Aashish Chanana


Dreams highlights the role played by a happy-go-lucky flamboyant Bollywood film Director in uplifting the mundane existence of a poor girl. Derided by people, including her own parents, the girl considers her birth to be curse until the Director instills her with new-found confidence, hope and self-belief.
Dreams highlights the role played by a happy-go-lucky flamboyant Bollywood film Director in uplifting the mundane existence of a poor girl. Derided by people, including her own parents, the girl considers her birth to be curse until the Director instills her with new-found confidence, hope and self-belief.
Dreams highlights the role played by a happy-go-lucky flamboyant Bollywood film Director in uplifting the mundane existence of a poor girl. Derided by people, including her own parents, the girl considers her birth to be curse until the Director instills her with new-found confidence, hope and self-belief.
Огонь и пламя
Огонь любви и пламя ненависти. Бедный юноша Ражу влюблен в богатую и чванливую Ушу, которая изначально презирала его чувства. Ее брат, негодяй Нагеш, избивает Ражу за то, что тот осмелился любить Ушу. Но неустрашимый Ражу просит о помощи затворника Вишала, который познал и любовь, и ненависть. Когда Вишал обещает помочь Ражу, подлый Нагеш решается убить Вишала. Однако он недооценил силу и решительность Вишала. Все было готово к решающему поединку.