Tatjana Patitz

Tatjana Patitz

Рождение : 1966-05-25, Hamburg, Germany

Смерть : 2023-01-11


Tatjana Patitz (25 May 1966 - 11 January 2023) was a German supermodel and actress. She achieved international prominence as a model in the 1980s and 1990s.


Tatjana Patitz
Tatjana Patitz


George Michael Freedom Uncut
Freedom Uncut chronicles the tumultuous — yet creatively fruitful — period of Michael’s life and career following the release of his 1987 solo debut, Faith, then through the creation and release of his 1990 follow-up Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1. Along with documenting his creative efforts during this period, the doc will also explore his relationship with Anselmo Feleppa — who died from AIDS-related complications — as well as the death of Michael’s mother.
George Michael: Freedom
This documentary covers the span of George Michael's entire career, concentrating on the formative period in the late Grammy® Award winner’s life and career, leading up to and following the making of his acclaimed, best-selling album “Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1” and his subsequent, infamous High Court battle with his record label that followed, while also becoming poignantly personal about the death of his late partner and first love, Anselmo Feleppa.
Korn: Deuce
Lab assistant
Deuce is the second DVD by the American Nu Metal band, Korn. It was released on June 11, 2002 - the same day as the band's fifth studio release, Untouchables. The DVD was certified platinum by the RIAA. The DVD includes the band's first home video Who Then Now? and features the music video collection from Korn to Issues. Other extras include biographies of each band member, gags, behind-the-scenes of the music videos or live concerts, and various other things.
Restraining Order
Leight Woodfield
Robert Woodfield is a criminal defense attorney, and he has defended a lot of criminals, many of whom are guilty, but has maintained that everyone deserves a competent defense, which he provides whether they are guilty or not. Currently he is defending Martin Ritter, a killer, whom he gets off. Later he has dinner with a friend, and his friend tells him that he needs to talk to him about something important. He is about to leave when some masked men go to his friend and kill him, when one of the men takes off his mask; it's Martin Ritter. Now being his lawyer, Robert can't say anything about what he saw. But that doesn't stop him from investigating what his dead friend was so worried about. It seems that he has stumbled onto something big, and instead of killing him they frame his wife for murder to get him to back off. But he doesn't and both his wife and him are now in danger. And still has no idea what's going on. Will he find out before they get to him?
Высокая мода
Неделя высокой моды в Париже! Феерия страстей. На подиуме, а еще больше — вне его! В калейдоскопе звезд в безумии шныряют репортеры. Одна из них — настойчивая Китти Поттер. Ее задача — ничего не упустить. Здесь масса сплетен, недоразумений и интриг! Такие люди сразу в одном месте: актеры, модницы, миллионеры! Тусовщики и воротилы всех мастей. Вот беглый русский, вплавь добравшийся до места. Он у цели! Другим не так везет: Джо Флинн и Энн попали в передрягу, нескоро выберутся в свет. Неудивительно: в таком сумбуре теряешь честь и голову, достоинство и. .. вещи. Дань моде? До изнеможения! Се ля ви…
Восходящее солнце
Cheryl Lynn Austin
В зале заседаний совета директоров крупной японской корпорации найдена задушенная проститутка. Расследование этого убийства поручается детективу со знанием японской культуры и Лос-Анджелесскому офицеру.Впоследствии становится ясно, что мертвая девушка только верхушка айсберга хитросплетенных интриг и жестоких войн корпораций. Чтобы распутать эту головоломку, они окунаются в тайный мир новейших технологий, древних традиций и мнимой преданности.
Models: The Film
Chronicles five of fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh's muses, the supermodels of the early 1990s.
Огонь, лёд и динамит
Tatjana Patitz
Дела корпорации сэра Джорджа идут не лучшим образом. И все из-за его любви к природе на проекты по охране которой тратятся огромные деньги. Он решает исправить положение единственным способом — завещать все свое состояние фонду Мегатон который проведет совершенно безумные 3-дневные гонки на горных лыжах, велосипедах, байдарках, машинах и коньках по самым крутым трассам. В гонках могут участвовать все кому должен денег сэр Джордж. Победитель получает все — 135 миллионов долларов.