Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Рождение : 1979-08-07, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Eric Johnson is a Canadian film and television actor and director, best known for playing Whitney Fordman on science-fiction television series "Smallville", Detective Luke Callaghan on the police drama "Rookie Blue", and Dr. Everett Gallinger on the series "The Knick".


Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson


Исчезновение на дороге Клифтон Хилл
Charlie Lake
Обеспокоенная девушка Эбби возвращается в свой родной город Ниагара-Фолс, где воспоминания о давнем похищении заманивают её в ловушку.
Pimpin Ain't Easy
Teddy Long
A pimp’s girl gets kidnapped in the same area, a child gets kidnapped by some rookie human traffickers, and they’re on a hunt to find the two.
Простая просьба
Стефани, мама-блогер из маленького городка, оказывает подруге простую услугу, после чего та бесследно исчезает... Вместе с Шоном, мужем пропавшей, Стефани должна докопаться до истины. Отныне их жизни полны тайн и предательств, любви и верности, убийств и мести.
Пятьдесят оттенков свободы
Jack Hyde
Кристиан и Анастейша поженились и живут в своё удовольствие, наслаждаясь обществом друг друга. Но жизнь новоиспечённой миссис Грей находится в опасности, поскольку объявляется недруг, который собирается мстить, используя свою богатую фантазию. Призраки прошлого Кристиана вновь вернулись, а тучи над супругами сгущаются всё сильнее.
На пятьдесят оттенков темнее
Jack Hyde
Пока Кристиан Грей борется со своими внутренними демонами, Анастейша Стил вынуждена противостоять гневу и зависти тех женщин, что были с Кристианом до нее.
Валентин навсегда
Из-за нелепой случайности Джулию и Сидни приговаривают к общественным работам, и подруги на месяц застревают в провинциальном городке. Познакомившись с владельцем ранчо, Джулия понимает, чего на самом деле хочет. А ведь в Чикаго её ждёт жених…
Interview With A Time Traveler
Time Traveler
A time traveler meets with a journalist in a hotel late one night under the guise of sharing his life story for an article. What the journalist doesn't know, however, is that the time traveler has an ulterior motive for inviting him there that will change his life forever.
Пихтовое сумасшествие
С самого детства Элиз Макрейнолдс ненавидит Рождество. Все дело в том, что ее отец — владелец небольшого семейного бизнеса по продаже рождественских елей. Поэтому для Элиз Рождество — это пихтовое сумасшествие, когда она должна была на морозе продавать колючие деревья предвкушающим праздник людям. Элиз уже выросла, а Рождество по-прежнему не любит. Однажды ей пришлось вернуться в родной городок, чтобы вновь помогать отцу на елочном базаре, поскольку тот сломал ногу. Эта поездка станет для Элиз настоящим рождественским чудом.
Deck the Halls
Jack Riley
Detective Regan Reilly and cleaning-woman-turned-private-eye Alvirah Meegan, investigate the kidnapping of Regan's father and a young female driver just before the holidays. The race is on to rescue the pair and get them home in time for Christmas.
Миссис Чудо в Манхэттене
Эмили Меркл приходит в отдел игрушек торговогоо центра Finley`s Store в качестве сезонного сотрудника. Когда покажется, будто Рождество в этом году может не настать, Эмили докажет, что её не зря называют Миссис Чудо.
Meteor Storm
Kyle Pember
San Francisco becomes a target for waves of destructive meteors after a rogue comet orbits around the earth... For astronomer, Michelle Young, what was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event, soon turns into her worst nightmare as thousands of meteors break the surface of the atmosphere and bombard the city of San Francisco.
My Nanny's Secret
After the house is robbed and the nanny's brother is a suspect, she lies to protect him, but she then realizes he isn't the only one with a secret.
The Work and the Glory III: A House Divided
Joshua Steed
Joshua Steed returns to Missouri a wealthy man with a beautiful wife; however, the past has a way of catching up. Soon Joshua is tangled in a web of rumors, deception and betrayal that threatens to tear his family apart. Back in Kirtland, financial trouble riddles the foundations of the fledgling Church causing a division, and questioning of the Prophet Joseph Smith's divine calling. Has he lost his prophetic gift? Hundreds of Saints immigrate to Missouri, where Governor Boggs raises an army - with Joshua at its head - to address the "Mormon Problem." When the militia receives orders to attack the Mormon settlement, only Joshua can save his family from the gathering mob.
Honeymoon with Mom
When she's dumped at the altar, a young woman takes her mother on her intended honeymoon to a remote resort. But her mother has ulterior motives -- she needs a big interview to help her magazine, and the resort owner is the perfect catch.
Expiration Date
Animal Control Officer #2
Charlie Silvercloud III lives with the family curse, on his fathers and grandfathers 25th birthday they were killed by a milk truck. It is now Charlies turn.
The Work and the Glory II: American Zion
Joshua Steed
"The Work and The Glory: American Zion" sets the story of the fictional Steed family against the historically factual backdrop of the Mormon people's move into the West. Divided by their diverse reactions to a nascent ideology, the Steeds struggle to hold together as the strength of their convictions and their filial bonds are tested. The stirring narrative of the faith that led a persecuted people to Missouri and beyond is one of the most poignant untold tales of American history. It is the account of a valiant struggle to exercise the rights promised by a fledgling nation. "The Work and the Glory: American Zion" unearths the story of the passion behind the movement which eventually launched the largest American migration and the colonization of the West: the vision of a promised land in America.
A Friend of the Family
Darrin Shaw
After she narrowly escaped rape by attackers in Toronto, artist Alison Shaw and her devoted hunky husband Darrin, a construction worker, move to a rural small town in Ontario and nest a dream home. The locals are welcoming, especially David Snow, who makes Darrin his partner in an Antiques business and gallery for her art, but then she believes David is the serial killer behind a number of murders on women looking rather like her- given his excellent reputation, nobody believes her. Even after they move to Vancouver, her obsession remains focused and Darrin had had enough...
Roddy Dutch
In an isolated small town in the Pacific Northwest, Sylvia's teenaged life of juggling two boyfriends and an overprotective father is turned upside down when she discovers she has a bizarre virus which has randomly plagued the women in her community for decades and shamefully forced those afflicted into hiding. Sylvia undergoes a horrifying physical transformation, and she finds herself drawn into a persecuted underworld where she begins an astonishing journey of freakish self-discovery. Marker is a classic coming-of-age tale with a horror twist, which pits its heroine against her oppressors - the town's non-afflicted - in a battle for self-determination--and survival.
The Work and the Glory
Joshua Steed
When Benjamin Steed and Mary Ann Steed relocate their family to upstate New York in the early 1800's, they unwittingly settle in a town divided along religious lines. After their new hired help turns out to be at the center of the uproar, each member of the Steed family must come to terms with their own beliefs in the face of heavy persecution. Together they struggle to weather the raging controversy surrounding a young man named Joseph Smith.
Anonymous Rex
The dinosaurs didn't go completely extinct when the asteroids hit 65 million years ago. Today, every ten thousandth person in the country is a dinosaur, evolved to be human-sized, wearing sophisticated solid-light holographic disguises to maintain the facade, getting stoned off regular cooking herbs like basil, rosemary and tarragon, and living by their own shadow government's laws; any human who stumbles upon them is to be immediately executed. Two dino private investigators, velociraptor Vincent Rubio and triceratops Ernie Watson, are hired by one of Ernie's old girlfriends to find out why her younger brother committed suicide, and discover a dino cult called Voice Of Progress that wants dinokind to come out of the closet and reclaim the planet.
Сестра оборотня
У героини фильма Бриджит умирает сестра Джинджер, подвергшаяся нападению оборотня. Умирает, несмотря на все усилия Бриджит, перепробовавшей все средства для её лечения. Во время борьбы за жизнь сестры Бриджит заражается её кровью. И вот теперь она начинает замечать, что и с ней самой происходят странные вещи — постепенно, день за днем, она превращается в дикое животное, а точнее — в оборотня. Лекарство, которое должно было ей помочь, всего лишь замедляет процесс превращения на небольшой срок, и кровожадный, ненасытный монстр, поселившийся внутри Бриджит, становится всё сильнее и со дня на день готовится вырваться на свободу.
Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
Brian Richter
A Hollywood star (Fawcett), fed up with her husband's cheating, hires a private investigator to tail him. Emotional support is offered by her two friends - a soul singer (Givens) and a famous director's wife (Gilbert)
Пиф-паф, ты – мертв
Mark Kenworth
История школьника Тревора, который стал жертвой задир. Это привело мальчика, казалось бы, в безвыходную ситуацию. Однако школьный учитель актерского мастерства решает помочь юноше, предлагая ему роль в постановке. Только через некоторое время пьеса оказывается под угрозой запрета, что может вернуть все проблемы Тревора, лишь обострив ситуацию.
Stealing Sinatra
Dean Torrence
In need of a grubstake, a young man convinces a couple of friends to help him kidnap Frank Sinatra Jr. It's a true story
Техасские рейнджеры
Банда Кинга Фишера бесчинствует в Техасе, убивая людей десятками. Желая остановить кровавый беспредел, капитан Макнэлли и его ближайший помощник — сержант Армстронг создают отряд рейнджеров и объявляют Фишера вне закона. Их вооруженная до зубов, но малочисленная группа, должна суметь достать того, кто пролил столько крови на их земле!
Borderline Normal
A family goes through a divorce.
Darren Huenemann
Darren Huenemann, a spoiled 18-year old plots to have two classmates murder his mother and grandmother so he can inherit their fortunes. His worship of Caligula leads him to treat all like those in the Roman Imperial Court, manipulating, threatening and cajoling those who would stand in his way. Based on a true story of the early Nineties in British Columbia.
Bear with Me
Scott Robinson
An orphaned bear cub is adopted by little Emily and her family. They name the cub Masha, raise her and release her back into the wild. Three years go by, and Emily is lost deep in the forest. Cold, frightened and alone in the darkness, she falls and is knocked unconscious. When she awakens, Emily is amazed to see that a brown bear has kept her warm and dry all night by cuddling her. It's Masha – and Emily is overjoyed to be reunited with the bear just when she needs a friend most. Together the two bravely set off on an adventure to find their way home. Bear With Me is a tale the whole family will find as exciting as it is heart-warming . . . and the magnificent forests of the Pacific Northwest lend this story of loyalty, friendship and adventure a magic all its own.
Question of Privilege
Joel Aldridge
A defense attorney wife and her prosecutor husband square off in court over a murder case in which four young boys are accused.
Heart of the Sun
Depression era drama set in Alberta finds a farmer's wife who swears that her inability to have a child is a punishment from God. In fact, it is slowly revealed that her inability to have a child stems from an illicit relationship that she had with a local priest and a subsequent operation forced on her in a cover-up by the church and her family which left her infertile
Oklahoma City: A Survivor's Story
The story of the rescue and recovery of an Oklahoma City bomb survivor.
Легенды осени
Teen Tristan
«Некоторые люди очень ясно слышат свой внутренний голос, и живут так, как он им подсказывает. Такие люди сходят с ума. Или становятся легендами». Так начинается история семьи Ладлоу — стремительный и романтический рассказ о трёх братьях, их отце и молодой и неотразимой женщине, которая роковым образом изменяет жизнь каждого из них. С детства трое братьев неразлучны, однако они ещё не подозревают, по какой тропе страстей и насилия поведёт жизнь каждого из них. Сквозь ужасы Первой Мировой, сквозь потерянные годы, последовавшие за войной, через любовь и потери, предательство и надежду. И в центре всегда оказывался недосягаемый, непредсказуемый Тристан.
Road to Saddle River
An East European butcher, the Cowboy Kid, heads west to find Saddle River. A comic odyssey, filled with odd characters, misadventures and stunningly beautiful western landscapes. A classic Canadian road movie comedy.
Schulmädchen 4 - Heiße Hüpfer
Fight Another Day
Ryan Taylor
Follows a tough cop, who after being transported to a dystopian future, must enter a deadly combat tournament to be able to return to his past.
A Million Miles Away
The story of Mexican-American astronaut José Hernéndez, who became the first migrant farmworker to travel into space.