Michele Lupo

Рождение : 1932-12-04, Corleone - Sicily - Italy

Смерть : 1989-06-27


Старый морской волк Бад Грациано, по прозвищу Бомбардировщик, остался без своего судна и вынужден искать работу на берегу. Когда-то Бад был чемпионом по боксу в супер тяжелом весе и волей случая он становится тренером одного способного парня, в надежде что тот отомстит на ринге давнему сопернику Бада, Роско Дану. Но парень не оправдал надежд, у Бомбардировщика не остается выбора и он вновь возвращается на ринг…
Бадди едет на запад
В небольшом городке, стрелка Бадди ошибочно приняли за врача, после того как он со своим спутником индейцем случайно украл сумку хирургических инструментов. Но когда на городок нападают бандиты, Бадди показывает что он действительно умеет делать.
Почему...капитан выбрал меня?
Скрываясь от правительственных войск и инопланетных дроидов, Холл и Н-725 колесят по разным штатам, и в каждом штате Холлу приходится поработать шерифом.
Шериф и мальчик пришелец
После прибытия на Землю из космоса, молодой гуманоид (с виду обычный мальчишка) случайно попадает в руки шерифа Холла и говорит, что его зовут Н 725..
Они называли его бульдозер
Бульдозер — бывшая звезда американского футбола — был вынужден оставить спорт и в настоящее время работает в качестве рыбака. Группа молодых людей организовывает матч против футбольной команды из местной базы США, они просят Бульдозера быть их тренером. Его судно было повреждено подводной лодкой и Бульдозер остался без работы. Он соглашается…
At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is shot and hung for horse stealing. California decides to take the dead companion's belongings to his family's ranch, where he falls in love with his friend's sister. But then the "ghosts" of the war return in an unexpected way haunting him again.
Africa Express
John Baxter (Giuliano Gemma) is a freewheeling trader of goods in Africa with a pet chimpanzee and one dream: to save enough money to buy a gas station in Detroit. Ursula Andress is Madeleine Cooper, the lady of mystery he runs into as she flees from the hunter played by Jack Palance.
Побег из камеры смертников
Пытаясь прибрать к рукам международный наркобизнес, гангстер Аннунциата безжалостно уничтожает всех своих конкурентов. Последним на его пути стоит Фрэнк Диомеде по-прозвищу Фрэнки Дио.
The Master Touch
A master thief, just out of prison, concocts a risky final score that would net him over a million dollars.
The Master Touch
A master thief, just out of prison, concocts a risky final score that would net him over a million dollars.
Приятель, держись от меня подальше
Бен выходит из тюрьмы, у ворот которой его уже третий день поджидает “друг” Чарли, мечтающий хорошенько отдубасить товарища. Чисто по-дружески друг друга полупцевав они расходятся в разные стороны...
Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio imposte
Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio imposte
The Weekend Murders
An aristocratic English family gather for the reading of their father's will. The family are dismayed to find that everything has been left to Barbara, the deceased's favourite daughter. The butler is soon found stabbed to death and Sergeant Thorpe, the local bobby, telephones Scotland Yard for assistance. Inspector Grey arrives and he and Barbara narrowly escape being shot. Cousin Ted and his wife Pauline are both killed. Sergeant Thorpe recalls some photos which Ted asked to have developed...
Una storia d'amore
A married woman falls in love with a playboy dedicated to blackmail, to avoid that reveal his unedifying past, abandons her.
Seven Times Seven
A gang of prison inmates escape and rob the Royal Mint. They then sneak back to prison.
Master Stroke
An actor is approached by a group of men offering him a job posing as an executive at a diamond exchange to help them pull off a robbery.
Your Turn to Die
When Gordon Smash tries to get away with the loot from a successful diamond heist, his fellow conspirators shoot him in the back. Smash manages to get a clue to newspaper reporter Robert Foster, who sets of to retrieve the diamonds. Despite becoming a target for the rest of the gang, Foster prefers to rely on fashion model Arabella and news paper photographer 'Flash' instead of the more seasoned Inspector Chandler.
Аризона Кольт
Банда головорезов освобождает группу заключённых, заставляя их присоединиться к банде, либо умереть. Лишь Аризона Кольт отказывается, обещая подумать об этом, и ему это сходит с рук, так как он невероятно ловкий парень, привыкший думать своею головой…
Seven Rebel Gladiators
The ruthless Roman tribune, Vadio, joins forces with the evil Morakeb to take over the throne of Aristea, usurping King Krontal and stealing away his lovely daughter in the process. Meanwhile, Marco Aulo, now a Roman centurion, comes to Aristea to learn where his legions war funds have gone. Vadio has him framed for treason and is thrown into the arena to fight a group of six formidable gladiators. During the fights, Marco refuses to kill those he defeats until finally, he himself loses after exhaustion takes its toll. Admiring this man, the six warriors join him and together they escape Vadio's clutches and plot to free the kingdom from the two conspiring killers.
Fistful of Knuckles
Franco and Ciccio mosey into the Mexican border town of Santa Genoviefa. Both are dressed in ponchos, one rides a small mule, one a large one. They are gun salesmen, peddling their wares from town to town.
The Revenge of the Gladiators
La vendetta di Spartacus (US title: Revenge of the Gladiators) is a 1965 Italian film directed by Michele Lupo. It was shot back to back with Seven Slaves Against the World.
Seven Slaves Against the World
Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.
Seven Slaves Against the World
Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon
Goliath battles for the freedom of the Babylonian people.
Colossus of the Arena
A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.
Totò e Peppino divisi a Berlino
Antonio goes to West Berlin and meets Giuseppe. But Antonio looks like Canarinis, a wanted war criminal, So the daughter of the criminal pays Antonio to impersonate him.
Il mio amico Benito
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.
The Orderly
First Assistant Director
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.
Toto, Fabrizi and the Young People Today
First Assistant Director
A boy and a girl fall in love but their fathers take a strong dislike to each other, clashing repeatedly during the preparations for the upcoming marriage.
Signori si nasce
First Assistant Director
Baron Zazà, always broke due his dissolute lifestyle, decides to con a hefty sum of money out of his wealthy but greedy brother.
Музыкальный автомат кричит о любви
Марио, отбыв наказание за мошенничество, пытается дальше обманом зарабатывать себе на жизнь. Мариза, хозяйка музыкальной фирмы, несмотря на это, хочет выйти за него замуж. После серии афер Марио, оказавшийся перед выбором между тюрьмой и свадьбой, обещает жениться на Маризе…
Winter Holidays
Assistant Director
Alberto Moretti arrives in Cortina D'Ampezzo, with daughter Marcella,who has just won a TV contest, the prize of which is a free stay in a luxury hotel.
В ознаменование Рима
First Assistant Director
Царица Пальмиры Зенобия восстала против власти Рима. Ее армии удается разбить легион консула Марка Валерия и пленить самого командующего. Но с помощью оставшихся на свободе легионеров тому удается бежать. Вместо того, чтобы вернуться в Рим, Марк Валерий тайно пробирается в Пальмиру и предлагает свои услуги Зенобии. Тем временем, Рим отправляет в Сирию два новых легиона, и одновременно на страну готова напасть Персия, чьим шпионом является ближайший советник царицы Земанзий.
Il cocco di mamma
First Assistant Director
Aldo, Vasco and "Smilzo" (Slim) are friends. They live with their parents and are training for boxing. But their real interest is in women. When casually Aldo meets Laura and falls for her. Will he succeed in winning her love?
Тото, Пеппино и бандиты
First Assistant Director
При богатой жене-скряге Антонио вечно без гроша в кармане. Да ещё в округе объявился безжалостный бандит Иньяцио, гроза всех богачей! Как же быть бедняге-подкаблучнику? К счастью, у него есть верный друг Пеппино, которые предлагает инсценировать похищение Антонио бандитом Иньяцио, и получить самим выкуп с Терезы. Всё придумано как нельзя лучше, но... как говориться, что-то пошло не так.
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy
Second Assistant Director
Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).
Totò Double or Nothing?
Script Supervisor
The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.
Банда честных
Script Supervisor
Антонио Бонокоре работает портье в одном из домов Рима. Один из жильцов перед смертью раскрывает ему страшную тайну о том, что во время своей работы на Монетном дворе этот жилец похитил клише и бумагу для изготовления денег. На смертном одре, он просит Антонио их уничтожить. Но обстоятельства и нужда складываются так, что у Антонио не поднимается рука уничтожить клише и бумагу для печати денег. Он берет в сговор еще двоих бедолаг, замученных долгами и безденежьем. Удастся ли им стать настоящей бандой фальшивомонетчиков и разбогатеть?
Sunset in Naples
First Assistant Director
Two young men try to make it big as musicians.
La vena d'oro
Script Supervisor
Jealous of his widowed mother's new lover, a boy does everything to separate them. Then, after he realizes their profound feelings for each other, he tries to reunite them.