Anoop Mohandas


Now and Forever
In an alternate dystopian present a couple in rural Kerala, South India, try to decide whether or not to become immortal (by downloading the consciousness into chips). In a world where political parties create immortals instead of martyrs, procreation becomes an indulgence rather than necessity what becomes of identity? How much of the individual and how much of the multitude is pared down to meet the needs of the future?
Between One Shore And Several Others
Kayyavi is an imaginary or imaginable promise in the life of Salman, hailing from a provincial fishing community who lives and breathes the sea. Evolving along unchosen ways, life invariably finds itself at the starting point as if in a looping dream. What turn will the life of Salman take as Kayyavi begins to unfold like the haze that envelops all of perception..