Rob Carpenter

Rob Carpenter

Рождение : 1973-02-10, Ontario, Canada


Rob Carpenter


A Stepmother's Sin
Jonathan Hale has amnesia. Accused of a heinous act, he's paired with a criminal psychologist to determine if he's fit for trial. But having lost his memory, is he still the same person he was, or can he reinvent himself?
A functioning depressive, Bill Gotts (Casey Manderson) had a completely different vision when he imagined life in his thirties. The opinion columnist attempts to find his way through an early mid life crisis with the help of his over opinionated and equally flawed peers, to eventually conclude that he knows nothing. Though, that revelation may be the best step toward actually discovering something great in life.
A functioning depressive, Bill Gotts (Casey Manderson) had a completely different vision when he imagined life in his thirties. The opinion columnist attempts to find his way through an early mid life crisis with the help of his over opinionated and equally flawed peers, to eventually conclude that he knows nothing. Though, that revelation may be the best step toward actually discovering something great in life.
Valley of the Rats
A young man is accused of his ex-girlfriend's murder. Before he is formally charged by the police, he sets out on a two-day odyssey to find the real killer: tracking down his leads from the backseat of a rented limousine. This allows him to converse and ponder class, society, life in the city, and to contemplate the dirt that runs in the small nooks and valleys of cosmopolitan life. Mid-way through the film, the style transforms into Brividio Giallo contemporary, wordless operatic imagery of sex and violence.
The next experience in experimental giallo & film noir, inspired by the sensual and violent world of the Italian giallo film, Glass tells the tale of a young Canadian couple, Mike and Zarana, who decide to cut themselves off from social media and remain in their glass-walled apartment overlooking the waters running through their city. Anxiety, paranoia, violence, and murder follows. Sex, conspiracy and violence explode in GLASS, the second instalment of Vince D'Amato's neo-giallo series. Tirra Dent plays Zarana, a woman consumed by paranoia and rabid nightmares after she finds herself relentlessly stalked by the enigmatic killer. Set in the "glass jungle" of Vancouver's gentrified neighbourhoods, Glass is a scathing critique of social media and the society of middle and lower classes.
Dirty Bill of Health
What if a simple visit to the doctor became the ultimate showdown? DIRTY BILL OF HEALTH is an intriguing thriller with a hint of dark humor that follows a seemingly easy going WILLIAM, to his first check up. When the straight laced DR. SELAURS drops a series of odd questions and the ultimate test, the audience may ask who's really testing who. Nothing is what it seems with a Doctor versus Patient moment that flips the oath 'Do No Harm' upside down.
Dirty Bill of Health
What if a simple visit to the doctor became the ultimate showdown? DIRTY BILL OF HEALTH is an intriguing thriller with a hint of dark humor that follows a seemingly easy going WILLIAM, to his first check up. When the straight laced DR. SELAURS drops a series of odd questions and the ultimate test, the audience may ask who's really testing who. Nothing is what it seems with a Doctor versus Patient moment that flips the oath 'Do No Harm' upside down.
The Hard Cut
Roddy Tillinghast
The arrival of a mysterious woman with a large sum of cash peaks detective Roddy Tillinghast. His financial woe's motivate him to the center of a cult of deadly femmes who need to put him six feet under.
The Hard Cut
The arrival of a mysterious woman with a large sum of cash peaks detective Roddy Tillinghast. His financial woe's motivate him to the center of a cult of deadly femmes who need to put him six feet under.
The Scientist
Действия картины разворачиваются в мире, который контролируют биоинженерные корпорации. Их сверхзадача - синергия компьютера и человека: "чипизация" неблагонадежных, прошивка мозга для тотального контроля над обществом. Привлекательная идея научного прогресса незаметно для гуманистов выродилась в манию кибернетической тирании. На фоне этой глобальной болезни человечества высвечивается трагическая судьба отдельного человека, подминаемого системой, но не теряющего надежды на свободу и счастье. Главного героя "Прошивки" Люка Гибсона лишили прошлого, перепрошив его сознание с помощью биокомпьютерного имплантата. Теперь Люк борется за свое будущее, узнав истинные мотивы ученых.
Ничего себе поездочка 2: Смерть впереди
Trucker #1
По дороге в Лас Вегас на рок-концерт у четвёрки друзей ломается машина. Решив позаимствовать чужой автомобиль, они и не подозревали, что он на самом деле принадлежит маньяку по кличке Ржавый ноготь, которого факт пропажи транспортного средства сильно опечалил.
When Life Was Good
Brooklyn flies home to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday, but immediately changes her mind upon arrival and decides to hide out for the summer with her friend Faith. Faith lives with Casey and with relationship problems of their own, the couple are happy with the distraction...until Brooklyn begins to assert herself, then all of the characters come face to face with the hard realities of their relationships.
After inadvertently offending a strange entity that accosts him on his way to work, a 1970s businessman quickly finds himself in the midst if a bizarre predicament.
Executive Producer
Этот 50 минутный фильм повествует о медсестре, которую изнасиловал маньяк прямо в лифте. Но маньяк пришел ещё раз, и она отбилась от него электрошокером, потом связала и держала у себя в квартире несколько дней, чтобы приходя домой с работы выместить всю злость накопившуюся за день, и каждый раз все более изощренными методами. Но когда питомец умер – ей для развлечений понадобился следующий мужичок...
Disparate characters are connected by loneliness and a desire for human interaction.