Dom Laguan


13 минут
Разрушительный торнадо, накрывший провинциальный городок, навсегда меняет жизнь четырех семей. У жителей есть всего 13 минут на то, чтобы найти себе надежное убежище и выжить в схватке со смертельной стихией.
Dotty and Soul
Late Husband
A comedy about flamboyant entrepreneur Ethan Cox, who is caught in a racially inappropriate video that immediately goes viral. His hopes of being the man in charge of delivering a self-driving car to the public seem destined to blow up in his face. So he hires his aging mother's 71 year old caretaker, African-American Dotty, to be the temporary replacement CEO of his company, until the public furor dies down.