Кора, ее брат Онан и еще четверо друзей отправляются на охоту. По дороге они делятся друг с другом своими мечтами, желаниями, страхами, фантазиями и проблемами. Вдали от семьи и любимых они рассказывают истории своей жизни. Но погода портится и путешествие оказывается намного сложнее, чем они могли ожидать.
Akbar, a powerful name in the Mangalore underworld shares his business lead with Mani Menon and Uncle Sam. They share a good relationship until Anto, grandson of Uncle Sam, creates havoc.
Five women, Anikha, Isha, Gauri, Kullante and Aami, undergo life-changing experiences with regard to love.
The film tells the love story of an obese youth named Luke John Prakash. Luke comes from a wealthy family and is in love with a girl named Ann Mary Thadikkaran (Ann Augustine). The evolution of their relationship through various stages forms the crux of the story.
22 Female Kottayam, also known as 22FK, is a 2012 Indian rape and revenge film directed by Aashiq Abu and starring Rima Kallingal and Fahad Fazil in the lead roles. The film deals with the travails of a nurse who was victimised for no fault of hers and who takes revenge on her tormentors in a rather unusual manner. Set and filmed in Bangalore, the film released on April 13, 2012, and received strongly positive reviews from critics. It was also well received at the box-office.