Production Design
Audra McDonald, Tony Award-winner for Carousel, Master Class, and Ragtime, appears live in concert from the Donmar Warehouse in London. In a program that blends the old and the new, McDonald presents ballads by Gershwin, Arlen, and Kern, along with songs by the next generation of music theatre composers. Her performance demonstrates why The New York Times has declared, "She has the vocal power and charisma to make you believe in a better musical future."
Art Direction
For a poet with a gift for crafting words into barbs, Stevie Smith lives a relatively conventional life. Sheltered in a London suburb, she spends her days engaged in tedious housework, crafting verse and conversing with her aunt. But while her body may be committed to drudgery, Stevie's mind is constantly trying to break free, which causes her to rail against religion and middle-class values, and prevents her from finding happiness with a man interested in her.
Art Direction
In a Philadelphia convent, two nuns battle it out to be elected to the position of head abbess, and neither is about to let anything stand in the way of getting what she wants.
Art Direction
Middle-aged Ann and her teenage daughter Joanna manage a failing hotel on an island off the British coast. One day, the hotel receives an unexpected guest, a man named Joe...
Production Design
Either you've got it or you haven't - some like randy young Timothy Lea (Robin Askwith), manage to get it all the time! Signing up with a pop group, our boisterous hero progresses rapidly from local gigs to scoring a titillating hit with The Climax Sisters, with plenty of ribald adventures along the way!
Art Direction
Young Timmy starts as a window cleaner in the little company of his brother. Soon he learns that some female customers expect additional service. Young and curious as he is, he reluctantly accepts the juicy duty. However his heart belongs to Liz, who demands the highest commitment until she lets him go all the way.
Art Direction
Умирающий миллионер Рудольф Дойч, который хочет исследовать возможность жизни после смерти, нанимает четверых ученых, чтобы они провели одну неделю в здании, известном под названием «Адский дом», в котором, как считается, обитают привидения. Физик Лайонелл Барретт, его жена Энн и двое медиумов-экстрасенсов, Флоренс Таннер и Бенджамин Фишер, прибывают в дом Эмерика Веласко, жестокого садиста. В конце двадцатых годов в доме было обнаружено множество трупов пришедших к Веласко гостей, но тело самого хозяина так никогда и не нашли…
Art Direction
Capitalising on his remarkable success in On the Buses, Reg Varney took on the contrasting role of a third-rate holiday camp entertainer dreaming of stardom in this mid-seventies comedy feature. Also starring fellow sitcom favourite Diana Coupland and Lee Montague, The Best Pair of Legs in the Business was adapted from an individual ITV Playhouse drama and scripted by Emmerdale Farm creator Kevin Laffan. 'Sherry' Sheridan, a middle-aged compère and drag artiste currently stationed at a caravan site, is low on talent but high on ambition. Convinced he just needs one decent break to launch himself into the big time, he's relentlessly optimistic - but sadly unaware that his family life is crumbling around him. Can Sherry manage to secure both his job, and his marriage?
Production Design
19 век. Доктор Джекилл ищет панацею от всех болезней, своеобразный эликсир жизни. Он изобретает изменяющую пол микстуру, после чего трансформируется в молодую и привлекательную женщину. Он берет себе имя миссис Хайд и представляется сестрой Джекилла. Начинается борьба между двумя личностями...
Art Direction
Leader of a tribe of amazon women, Queen Kari, has vanquished a rival tribe and rules them with savage ruthlessness and cruel arrogance. A hunter stumbles onto the enclave and falls for one of the slaves, so unleashing the anger and envy of the possessive, sadistic Queen.
Art Direction
На рекламном плакате фильма в шестидесятых было написано: "Рэкуэл Уэлч представляет первые в мире бикини!". Зрелищный (для шестидесятых годов) фильм о доисторических людях и их приключениях. Двое влюбленных принадлежат к разным племенам. Их чувства вспыхивают в доисторические времена, когда, по мнению авторов фильма, люди жили в одно время с динозаврами. Тем, кто видел этот фильм в советском прокате, картина ностальгически дорога сексапильной, смело по тем временам раздетой Уэлч, которой ее великолепная фигура в меховом бикини проложила путь к звездной славе.
Art Direction
Экспедиция в ранее неизведанную область обнаруживает город, которым управляет Аеша, бессмертная волшебница, которая видит своего прежнего возлюбленного (верховного жреца Каликрата) в лидере экспедиции. В то время как она пробует убедить его делать обряд, который приводит к бессмертию, её армия подвергается нападению некоторыми варварами, дочь лидера которых была захвачена Аешой. Её армия принимает жестокое сражение против плохо вооруженных, но сильных варваров.
Art Direction
Италия. XII век. Свирепствующая чума уничтожает людей без разбору. Принц Просперо, поклоняющийся Сатане, укрывается в своем замке вместе со своей возлюбленной Юлианой и молодой Франческой, чьи отец и жених становятся его пленниками. Жизнь в замке состоит из череды оргий и убийств, пока не появляется таинственный незнакомец, одетый во все красное...
Art Direction
An advertisement in the personal column brings elderly Mrs Winters to town with her Salviani painting and leads her to an adventure she could never have imagined.
Art Direction
Joe Beckett, seasoned citizen of the bedsitter belt, aged about 22, is the renegade son of modest, respectable parents and, to use his own description, 'an emotional leper'. He decides that he needs a violent shock to shake him back into life, and as a result accepts a commission to carry out the murder of a total stranger for a man he meets in a coffee bar...
Art Direction
A British physician stands trial for murdering his wife after he and his mistress are captured while fleeing to Canada.
Art Direction
Undistinguished British farce (in Technicolor and CinemaScope). Stoker Charlie (the diminutive Drake) helps 150 Wrens under Superintendent Maxine Audley, who've hijacked a frigate, HMS 'Huntress', to prove they're the equal of their male counterparts. Hardly a feminist masterpiece, but fans will relish the nightmare court-martial in which Drake plays all the parts
Art Direction
Set in Manchester, heartland of England's industrial north, Don Starling escapes from jail becoming England's most wanted man. Ruthless villain Starling together with his cronies engineered a robbery that resulted in the violent death of a young girl. Detective Inspector Martineau has been assigned to hunt him down and bring him in. From seedy barrooms, through gambling dens the trail leads to an explosive climax high on the rooftops of the city.
Art Direction
During World War II, a Royal Artillery officer is assigned to an anti-aircraft battery that is filled with female soldiers of the Auxiliary Territorial Service. His wife who has enlisted is mistakenly posted to the battery in violation of regulations of husbands and wives serving together in the same formation. She becomes jealous of what she perceives as him paying too much attention to the other Auxiliary Territorial Service women.
Art Direction
Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder.
Art Direction
After the battle of Worcester at the end of the Civil War, the main aim of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth is to capture Charles Stuart. The future king's escape depends on the intrepid Earl of Dawlish, who as the Moonraker has already spirited away many Royalists. Dawlish travels to the Windwhistle Inn on the south coast to prepare the escape, where he meets Anne Wyndham, the fiancée of a top Roundhead colonel.
Art Direction
В 1942 году Средиземноморское побережье Северной Африки было мало похоже на курорт. Немецкая армия беспрестанно бомбила и корабли, и сухопутные силы британской армии. Испугавшись бомбежки, две молоденькие медсестры, только прибывшие на фронт, отстают от своего корабля. Капитан Энсон получает приказ на грузовике доставить девушек в Александрию. Путь будет трудным и полным опасностей.
Art Direction
No Time for Tears is a moving, sympathetic portrayal of the challenges faced by all those who enter this most demanding yet rewarding of professions – from routine operations to more serious conditions, from anxious, sometimes hostile parents to workplace romance. The lives of the staff and patients of Mayfield Children's Hospital are inextricably woven together with the laughter, tears and devotion that lie behind the work of restoring children to health and happiness.
Art Direction
Locked in her cell, a murderer reflects on the events that have led her to death row.
Art Direction
В мае 1943 года эскадрилья бомбардировщиков "Ланкастер" разрушила две дамбы в Рурской долине в Германии, используя оригинальное оружие - "прыгающую бомбу". Этот фильм рассказывает о создании и применении этого оружия.