Máximo Valverde
Рождение : 1944-11-16, Seville, Andalucía, Spain
In his time of greatest splendor, the singer Miguel 'Bambino' Vargas Jiménez (1940-99) was the last frontier of flamenco, an immense musical genre that he developed and brought closer to large audiences: an artist of artists, the idol of the roadside bars, whose inimitable style, scenic magnetism and heartbreaking personality made of his figure a myth, a king without a kingdom, a giant of the popular music of the 20th century.
Self - Actor
An account of the life and work behind the camera of Spanish filmmaker Pedro Olea, whose very personal viewpoint, interested in all kinds of subjects, approached in very different ways, but always with a very characteristic style, has analyzed the social and political life of Spain for more than five decades.
Padre de Vane
Иси и Дизи, которые не являются ни братьями, ни именами, родились и выросли в Леганесе. Их псевдонимы происходят от их необузданной страсти к AC / DC, которая, как вы всегда слышали, произносится на английском языке как isidisi. Жизнь Иси проходит гладко: он помогает своему старику с куклами и репетирует с его группой Ratamuerta, с Disi и его коллегами El Pota и La Kuki. До одного дня, пока он занимается еженедельной доставкой кукол в баре Университета Леганес, его существование претерпевает радикальные изменения ... когда он находит там любовь всей своей жизни. У бедного Иси нет иного выбора, кроме как отказаться от своих самых «джевиских» принципов и осуществить мечту своей девушки ... любой ценой.
Máximo Valverde
На дворе 1973 год, и в Испании бушует франкистская диктатура. Вопреки запретам простой коммивояжер Альфредо собирается пойти на явное преступление — снять 8 эротических «образовательных» фильмов и переправить их в лояльную Скандинавию. Он и подумать не мог, что его жена Кармен, «сыгравшая» в фильмах главные роли, в северных странах станет порнозвездой, и из Дании к Альфредо пожалует съемочная группа, чтобы помочь снять ему вдохновленный творчеством Бергмана фильм «Торремолинос 73»…
Agente de la Interpol
For this second film in the cult comedy series Torrente takes our fat police officer from Madrid to Marbella in Spain to investigate a villain’s plot to destroy the city with a missile. This James Bond style slapstick comedy became the most successful box-office film in Spanish film history beating out only the first Torrente film.
Adaptation of a play by Alfonso Paso. Overnight, Margarita, a frivolous Baroness, is subject to the whims of his steward dialectic that takes advantage of the absence of the husband of the Baroness. Between Margaret and the butler, by the difference in social class, develop a series of situations which reveal the weaknesses of high society to end naturally between a man and a woman, with the triumph of sentimental
A young woman wins 200 million pesetas at the 'quiniela' football pool with 14 successfull 'aciertos' and begins to help everybody with the fortune.
Ограбление ювелирного магазина не обошлось без убийства. Украденные бриллианты полиция не нашла. Подозреваемый Жак Дерне оказался за решеткой. Выйдя через 8 лет на волю, он не обрел свободу, а попал в тиски и полиции, и мафии. Неукротимому "Делону" - в качестве наживки - подсылают Анн Парийо, способную усыпить бдительность любого.
Julie is trying to start a new life after the tragic and eerie death of her possessive and domineering husband. After returning home, she is plagued by terrifying supernatural occurrences. A medium arrives at the house with a message from beyond, but Julie dismisses her warning.
Ricardo Montoya
When Andres and his partner are hired to recover some valuables from an airplane that went down in the Bermuda Triangle, they face not only human treachery but also the mysterious powers of an underwater civilization.
Jill is a young actress in decline who does not do things very well, neither professionally nor personally. Used by all those around her, everything will change for her the moment she meets Luis, a waiter. Now she has something that makes her happy and for which she has a reason to live.
A young girl and her mother run a hotel during the war. When the mother dies, the girl finds herself at the mercy of her sex-crazed guests. Soon enough, a cloaked figure starts killing off everyone that tries to harm her.
Donald Passover
In Seville during the 1970s, Manuela, a furtive hunter’s daughter, marries the servant of rich Don Ramón, who is in love with her. With her natural beauty and sensuality, she attracts all sorts of passions, along with the conflicts that derive from them.
Padre Ignacio
Antonio del Pas
Inspired by the famous Patty Hearst case, this thriller centers around a young woman who's kidnapped and brainwashed by a crime ring and ends up succumbing to Stockholm Syndrome.
Luis González
Lola Reyes is a singer who is succeeding and, therefore, is besieged by everyone. A group of homosexuals are the only ones authorized by his possessive mother to be her friends. Lola falls for a painter, and he falls for her, so her gay gang make him pose as one of them for the mother to authorize the friendship.
Клара Вальвереде снимается в сомнительных кинолентах, скрывая свою работу от супруга-архитектора. Однажды её муж получает шанс заключить договор на большой проект. Знаменитый колумбийский миллионер приезжает в Испанию. Выясняется, что почтенный господин одержим прихотливыми сексуальными фантазиями: он собирает эротические предметы. А пара мошенников решает нажиться, используя плёнку с Кларой...
Comisario Alain
Cops and a reporter attempt to capture a mysterious killer plaguing the city.
The world of prostitution, where women meet men of all kinds. These young women who have often left their families by rebellion, but who find themselves in a universe that they will generally no longer be able to leave
Angustias, a hotel maid, and Rodolfo, play boy who will spend a few days in that hotel with Octavia, witness how a wealthy lady, seeking to steal her jewelry by thieves, is accidentally killed by her lover in a discussion.
Inspector Roland
Juan Francisco, 'El Legionario'
Antoñito is a bachelor who works in a cabaret as a clarinetist. He has put an advertisement in the newspaper, looking for a good and honest girl, and to which responds Rocío, who escapes from her native Córdoba to hide the embarrassment of her pregnancy. The coexistence with the naive clarinetist, who refuses the insinuations of a co-worker dedicated to prostitution, who idolizes his deceased mother and keeps as a relic the orthopedic leg of his late father, is not easy. The other men will tend their ties around Rocío, that makes way in the world of the spectacle pretending to be blind. When she can no longer conceal that she is pregnant, Antoñito decides to give his name to the fruit of sin.
The movement of a bullfighter's body died in America originates a massive concentration of people in an Andalusian people. Owed to the influence of so many persons, all the houses are enabled, even the brothel.
Martín is a tormented and solitary man who hides a shameful and unspeakable secret: he lives with a life-size doll which he treats as if it were his wife. This idyliic, loving existence will be gravely threatened when a prostitute, her daughter, and a pimp enter his life.
An ageing judge's use of the death penalty comes back to haunt him.
After a peaceful sailboat ride, four young people, including rich kid Bill, Joe, Fred and Jane, knock on the door of a secluded villa after their dune buggy runs out of gas. Earlier in the day, Bill had given the lovely Jane a pearl necklace with a supposedly paranormal history, and this later opens up a can of worms. They are invited to spend the night at the mansion, owned by Lord Alexander and Lady Alexander, who happen to be hosting a strange ceremony that night attended by a group of eccentrics in black robes. During the evening, Jane exits her sleep chamber, seemingly in some kind of trance, and is lured to a sacrificial alter where the robed houseguests are hovering over her. As a knife is about to be plunged into the young lady, her three friends come to the rescue, but they are also witness to a chaotic mass murder catastrophe in which they flee with feelings of guilt and uncertainty.
Juan de la Encina
Julia, Carmen and Charo are three young and funny ladies, lovers of three married men. These combine their family life and the relationship with them. The three friends share the hardships of such a situation. Julia is pregnant, but Enrique, the future father, decides to shirk his responsibilities
José Luis
The Iberian F.C. is a female football team makes a splash in the world of football, rather than their athletic skills, their physical attraction for the male audience. Each of the components of the whole suffers a different and peculiar relationship status, derived from its new sports.
Daniel Alonso
Cesar Martin, better known as El Duque, is an elegant, charming and intelligent man, who has been obliged to be known by heart the Penal Code, as their profession is the scam. Cesar has another weakness: his beautiful daughter Silvia is always a decent person.
Don Juan
In the early 70's, more than forty thousand Spanish in Paris working as maids. Few had crossed the border before, and most had not even left her village. These girls are Emily, who has left behind the hard times and has adapted to the big city, Isabel struggling to her sonthat she had with a man who abandoned she, Dioni, who thinks only of early money, and Francisca, a woman who knows nothing and is lost in life.
Daniel Ramos
A young woman who wants to marry an earl's son wants to refine the habits of their parents, people from a village that has been enriched in the overnight by selling their land.
Действие фильма происходит в начале 1900 г. на юге Испании, где в результате непрерывной эксплуатации крестьян, начинают вспыхивать восстания. Местный землевладелец обеспокоенный экономическими потерями, нанимает двух убийц для устранения руководителей восстания. Волей случая один из убийц Маркос (Теренс Хилл) останавливается в гостинице, и влюбляется в хозяйку Соледад, которая сочувствует крестьянам. Маркос отказывается от убийства и начинает помогать крестьянам. Второй убийца, брат Маркоса, Якобо не хочет отказываться от дела, за деньги он готов на все...
Juan Santacruz
Shows the unfailing love of two women for the same man, one as his mistress, the other as his wife. The lives of these characters intertwine and are determined by the variegated fabric of delicate tradition and established vices shaky politics and intrigue of the society they live in. Based on the major novel (1877) by Benito Perez Galdos.