Stefano Cialoni


Una festa esagerata
Production Consultant
Mirea is about to be 18 years old, and her family is prepearing a big party for her. Teresa, Mirea's mother, wants to gain notoriety, so begins to spend recklessy for the celebration. When the day finally comes, an unexpected death puts it at risk.
A Natale mi sposo
Delegated Producer
Volesse il cielo!
Delegated Producer
A police inspector has to help an eccentric stranger who seems to have lost his memory.
Il pesce innamorato
Delegated Producer
Carpenter Arturo writes kids' stories in his spare time until a chance encounter propels him into literary stardom. At the peak of his success, he has a one-night stand with beautiful Matilde. Months after, when he retreats in the woods to work on new stories, Matilde shows up holding a baby in her arms...
Amore a prima vista
Delegated Producer
A man falls in love with a dude after a corneal transplantation.
Delegated Producer
In Pietrasanta all are excited for the annual party of summer end. Here we find four characters: Merigo, a naive guy passionate of bike; Pierre, son of the mayor; Simone, a pestiferous kid; Mario, lifeguard of "Bagnomaria".
My Best Friend's Wife
Delegated Producer
Roberto is a doctor in a small town near Naples. He suffers from a severe heart disease and he is heading toward an American hospital for a dangerous surgery with little or no hope of surviving. Therefore he talks to his best friend since childhood, Michele, a columnist at the local newspaper, explaining his last and long-wanted desire: having sex once with his Swedish beautiful wife, Frida.
Auguri professore
Delegated Producer
Professor Lipari teaches in a public school and is in a full-on existential crisis. He has no faith in himself and in the possibility of changing the world for the better. At school, a former student of his who is also a teacher will change his attitude.
Fuochi d'artificio
Delegated Producer
Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.
Марианна Укрия
Delegated Producer
Сицилия, начало XVIII века. Замкнутая Марианна с детства лишена слуха и речи. Она окружена любовью и заботой матери, бабушки и дедушки, но для обеспечения семьи в 13 лет вынуждена выйти замуж за престарелого родственника, герцога Пьетро, который является родным дядей девушки…
Uomo d'acqua dolce
Delegated Producer
Antonio takes a hit on his head when he's out to buy a jar of mushrooms for his wife, and loses his memory. He reappears five years later unaware that time has passed.
Il ciclone
Delegated Producer
The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five beautiful flamenco dancers from Spain.
Iris Blond
Delegated Producer
Romeo, a lovelorn Roman musician in his 40s with 20 years since his only hit, consults a fortuneteller who predicts he'll find love and money with a foreign singer named for a flower. In Brussels he meets Marguerite, an older chanteuse who interprets Jacques Brel and loves her yappy dog.
Vesna Goes Fast
Delegated Producer
Czech immigrant Vesna arrives in Italy and is forced into casual prostitution by poverty. The encounter with a kind construction worker could help change her situation.
Viaggi di nozze
Delegated Producer
The vicissitudes of three couples of newlyweds from the celebration of weddings to their respective honeymoons.
Голос луны
Главные герои не владеют своим рассудком. Их наваждение — луна, и однажды им кажется, что они ее изловили…
Il bambino e il poliziotto
Carlo, a police officer, after intercepting a call conducts a drug bust at a private party at the upper class apartment of Rosanna Clerici and she is arrested. Just as the police and party guests are leaving, Giulio, Rosanna's six-year-old son, comes out of his room and asks Carlo where his mother is. Seeing that Carlo is the person responsible for his mother's arrest, Giulio tags along with him until his mother is freed. Carlo does everything possible to have Social Services or somebody look after the kid but is told by the Courts that he is the best candidate for his custody until a better one is found. Even though Giulio manages to turn Carlo's life inside out he ends up getting to like the kid and falling for the kid's mother, Rosanna, while she is in prison. It ends with Rosanna being released from prison and the three of them going out for dinner.
Он хуже меня
Два бесшабашных друга-весельчака Леонардо (Адриано Челентано) и Лучано (Ренато Поццетто) только и делают, что попадают в бесконечные переделки. Когда один из них решает жениться, их дружба претерпевает кризис...
Две истории в одном фильме. Эдуардо случайно узнает, что у него приемные родители. Его настоящий отец умирает, но перед смертью он сообщает, что его матерью была «Королева Английская», не успев уточнить, что это прозвище итальянской проститутки. Но Эдуардо уже несется в столицу Англии, где правит ничего не подозревающая королева… Вторая история является пародией на очень популярный в 70-х киножанр «джиалло». Детектив Богги решил завершить свою карьеру полицейского, взявшись за дело, в котором он должен оградить актрису Линду от посягательств на нее маньяка, который беспокоил ее телефонными звонками с угрозами.
Аттила, бич божий
В сельской местности Сеграте живёт племя варваров во главе с королем Ардарико. Пока мужчины охотятся, деревня разграблена римлянами, которые крадут еду, женщин и скот варваров. Когда Ардарико узнаёт об этом инциденте, он отправляется с дюжиной несчастных людей в Рим, к самопровозглашённому, страшному варварскому королю пророчества Аттилу, чтобы вернуть украденное вещи.
Crime on the Highway
Undercover cop Nico Giraldi is once again transformed, now as a trucker in a criminal gang.
Two friends grow up together in the Sicily of the '50s. Two different destiny, two different way of life. Could their friendship survive to the mafia shadow?
Break Up
Paolo has been reasonably happy for the past 10 years; he has a job at the university and has Sena as a lover all these years. When she suddenly decides to leave the relationship, it comes as a shock to him, and he desperately wants to know the reason. After a series of reconciliations and separations, he finally finds out and briefly has another apparently blissful relationship with Silva.
Goodbye & Amen
As John Dhannay, a CIA agent stationed in Rome, plans the overthrow of an African government, he discovers one of his men has been in contact with agents from the other side. Before he can confront the traitor, the man seemingly goes crazy, sniping several people before taking an adulterous couple hostage in a hotel room.