Court Clerk
Robert Strickland, the self-confessed murderer of Gerald Trask, refuses to defend himself on the witness stand. His attorney, however, cross-examines Strickland's wife.
Tim Leary
Фильм «Джилетт», который долгое время считался потерянным с момента его первого выпуска, является жизненно важным недостающим звеном в истории Холмса на экране. К моменту создания фильма «Джилетт» был признан ведущим в мире интерпретатор Холмса на сцене. Он дал свое лицо и манеру детективу и вдохновил классика иллюстраций Фредерика Дорра Стила. В фильме верно сохраняются знаменитые постановочные пьесы - встреча Холмса с профессором Мориарти, его дерзкий побег из газовой камеры «Степни» и вынужденные силовые выводы - и иллюстрирует, как «Джилетт» переплел кусочки из историй Конан Дойля, начиная от «Скандала в Богемии» и заканчивая «Последней проблемой», до оригинальной, новаторской загадочной игры.
David Poe Sr
After a brief view of Edgar Allan Poe's family background, his grandfather, David Poe, Sr., an Irish immigrant to America, and his father, David Poe, Jr., the poet's life is depicted from the death of his mother and his subsequent adoption by John Allan, to his own tortured death in 1849. Expelled from the University of Virginia for incurring too many debts, Poe nonetheless courts and marries Virginia Clemm but is disowned by his foster father. While residing in Fordham, New York, Poe tries to earn a living as a writer but meets with little financial success. Overwhelmed by their impoverished state, Virginia dies and Poe sinks into a profound depression. Always a victim of alcohol and subject to hallucinations, Poe first imagines that his neighbor, Helen Whitman, is Virginia, then plunges himself into an elaborate delusion in which his wife's spirit, various other spectres and a raven finally drive him to his own death.
2nd Burglar
Sweedie's father is the owner of a grocery store, and Sweedie takes care of the trade while father plays checkers all day. She is in love with a member of the police department, and at every possible opportunity slips out and holds hands with him.
The boy has a camera and snaps Sweedie, the cook, while sitting on the bench in the back yard. Later he takes a picture of his father while sitting on the same bench. He forgets to turn the film in his camera, so gets a double exposure, giving the effect of Sweedie sitting on his father's lap