Ali Muney


Сумасбродные вечера с Эмили
Additional Editor
Инсценировка малоизвестной стороны жизни писателя Эмили Дикинсон, в частности ее отношений с другой женщиной.
The Supreme Price
The Supreme Price is a feature length documentary film that traces the evolution of the Pro-Democracy Movement in Nigeria and efforts to increase the participation of women in leadership roles. Following the annulment of her father's victory in Nigeria's Presidential Election and her mother's assassination by agents of the military dictatorship, Hafsat Abiola faces the challenge of transforming a corrupt culture of governance into a democracy capable of serving Nigeria's most marginalized population: women.
The New Black
The New Black is a documentary that tells the story of how the African-American community is grappling with the gay rights issue in light of the recent gay marriage movement and the fight over civil rights. The film documents activists, families and clergy on both sides of the campaign to legalize gay marriage and examines homophobia in the black community's institutional pillar-the black church and reveals the Christian right wing's strategy of exploiting this phenomenon in order to pursue an anti-gay political agenda. The New Black takes viewers into the pews and onto the streets and provides a seat at the kitchen table as it tells the story of the historic fight to win marriage equality in Maryland and charts the evolution of this divisive issue within the black community.
Джек отправляется в плаванье
Assistant Editor
Джек - водитель лимузина, мечтающий о более престижной работе, и с навязчивой идеей о регги, побудившей его предпринять нерешительную попытку отрастить волосы для многочисленных коротких косичек. Он дружит с семейной парой - Клайдом и Люси, у которых далеко не всё гладко в отношениях. Вот эта парочка и устроила для Джека свидание вслепую, которое стало для него началом большой любви...
Romancing The Bride
Assistant Editor
Twenty-four hours before she is set to exchange vows with the man of her dreams, a flustered bride-to-be wakes up next to a complete stranger who claims to be her husband in this south-of-the-border romantic comedy.