Julien Louis

Julien Louis


Julien Louis


Midnight Hustle
First Assistant Director
Two struggling ballerinas plunge into the world of stripping at a high-end club, only to find that with money and adoration comes crime and murder.
Love Don’t Fade Away
Love Don't Fade Away is a story of Love, Loss and the meaning of Life. A man, Raymond Vaughn, struggling to find peace of mind amidst the crushing pressures of financial insecurity and self-doubt. Feeling he is letting down himself and his beautiful wife, Cindy, who still loves him unconditionally, Raymond's pursuit of life's true meaning takes an unexpected turn. Raymond's serendipitous "discovery" challenges him to contemplate what matters most in this life... and beyond.
Love Don’t Fade Away
First Assistant Director
Love Don't Fade Away is a story of Love, Loss and the meaning of Life. A man, Raymond Vaughn, struggling to find peace of mind amidst the crushing pressures of financial insecurity and self-doubt. Feeling he is letting down himself and his beautiful wife, Cindy, who still loves him unconditionally, Raymond's pursuit of life's true meaning takes an unexpected turn. Raymond's serendipitous "discovery" challenges him to contemplate what matters most in this life... and beyond.
Johnny & Clyde
Second Assistant Director
Johnny and Clyde are two serial killers who are madly in love and on an endless crime spree. Alana (Megan Fox) is the confident and cunning owner of a prosperous casino that generates tens of millions of dollars each year. Johnny and Clyde decide to assemble a ragtag group of criminals and misfits to steal from Alana's casino and pull off the heist of the century. Unfortunately for Johnny and Clyde's crew, Alana has a deadly weapon at her disposal – the monstrous slasher spirit known as Bakwas.
First Assistant Director
When parents Janet and Sean leave for a much-needed weekend getaway, masked men bypass their high-tech home security system to hold their teen son hostage. Under threat of losing their son, the couple follow a series of cryptic instructions that land them at Janet's office with one final order: to kill her boss.
Merry Ex-Mas
First Assistant Director
Two unwitting ex-high school sweethearts who, while stranded at a random hotel bar during a snowstorm, discover their first love memories may be more than that after revisiting their past and present lives.
Fatal Influence: Like. Follow. Survive.
First Assistant Director
A social-media ambassador assembles a class of rising influencers. To gain followers they enter into a dangerous game of chance with a mysterious shadowy power, until all that remains is the content they were willing to do.
Лохматый патруль
First Assistant Director
Пес Гудини готовится к важному торжеству: наконец-то его любимая хозяйка Моника, неунывающая мать-одиночка с двумя детьми, решилась сделать предложение своему бойфренду Шейну. Пока вовсю идет подготовка к свадьбе, по округе катается фургон с двумя домушниками, которые рассчитывают обчистить район во время праздника. Однако Гудини узнает про их план и ни за что не допустит срыва долгожданной свадьбы! В этом псу помогут его лохматые и хвостатые приятели. Безопасность всей округи теперь в их лапах!
Drowning in Secrets
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Drowning in Secrets
First Assistant Director
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Паранормальное явление: Ближайшая родня
Key Production Assistant
Марго не знает никого из родни, так как мать бросила её ещё младенцем. Поэтому когда внезапно обнаруживается её кровный родственник, девушка в компании приятелей-документалистов отправляется снимать фильм про общину амишей, откуда, как выяснилось, она родом. Те принимают гостей и даже разрешают им использовать внутри коммуны камеры, но настрого запрещают ходить в лес. Вскоре ребята замечают, что от них что-то скрывают, а в общине происходит нечто странное.
Bad Cupid
Production Assistant
Archie is a God on a mission to ensure that true love always wins. Or, short of that, that someone is going to die trying. Not that he particularly cares which outcome it is. That's Archie's "Bad Cupid" approach to romance and beware anyone who gets in his way, especially anyone he's actually trying to help.
Королевская помолвка на рождество
Second Second Assistant Director
Лорен - трудолюбивый менеджер по рекламе, начинает влюбляться в Пола, консультанта, призванного ей на помощь в работе над важнейшим проектом в её жизни. Вот только никто и не догадывается, что на самом деле Пол - Принц Эдвард, член королевской семьи из Кандашира, притворившийся простым смертным.
Полицейский седан
Additional Production Assistant
Амбициозный полицейский Ник Холланд недавно окончил академию и приступил к работе в одном из самых неблагополучных районов Лос-Анджелеса. В напарники молодому патрульному дают опытного Рэя Мэндела, который уже побывал в настоящем аду, а теперь готов поделиться с новичком секретами службы. В первое совместное дежурство Рэй задаёт опасные вопросы Нику, переходя все границы. Когда Мэндел неожиданно узнаёт, что жена-наркоманка её погибшего партнёра продала свою дочь наркоторговцу, он решает отправиться на поиски девочки, вовлекая в опасную авантюру и Ника...