Anna Bourque


The Last Pogo Jumps Again
The Curse
A history of Toronto punk and new wave. A history of the first wave of Toronto punk rock and new wave music, from when the Ramones played in 1976 through to when the cops gave Teenage Head the boot at "The Last Pogo" concert in 1978.
Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story
Property Master
Biography of Chicago Bulls' basketball star Dennis Rodman, who is well known for his off-court and on-court shenanigans takes great effort to paint the calm, decent side of the athlete despite the film title. Dennis is shown to be pushed by his momma to play pro ball and to go to college where he would get the opportunity. Shipped to Oklahoma where he faces racism, he is taken in by a white family and coached by Lonn Reisman. The movie finally tracks Rodman into his wild, multi-haired current lifestyle. Written by John Sacksteder
Рок и правила
Энжел, участница рок-группы в постапокалиптическом будущем, похищена Моком, легендарным супер-рокером. Одержимый идеей зловещего эксперимента, Мок планирует использовать голос Энжел, чтобы вызвать из другого измерения ужасного демона. Оставшаяся часть группы следует за Моком в Ньюк-Йорк в попытке вернуть ее.
Take Me Up to the Ball Game
In this interplanetary baseball story, a group of friends are playing a sandlot game on Earth that is noticed by Irwin, an outer space promoter of baseball. The haphazard team consists of an eagle, a beaver, a bear, a kangaroo, and a mole. Irwin invites the Earth team to play against the Outer Space All-Stars, an awesome team that has never lost a game, of that matter, been scrored upon. Their secret: they are the biggest cheaters in the universe.