Producer
Adaptation of the novel by Toyoko Yamasaki.
I Hear the Whistle
Executive Producer
Tells of the feelings and sufferings of a young girl with an incurable paralytic disease.