Director of Photography
This dramatic comedy offers a tender and offbeat look at the turbulent and intoxicating period of the transition to adulthood, with the city of Quebec and its 1970s and 1980s as a backdrop.
Director of Photography
This is the story of a man, who on his way home, finds a pair of shoes on a trash can. Once he tries them on, he is no longer the master of his destiny.
Director of Photography
Who would you be today if, a few years ago, you had not chosen the path you took? Another person, in another life. Completely, definitely, irrevocably.
Director of Photography
Marie, a Canadian editor specialized in testimonies of Genocide survivors, starts to receive anonymous large envelopes with the narrative of Ali, a young Palestinian who grew up in a refugee camp in Lebanon. Intrigued, Marie investigates the origin of these envelopes and finds out who is the anonymous writer. This is how she establishes a connection with Joseph, a Lebanese worker hired to paint the offices. A strange relation develops between these two persons who come from very different worlds. But after a while, Joseph abruptly disappears and Marie, overwhelmed by the mission fallen on her, starts a journey into the past, through a small village in Lebanon, in the heart of a bloodthirsty culture were lies the key of all the enigmas.
Special Effects
An allegory of mankind heading for disaster, this animated short is a tragic vision inspired by the 4th movement of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Drawing on the composer’s brilliant ability to evoke work and labour in his music, animator Patrick Bouchard brings earth to life through animated clay sculptures, creating a tactile nightmare in which man is his own slave driver.
Director of Photography
Two old friends and small-time crooks embark on a crime spree, but take an unexpected detour that could lead them down the road to redemption.
Director of Photography
Christmas approaches and the Lévesque family has once again gathered for their traditional celebration. But this time there is a mixture of emotions running through each person. The patriarch of the family suffers from a combination of Parkinson’s Disease and heart failure. His life reduced in every way, the end approaches and there are unhappy memories of his once violent and authoritarian past. But his wife, ten children and many grandchildren try to maintain a semblance of the Christmas season.
Director of Photography
Как известно, кризис среднего возраста на мужчин сказывается по-разному. Вот и наши герои, подойдя к важному рубежу своей жизни, ждут больших перемен. Жан-Жак устал от женщин и по совету психолога решает сменить ориентацию. Жерар на грани развода, Патрис вдруг понимает, что он неудачник, а Серж, в поисках новых ощущений, совершает массу нелепых ошибок. Но поскольку все четверо неисправимые оптимисты — все будет круто!
Director of Photography
Juliette, 15, is the only child of an eminent judge and has had the best of education in the best of schools. Her father is in the limelight because he’s been chosen to preside over one of the most important trials of the past 10 years: the case of Réal Lamontagne, a notorious criminal accused of killing a child. Roméo, 17, is the son of the accused. Even though they come from diametrically opposed universes, Juliette and Roméo fall for each other.
Director of Photography
During a brief stay in Florence, Camille believes she's victim of an enormous flood. Urgently taken to a psychiatric hospital, she is diagnosed with the Stendhal Syndrome: a temporary psychological disorder well known to affect tourists who are too vulnerable to the beauty of art work. This disorder which is considered benign doesn't worry the medical staff who asks that she be sent back to her country. Back home, she has to come to terms with a tragedy she has wanted to flee: her mom had gone missing right before her departure. Convinced that she has to move on with her life for her mental sanity, Camille decides that it is time to accept the fact that her mother will never come back. But when she goes to Matane, the last place where her mother had been seen alive, Camille comes across many clues that will propel her into an emotional roller coaster.
Director of Photography
Канадский журналист Бернар Валькур приезжает в Руанду снимать фильм о СПИДе и влюбляется в местную девушку-официантку по имени Жантий. Любовная интрига развивается на фоне кровавых событий геноцида тутси в Руанде в 1994 году.
Director of Photography
В Рождество, 25 декабря 1960 года, родился Захари Болье, четвёртый ребёнок в семье, состоящей из пяти мальчиков и их родителей. Обычная семья: любящая мать и отец, грубоватый, исполненный гордости своими сыновьями. Сложные трансформации личности, в ходе которых маленький мальчик взрослеет, изменяясь и внешне и внутренне, встречают отторжение и неприятие его отца. Жизнь семьи наполняется необычными и экстраординарными событиями.
Director of Photography
История больного раком мозга десятилетнего мальчика, который отправился в джунгли, чтобы исполнить свою последнюю мечту — поймать редкую голубую бабочку.
Director of Photography
It is during the final months of 1999 that 46-year-old physician Jerri Nielsen (Susan Sarandon) finds herself stranded at the Amundsen-South Pole Research Station along with a tiny staff of researchers and technicians. Although, at first, there is little love lost between the somewhat aloof Nielsen and her more down-to-earth colleagues, a strong bond develops among them as the extreme Antarctic winter progresses. Nielsen, in particular, grows quite close to two of the "Polies": Big John Penny (Aidan Devine) and Claire Furinski (Cynthia Mace).
Director of Photography
In a near future society a man claims that his dreams physically change reality. His therapist is confused at first but soon decides to use him for his own gain. The 2002 adaptation discards a significant portion of the original plot, some essential characters, and much of the philosophical underpinnings of the book and the original PBS production. Ursula K. Le Guin disapproved of the A&E production, and stated that she found it "misguided and uninteresting".
Director of Photography
В начале третьего тысячелетия самым суровым законом стал «закон Шестого дня». Он запрещал клонирование людей и создание искусственных копий человека. Но огромная подпольная империя вопреки запрету выращивает человечество нового будущего, сотни управляемых теней.Налаженная машина преступления не давала сбоев, пока в ее совершенный механизм не вмешалась случайность: пилот вертолета Адам Гибсон неожиданно приоткрыл непроницаемую завесу заговора. Теперь он — последний рубеж обороны, отделяющий цивилизацию от общества зомби.
Director of Photography
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
Director of Photography
Robert Lepage directed this Canadian comedy, filmed in black and white and color and adapted from Lepage's play The Seven Branches of the River Ota. In October 1970, Montreal actress Sophie (Anne-Marie Cadieux) appears in a Feydeau farce at the Osaka World's Fair. Back in Montreal, her boyfriend Michel (Alexis Martin) watches the October Crisis on TV and sees Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau declare the War Measures Act. The Canadian Army patrols Montreal streets. Sophie learns she's pregnant and phones Michel. However, Michel is immersed in politics, while Sophie rejects the amorous advances of her co-star (Eric Bernier), becomes friendly with a blind translator, and passes an evening with frivolous Canadian embassy official Walter (Richard Frechette) and his wife Patricia (Marie Gignac). Meanwhile, in Montreal, Michael plots terrorist activities. Commenting on East-West cultural distinctions, the film intercuts between Quebec (in black and white) and Japan (in color).
Director of Photography
The Director reflects upon and seeks to understand the causes and the events that lead to her drug-addicted prostitute daughter being murdered at the age of 26.
Director of Photography
14 апреля 1912 года. На борту «Титаника» в салоне первого класса семья американского издателя Уинфилда празднует обручение дочери - Эдвины. Считанные минуты остаются до ужасной трагедии, которая разделит пассажиров на погибших и уцелевших. Эдвина теряет и родителей и любимого, и только надежда помогает ей жить дальше.
Director of Photography
Париж, 1929 год. Мариэль и ее муж Шарль счастливы в браке. Но в результате несчастного случая погибает их маленький сын. Потрясенный горем, Шарль обвиняет во всем Мариэль, и она, пережив нервный срыв, попадает в больницу. Выздоровев, Мариэль разводитсяс мужем и уезжает в Нью-Йорк, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Она знакомится с богатым магнатом Паттерсоном и становится смотрителем его коллекции произведений искусства. Деловые отношения перерастают в любовь. Мариэль выходит замуж за Паттерсона и даритему сына. Она уверена, что ее жизнь наладилась. Но сын внезапно исчезает, и к ней возвращаются мучительные воспоминания, тем более, что все улики указывают на бывшего мужа..
Director of Photography
Неделя высокой моды в Париже! Феерия страстей. На подиуме, а еще больше — вне его! В калейдоскопе звезд в безумии шныряют репортеры. Одна из них — настойчивая Китти Поттер. Ее задача — ничего не упустить. Здесь масса сплетен, недоразумений и интриг! Такие люди сразу в одном месте: актеры, модницы, миллионеры! Тусовщики и воротилы всех мастей. Вот беглый русский, вплавь добравшийся до места. Он у цели! Другим не так везет: Джо Флинн и Энн попали в передрягу, нескоро выберутся в свет. Неудивительно: в таком сумбуре теряешь честь и голову, достоинство и. .. вещи. Дань моде? До изнеможения! Се ля ви…
Director of Photography
During the long train ride from Montreal to Vancouver, a man and woman find themselves increasingly attracted to each other.
Director of Photography
Denis comes out of a love affair that disturbs him a lot. One day he meets Simone in the university cafeteria and he immediately understands that she is the woman of his life. But Simone is not the type to fall into the arms of the first comer!
Director of Photography
As the paramedics pry her hand apart from her dead lover's grip a woman's life flashes before her eyes. Racing to the hospital the stunning skies and rooftops of Montreal from the back of the ambulance are inter-cut with the most exquisitely cinematic memories.
Director of Photography
When Remy, an ad consultant, falls in love with Sarah, the newest star of an ad campaign, sparks fly. The only problem is that they are both married. Sarah's husband knows she will eventually get tired of Remy while his wife just can't let go. At first she throws him out, begs him to come back, cheats on him, hates him, and finally slumps into the worse depression ever. It is amazing what love can do...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
On Christmas eve a journalist witnesses a theft in a mall and then tracks one of the thieves to later be taken as his hostage in the radio station he works for.
Director of Photography
Saturday, 12 p.m. The countdown has begun for four males on the hunt for women. Massage studio, last minute shopping, bodybuilding, our men each throw themselves ardently into the ritual of appearance. Impossible to resist the ferociously burlesque character and remarkably typical behavior of these characters. We will meet Gérard known as The Bull, Patrice known as The Lion, Jean-Jacques known as The Peacock and Serge known as The Earthworm.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Pierre is a Montreal photojournalist who returns from Nicaragua to find that his ten-year menage a trois is over. Haunted by his mid-life crisis, he becomes obsessed with trying to find out why his two lovers, Sarah and David, have left him.
Director of Photography
Десять режиссеров. Десять арий. Десять фильмов. Удивительно чувственный эксперимент.
Director of Photography
Basements is the title for the omnibus film that brings together two plays by Harold Pinter - The Dumb Waiter and The Room - each, once again, set in a single location.
Director of Photography
Безумный любовный треугольник. Они познакомились по объявлению в газете. Первое свидание грозило стать последним. Разговор принял странный оборот: Брюс признался, что бисексуален и живет вместе с другом. На скороспелое предложение руки и сердца Пруденс ответила резко — выплеснув стакан воды в лицо ухажера. Утешения оба ищут у своих психоаналитиков — флиртующих со своими пациентами и друг с другом. Пруденс сообщает своему врачу что, кажется, нашла свою судьбу. Она же подозревает, что это все тот же Брюс, поместивший объявление в колонке знакомств под другим именем. На их свидание приходят психоаналитики и ревнивый любовник Брюса со своей гиперзаботливой мамой. Ситуация накаляется…
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает историю взлетов и падений успешного канадского гребца Неда Ханлана.
Director of Photography
Эдди и Мэй — бывшие возлюбленные. Их любовь несколько лет назад дала трещину, и они расстались. А сейчас они вновь встретились в провинциальном захолустье и пытаются возобновить свои отношения. Инициатором возобновления отношений является Эдди, но всё идёт не слишком гладко.
Director of Photography
Two lonely women coincide at midnight in a laundromat, where they reveal their secrets.
Director of Photography
O.C. and Stiggs aren't your average unhappy teenagers. They not only despise their suburban surroundings, they plot against it. They seek revenge against the middle class Schwab family, who embody all they detest: middle class.
Director of Photography
Set during summer in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine of Quebec, Mario and Simon are two brothers living in a fishing village with their mother, who runs a grocery story, and their father, who runs a fishing business. Mario is ten years old, mute and autistic. He is withdrawn from reality and living in a surreal world that only his older brother Simon and his stuffed coyote share. Mario is very close with and deeply admires his 18 year old brother, whom he depends upon for love and attention. Simon reads Arabian Knights stories to Mario, dresses him in sheik's clothing and they play out imaginary wars in an Arabian style fortress that they built. Everything changes when Helene, a beautiful young tourist comes between the two brothers. Simon falls in love and begins to neglect his brother to spend time with her. Mario feels rejected and discovers what hate and jealously are. He sets about a chain of events that lead to tragedy.
Director of Photography
In his New Jersey study, Richard Nixon retraces the missteps of his political career, attempting to absolve himself of responsibility for Watergate and lambasting President Gerald Ford's decision to pardon him. His monologue explores his personal life and describes his upbringing and his mother. A tape recorder, a gun and whiskey are his only companions during his entire monologue, which is tinged with the vitriol and paranoia that puzzled the public during his presidency.
Director of Photography
A young woman, living with her parents and siblings on a remote farm in harsh, picturesque northern Québec, has three suitors: a steady and unimaginative farmer, Eutrope, the Americanized and wealthy Lorenzo, who has sought his fortune in Boston, and François Paradis, a rough and virile logger who captures her heart despite the warnings of her parents and the village priest. For a year, marked by seasonal change in an atmosphere charged with the strangeness of Indians and the demons of the woods, we see Maria at work and prayer, struggling with decisions, choosing to stay in Canada, in love with François, seeking to change his rough behaviors, and dealing with extraordinary loss.
Director of Photography
США, 1965 год. Новобранцы, собранные из разных частей страны, ждут отправки во Вьетнам. Все они разного происхождения и принадлежат к разным социальным слоям. Двум чернокожим, Биллу и Чарли, приходится особенно тяжело. Один — простой деревенский парень, а второй — выпускник Йеля и гомосексуалист. Оба становятся жертвами жестокого сержанта, ветерана Корейской войны. Напряжение с каждым днем возрастает, завязывая в тугой узел расовые, сексуальные и социальные проблемы, грозящий в любой момент закончится жестокой и кровавой бойней..
Director of Photography
Пять женщин, которые выросли вместе, собираются в маленьком техасском городке 20 лет спустя после смерти их кумира Джеймса Дина. Встретившись в местном магазинчике, они беседуют о жизни, любви, иллюзиях и реальности.
Director of Photography
In a little village at the end of the 1890's, a young woman offends all the 'right-thinking' villagers by allowing men in her house in the absence of her husband. When he is found dead, all of the suspicion is directed towards the liberal woman. She is judged more for her morality then for the crime she is accused of. Her culpability is still a subject of debate today.
Director of Photography
The wife of photographer J.A. Martin decides to go with him in his tour of the hard Canadian countryside at the turn of the century. She hopes the intimacy will revive their marriage.
Camera Operator
Edited from almost 100 km of film footage shot during the Games, this feature documentary is a breathtaking portrait of the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Much more than a simple record of the Games, the film approaches each event with the intention of revealing the athlete - whether winner or loser - as a unique individual.
Director of Photography
One night from which arise enigmatic corpses, police who understand nothing, improbable witnesses. Mysteries and inconsistencies are added to each other.
Director of Photography
This short fiction film about a young boy torn between conflicting loyalties is resolved with humour and wisdom. Sunday, 2 o'clock, is zero hour for Gaston. He must be in two places at once: performing at a music recital and playing hockey with his teammates. What is Gaston to do?
Director of Photography
Short fictional film recounting the adventures of a gang of young boys with more than one trick up their sleeve. Together, they plan bad things to raise enough money to buy their dream radio station. To make matters worse, they have part of their nest egg stolen, although it is well hidden in a cabin. An investigation will follow to find the culprit of the "crime". Will they get their money back?
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The Ordinary Grand Film is the result of love at first sight with The Ordinary Grand Circus. With film and equipment borrowed from left and right, with the free complicity of all those who appear in the credits, they went on weekends to film a few moments of their tour.
Assistant Camera
In the late 1960s, with the triumph of bilingualism and biculturalism, New Brunswick's Université de Moncton became the setting for the awakening of Acadian nationalism after centuries of defeatism and resignation. Although 40% of the province's population spoke French, they had been unable to make their voices heard. The movement started with students-sit-ins, demonstrations against Parliament, run-ins with the police - and soon spread to a majority of Acadians. The film captures the behind-the-scenes action and the students' determination to bring about change. An invaluable document of the rebirth of a people.
Assistant Director
Essay-film on a crucial issue: the notion of belonging to a country. Lingered sentimentalism or deep psychological reality if one believes it is rooted in the heart of man? The action here takes place in the context of a nation that seeks: the French Canadians, and other people without a country: the Indians of Quebec, the Bretons of France. And here is the fundamental question posed: what are the "viable" peoples whose "maturity" allows them to "give" the autonomy and territory? And what is the environment that people can call "their country"?
Assistant Director of Photography
An unemployed man with individualist and pacifist values is inevitably brainwashed by society and the mass media to conform to the dominant ideology and embrace war. His soul is destroyed but his heart cannot be conquered.
Director of Photography