Randal Brown


Freedom Song
Registrar of Voters
Freedom Song (2000) is a made-for-TV film based on true stories of the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi in the 1960s. It tells the story of the struggle of African Americans to register to vote in the fictional town of Quinlan. In the midst of the Freedom Summer, a group of high school students in the small town are eager to make grassroots changes in their own community. The young activists meet resistance not only from white southerners, but from their parents, who have experienced firsthand the violence that can result from speaking out.[1] As high school students band together with the support of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, they make strides in registering African-American voters and gaining awareness for their cause.
Ночной полет
Dream Vampire
Бешеная игра в кошки-мышки между репортером скандальной светской хроники и самим князем тьмы Носферату заставит трепетать самых стойких зрителей. Загадочный пилот — новое воплощение Дракулы — уничтожает всех, кто попадается ему в пути, оставляя грозный кровавый след. Черный самолет отправляется из неизвестного пункта и управляется то ли призраком, то ли вампиром. Репортер, рискуя жизнью, решает выяснить, кто же этот убийца: «кровавый красный барон», возникший из прошлого, чтобы вселить в людей ужас, или фантомная реализация ночных кошмаров?.
Vanishing Son II
Deputy Cyrus
The continuing saga of the Chang brothers: Jian-Wa and Wago. Picking up where it left off, Jian-Wa has left L.A. after a gangfight which involved his brother Wago. Jian-wa travels to the south and finds that hatred comes in all forms as a group of racist whites feud with harmless Vietnamese fishermen. Jian-wa decides to side with the Vietnamese and help them defend themselves. Back in Los Angeles, Wago is enjoying his new life as a gangster.