Leonid Moroz


Iron Wolf
Sound Director
One day, a son of a king went for a ride in the woods. He fell asleep and didn’t notice he was deep in the forest, where the iron wolf lives. The angry roar and the gnashing of steel jaws awakened him, and he broke into a run to save himself from the dreadful monster.
Little Blue Hat
Sound Director
The Ukrainian animation is based on the classic Scottish fairy tale about the misadventures of a regular fisherman, whose day was a complete disaster since early morning when he went into the woods to look for a tree for his new boat.
The Little Mitten
Sound Director
Мультипликационный фильм по мотивам сказки про теремок о том, как хлопец потерял в лесу рукавчику, а зверюшки нашли в ней приют. Первой рукавичку нашла мышка и стала в ней жить. Затем в рукавичке поселились лягушка, зайчик, лиса, волк, кабан и даже медведь! В это время хлопец обнаружил потерю и пошёл искать рукавчику…
Tale of the Goddess Mokosha
Sound Director
Once there was a simple country woman, but she had a bad husband, because he did nothing puting all the work on the fragile shoulders of his wife. As time passed, nothing has changed, and he dealt with pleasure with only one thing - he devoured all the food. She didn't think she could change anything, but a goddess Mokosha intervened, deservedly punishing the ungrateful slacker.
Oh Dear, These Guests Have Come to Me
Sound Editor
A touching cinematic portrait of a woman who survived the 1933 Holodomor and whose life comprised more dramatic moments than a screenwriter could possibly describe. This is one of the first films raising the issue of the Great Famine.