Julia Merz
The architect Nora wants to go to Greece with her fiancé, the successful lawyer Tobias Becker. During the holidays in Crete Tobias should also find a link to Nora's children Julia and Ben. But the two kids can not smell Tobias, and it gets even thicker: Due to an annoying double occupancy Nora and Tobias have to share the dream house with the event manager Marion and her divorced husband Tobi, because both families have booked under the name Becker. While the two teens Philip and Julia quickly discover their sympathies for each other, the parents need a little longer for it ...
Lydia and Vincent Lufft adopted the now 10-year-old Marie, so Vincent has better career prospects at the very child-friendly Henderson Games. But Marie forges with her friend Nick a plan: they want to fake a kidnapping to get away from the adoptive parents. To find the alleged abducted Marie Max Hoch, expert of a security company, consulted. Max himself does not want to have children unlike his girlfriend. He soon finds out that the abduction can only be faked. However, when Heinz Michelin, a friend of the family who wants to pay Marie's debt back with the reward, urges to help with the kidnapping, he brings with him two real hijackers. Max brings Marie to his unsuspecting girlfriend Karo to protect her. In the meantime, Max is himself suspected by the police to have kidnapped Marie. Only with a trap can he prove his innocence.
Lina Klein
Марта, шеф-повар французского ресторана в Гамбурге, создает на своей кухне настоящие шедевры кулинарного искусства. Для нее существует только работа. Но, когда в автокатастрофе погибает ее сестра, мать-одиночка, Марте приходится взять к себе восьмилетнюю племянницу Лину. А затем в их жизни возникает он — опасный конкурент Марты, новый повар из Италии Марио, который превращается в «лучшего друга» и «большого папочку». Тем временем появляется настоящий отец Лины…