Nigel De Brulier

Nigel De Brulier

Рождение : 1877-08-08, Frenchay, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK

Смерть : 1948-01-30


English born Nigel De Brulier (born Francis George Packer) was an actor of the American screen, who began his career during the silent cinema era.


Nigel De Brulier


Tonight We Raid Calais
Danton (uncredited)
A British commando is on a one-man raid to destroy a bomb factory in Nazi-occupied France. He must enlist the aid of French farmers to complete his mission.
The Adventures of Smilin' Jack
The Lo-San [Chs. 2-3, 12-13]
A movie serial in 12 chapters: The famous comic strip character is on a mission to protect a secret tunnel passage between China and India.
Wrecking Crew
Father Zachary
Follows a crew as they work under a deadline set by their boss to complete the demolition of a building. Touches on the lives of several of the crew in their lives away from the job and shows rhe comraderie of the crew in their work and even away from work.
Thru Different Eyes
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
For Beauty's Sake
A woman-hater who inherits a beauty salon gets a new perspective on females after capturing a gang of thieves.
Adventures of Captain Marvel
On a scientific expedition to Siam young Billy Batson is given the ability to change himself into the super-powered Captain Marvel by the wizard Shazam, who tells him his powers will last only as long as the Golden Scorpion idol is threatened. Finding the idol, the scientists realize it could be the most powerful weapon in the world and remove the lenses that energize it, distributing them among themselves so that no one would be able to use the idol by himself. Back in the US, Billy Batson, as Captain Marvel, wages a battle against an evil, hooded figure, the Scorpion, who hopes to accumulate all five lenses, thereby gaining control of the super-powerful weapon
Viva Cisco Kid
Old Mose
Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
Миллион лет до нашей эры
Изгнанный из своего лагеря охотник Тумак находит себе пристанище в более цивилизованном племени, где встречает красотку Лоану, которая начинает учить его хорошим манерам. Однако за учинённую драку Тумака снова прогоняют, и он вместе с Лоаной решает вернуться в родные места.
The Mad Empress
Father Fisher
The Mad Empress is a 1939 American historical drama film depicting the 3-year reign of Maximilian I of Mexico and his struggles against Benito Juarez.
Башня смерти
Archbishop at St. John's Chapel (uncredited)
Вольная экранизация шекспировского «Ричарда III», увидевшая свет аккурат перед началом Второй мировой, относится к категории «трофейного» кино. В 15 веке герцог Ричард Глостерский при помощи своего косолапого палача Морда устраняет все препятствия, мешающие ему взойти на трон. Смерть короля Эдуарда IV приводит к тому, что Ричард осуществляет свою мечту, и ему остается только одолеть изгнанного Генри Тюдора, чтобы сохранить власть. Инфернальные звезды классических хорроров Карлофф и Прайс возглавляют блестящий актерский ансамбль, разыгрывающий необычную и в чем-то даже спорную интерпретацию шекспировской трагедии.
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence
Russian Priest (uncredited)
New York store clerk joins a hobo and an illegal immigrant heading for his newly bought land in Arizona.
Mutiny in the Big House
Convict Mike Faleri
A young man forges a check in order to help his mother, but is caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison...
Человек в железной маске
Cardinal Richelieu
Король-деспот Луи XIV узнает, что у него есть брат-близнец Филипп, который вырос под опекой его приемного отца, мушкетера Д'Артаньяна. Д'Артаньян и мушкетеры - единственные, кто знает о существовании брата-близнеца, но Луи XIV прячет Филиппа в тюрьму, надев на него железную маску, и в тайне надеясь, что борода, вырастающая в маске в конечном счете задушит брата...
Townsman at Zeke's Recitation (uncredited)
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
Шерлок Холмс: Собака Баскервилей
The Notting Hill Murderer
По одноименной повести Артура Конан Дойля. Непроницаемым покровом тайны окутана смерть сэра Чарльза Баскервиля на дартмурских болотах. Племянник покойного приезжает в родовое имение, но и ему угрожает жестокая смерть. Легенда гласит, что загадочная гигантская собака преследует ненавистных Баскервилей из поколения в поколение. Знаменитый детектив Шерлок Холмс и его верный друг доктор Уотсон раскроют тайну, разгадка которой окажется куда более приземленной. После смерти своего дяди, сэр Генри Баскервиль возвращается из-за границы и открывает наследственный дом на пустынных торфяниках Девоншира. Холмс раскрывает заговор убийства сэра Генри ужасной обученной собакой.
Archbishop (uncredited)
16 мая 1770 г. 15-летняя Мария-Антуанетта была выдана матерью-императрицей Австрии замуж за Луи Августа, наследника трона Франции. Супруг не вызвал у возвышенной девушки восхищения: одутловатый и туповатый - он только раздражал юную принцессу. Еще больше расстраивали Марию ехидный, извращенный и больной король Людовик XV и его фаворитка - интриганка мадемуазель дю Барри, почувствовавшая угрозу со стороны будущей королевы. Следуя совету герцога Орлеанского, Мария ищет развлечения в светской бурлящей жизни и состоит в любовной связи с графом Акселем де Ферсеном. Однажды дело доходит до скандала, когда Мария публично на балу оскорбляет дю Барри, ее даже намерены с позором отправить обратно в Австрию, но король внезапно умирает, и Мария становится королевой Франции
Joaquin Murrieta
Bit Role (uncredited)
This MGM Historical Mystery short follows the life and exploits of killer outlaw Joaquin Murrieta, in California in the 1850s.
Zorro Rides Again
Don Manuel Vega
The California-Yucatan Railroad, being built for the good of Mexico, is under siege by a gang of terrorists hoping to force its sale; no one can prove their connection to profiteer Marsden. Manuel Vega, aged co-owner, calls in the aid of his nephew James, great-grandson of the original Zorro. Alas, James seems more adept at golf than derring-do; but after he arrives, Zorro rides again! Can one black-clad man on horseback defeat a gang supplied with airplanes and machine guns?
The Californian
Don Francisco Escobar
Native son returns from school in Spain to California in 1855 and finds corrupt politicians stealing land from old California families. He becomes a sort of Robin Hood in order to fight them.
White Legion
Father Gonzales
In the early 1900s, as the Panama Canal is being built, a group of doctors try to discover a cure for yellow fever, a disease that is decimating the workers constructing the canal.
Сады Аллаха
Lector at Monastery (uncredited)
Их встреча предрешена. Она потеряла близкого ей человека, и, в желании найти успокоение от тревожащей пустоты, вернулась в монастырь, где получила образование, но наставница сказала, что только пустыня сможет развеять ее тревоги и дать успокоение. Он, пересмотрев свою прожитую жизнь, прервал свой обет молчания и скромного образа жизни, бежал из монастыря в поисках любви и приключений. Они встретились у границы «Садов Аллаха», так арабы называют пустыню Сахару, и с первого взгляда полюбили друг друга. «В день, который был непохож на другие», — как и предрек седой предсказатель, они обвенчались, и пустились в путешествие без цели, где каждый осознал свое предназначение в жизни…
Mary of Scotland
The recently widowed Mary Stuart returns to Scotland to reclaim her throne but is opposed by her half-brother and her own Scottish lords.
Earthquake Survivor (uncredited)
Блейк Нортон высокомерный щеголь - хозяин ночного клуба, пользующегося дурной славой. К нему в бар приходит девушка Мэри Блэйк, приехавшая из провинции, которая отчаялась найти работу. Он соглашается взять ее в качестве певицы, а услышав, как она поет, заключает с ней контракт. Но девушка мечтает о другой карьере, она хочет петь в опере Сан-Франциско и вдохновлять прихожан пением в хоре священника Тима Муллина. Нортон делает все, чтобы Мэри работала только у него. Он требует монопольного выполнения контракта от девушки. К негодованию Нортона закон на стороне Мэри, она в праве самостоятельно решать, как жить. Несмотря на вспыхнувшее взаимное чувство и приготовления к свадьбе, они ссорятся из-за желания Мери выступать в опере.
Down to the Sea
Greek sponge divers in Tarpon Springs, Florida duel over diving methods and fight over the same girl, and only one will survive.
Half Angel
Dr. Hall
Allison Long is acquitted on charges of poisoning her father but then her benefactor is poisoned. Reporter Duffy Giles has faith in her innocence.
Робин Гуд из Эльдорадо
Padre at Wedding (uncredited)
В 1848 году на лесопилке Саттера в Калифорнии нашли золото. Началась Золотая Лихорадка. Страну наводнили американские проходимцы, жадные до быстрой наживы. Проживавшим в Калифорнии мексиканцам пришлось несладко. Их сгоняли с родных земель, грабили, убивали. Когда несчастья коснулись Хоакина Мурьеты и его родных, он встал на путь жестокого мщения. Калифорния наполнилась криками умирающих американцев. Золотоискатели волей-неволей объединились, чтобы истребить Хоакина и его мексиканцев.
Повесть о двух городах
Aristocrat (uncredited)
Адвокат Сидни Картон — уставший от мира, разочарованный алкоголик, который удалился от жизни во всех её проявлениях, пока он не влюбляется в Люси Манетт, дочь французского революционного политического заключённого. Она, между тем, думает о нём только как о друге и выходит замуж за Чарльза Дарнея, потомка французских аристократов.
The Three Musketeers
The young Gascon D'Artagnan arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu.
Чарли Чен в Египте
Edfu Ahmad
Профессор археологии Арнольд обнаруживает гробницу египетского фараона Амети. Но после того, как гробница была вскрыта, профессор таинственным образом исчез, а на чёрных рынках мира стали появляться старинные драгоценности, которые должны были находиться в гробнице. Французское археологическое общество отправляет знаменитого детектива Чарли Чена в Египет...
The Spectacle Maker
The Man in Black
A parable about magic glasses involving on the nature of beauty, truth, good, and evil set in 17th Century Germany with music and Glorious Technicolor.
Да здравствует Вилья!
Political Judge (uncredited)
Беллетризованная биография Панчо Вильи, одного из лидеров повстанцев во время Мексиканской революции. Он родился в бедной крестьянской семье и рано потерял отца, в молодости трудился на ферме. Но однажды Панчо убил надзирателя и вынужден был бежать в горы. Там в 1910 году он познакомился с американским репортером Джонни Сайкесом. Они подружились, вместе вышли из тени и Панчо Вилья начал восхождение к оппозицонной власти. Ему предрекли будущее генерала революции. «Да здравствует Вилья!» — будут выкрикивать в его честь повстанцы. Цель революционера — свергнуть власть и самому править Мексикой.
Дом Ротшильдов
Official (uncredited)
История финансовой империи Ротшильдов, начавшаяся с небольшой лавки и выросшая до участника финансирования разгрома Наполеона. Но это был трудный путь. В 1780 году во Франкфурте к лавке Ротшильдов идет сборщик налогов. Ротшильды прячут свои богатства, в том числе валюту, серебро и т. д. Налоговик требует 20 000 гульденов - это непомерная сумма, но соглашается на взятку в размере 5000. Однако удовлетворение Майера Ротшильда недолговечно: курьер, доставлявший ему 10 000 гульденов, был перехвачен, а деньги конфискованы налоговиками.
Я не ангел
Rajah the Fortune Teller (uncredited)
Бесстрашная Тира работает танцовщицей и укротительницей львов на ярмарке. Тире нужны деньги, и она соглашается на новый рискованный номер: она положит голову в львиную пасть. С этим номером цирк отправляется в Нью-Йорк, где Тира занимается любимым делом: флиртует с богачами и получает от них дорогие подарки. Среди богатых поклонников она ищет любовь своей жизни, о которой узнала от гадалки. Она знает лишь то, что он богат и черноволос. Когда же Тира, наконец, встречает его, то становится жертвой интриги...
Life in the Raw
Adventure ensues as Judy Halloway arrives in Arizona to visit her brother, Tom.
The Monkey's Paw
Hindu Fakir (uncredited)
A mother wishes for the return of her dead son, a wish that is granted by the severed paw of a dead monkey.
Распутин и императрица
Priest (uncredited)
Это история о приближении ко двору и убийстве Григория Распутина. А так же последовавшей за этим гибели царской семьи. Этот фильм не является в полной мере исторической драмой. События и факты сильно искажены, равно как и имена некоторых героев. Фильм знаменит главным образом тем, что в нём приняли участие сразу трое представителей актёрской семьи Берриморов.
Chandu the Magician
Yogi Teacher (uncredited)
When delusional madman Roxor kidnaps a scientist in hopes of using his death ray to achieve world dominance, he is opposed by Chandu, a powerful hypnotist and yogi.
Miss Pinkerton
Coroner James A. Clemp
Scion of the once-rich Mitchell family, Herbert Wynn is found shot to death. Nurse Adams, bored by hospital routine, is recruited by the police to ferret out clues as she tends to Wynn's elderly aunt Julia. Jokingly given the 'rank' of Miss Pinkerson, after the famous detective agency, Adams probes into the mystery, but not before a second death.
Alias the Doctor
Autopsy Surgeon (uncredited)
Karl is the workaholic adopted son while Stephan is the lazy one. They both go to Munich to study medicine and Karl is at the top of the class while Stephan is barely passing. When Stephan's actions causes the death of Anna, Karl is the one who takes the wrap and three years in prison. When he gets out, he finds Stephan is dead and a sick child needs an operation and he does brilliant surgery. This gets him noticed and his mother tells them that he is Stephan Brenner, not Karl Brenner. She tells Karl that he must cure sickness in the world. But, being that he is Stephan, he can no longer marry Lottie, as she is now his sister.
Son of India
Rao Rama
An Indian jewel merchant goes from penniless to wealthy in this story about gratitude.
Moby Dick
Herman Melville's mad Capt. Ahab (John Barrymore) spends years hunting the white whale that got his leg.
Golden Dawn
Hasmali the Witch Doctor (uncredited)
Golden Dawn (1930) is a musical operetta released by Warner Brothers, photographed entirely in Technicolor, and starring Walter Woolf King and Noah Beery. The film is based on the semi-hit stage musical of the same name by Oscar Hammerstein II and Otto Harbach. Beery's extraordinarily deep bass voice registers particularly well in the songs.
Feyda is a man of wealth and has many fine qualities, but he is powerless to resist gambling and beautiful women. Feyda falls instantly in love with Lisa, who is engaged to his dear friend Victor.
The Green Goddess
Temple Priest
An airplane carrying three Brits crash lands in the kingdom of Rukh. The Rajah holds them prisoner because the British are about to execute his three half-brothers in neighboring India.
The Wheel of Life
Tsering Lama
British officer Capt. Leslie Yeullat is at present on leave in London. Falling in love with Ruth Dangan, the wife of his commanding officer, Yeullat does the gentlemanly thing by suppressing his own emotions for the sake of the Regiment. He goes so far as to resign from his commission and returns to India as a civilian.
Thru Different Eyes
Harvey Manning is placed on trial for the murder of Jack Winfield, his closest friend, whose body was found in the Manning home. During the trial, the prosecuting and the defense attorneys put forward sharply different versions of the character of Manning and his wife, Viola, and of the events leading up to the murder. The jury returns a verdict of guilty, but a young girl then comes forward and confesses that she killed Winfield for having wronged her.
The Iron Mask
Cardinal Richelieu
King Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu out-smarts the Musketeers and banishes them forever.
The Red Dance
Bishop (uncredited)
Tasia (Dolores del Río), a beautiful dancer lower class of Russia, falls heir to the throne Prince, Grand Duke Eugene (Charles Farrell), but only admired from a distance. At the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, the Duke falls in captivity and this allows Tasia be near him.
Noah's Ark
Soldier / High Priest
The Biblical story of Noah and the Great Flood, with a parallel story of soldiers in the First World War.
Me, Gangster
Danish Louie
Told in the form of a diary, the story details the rise and fall of gangster boss Jimmy Williams.
Loves of an Actress
Rachel becomes the leading actress in the Comédie Française through the patronage of three influential men: Baron Hartman, the wealthiest man in France; Count Vareski, a relative of Napoleon; and Dr. Durande. All three men are in love with her, but she throws them over when she falls in love with Raoul Duval....
The Divine Sinner
Minister of Police
Lillia is a small town girl who gets involved with the wrong crowd in Paris. Arrested by police prefect Nigel De Brulier, Lillia agrees to seduce a politically important foreign prince Ernest Hilliard in exchange for her freedom.
Two Lovers
The Prince of Orange
Set during the 16th-century Spanish occupation of Flanders, the story concentrates on the fiercely patriotic Mark Van Ryke (Colman). Donning the guise of "Leatherface," a swashbuckling masked avenger, Van Ryke performs his derring-do on behalf of the Prince of Orange (Nigel de Brulier). Naturally, Van Ruke considers beautiful Spanish aristocrat Donna Leonora de Vargas (Vilma Banky) to be a bitter enemy, and the feeling is mutual. To no one's surprise, however, Van Ryke and Donna Leonara eventually fall in love (hence the title). The pulse-pounding climax finds Van Ryke riding hell-for-leather through a rainstorm to warn the Flemish troops about the Spaniards' plans to burn the city of Ghent to the ground. Two Lovers was based on Madame Orczy's novel Leatherface, and adapted for the screen by Alice Duer Miller.
The Gaucho
The Padre
A girl is saved by a miracle after she falls from a cliff in the Argentine Andes, and is blessed with healing powers. A shrine is built on the site, and a whole city grows around it, rich with gold from the grateful worshipers. Ruiz, an evil and sadistic general, captures the city, confiscates the gold, and closes the shrine. But the Gaucho, the charismatic leader of a band of outlaws, comes to the rescue.
My Best Girl
Crippled Pencil Peddler (uncredited)
Joe Merrill, son of the millionaire owner of a chain of 5 and 10 cent stores, poses as Joe Grant, and takes a job in the stockroom of one of his father's stores, to prove that he can be a success without his father's influence. There he meets stockroom girl Maggie Johnson, and they fall in love. This causes problems, because Mrs. Merrill had planned for her son to marry Millicent Rogers, a high society girl.
The Patent Leather Kid
The French Doctor
The Patent Leather Kid is a 1927 silent film which tells the story of a boxer who scoffs at fighting outside the ring... particularly for the United States once it enters World War I. Eventually, he is drafted, is shipped overseas, and performs a heroic act, which results in his being severely wounded.
Soft Cushions
The Notary
Douglas MacLean stars as The Young Thief, who falls in love with The Girl, played by Sue Carol. Alas, the Girl has been sold into the harem of The Wazir (Albert Prisco), forcing the Thief to sneak into the palace to rescue her.
Peasant (uncredited)
Два молодых человека Джек Пауэлл и Дэвид Армстронг из одного небольшого городка влюблены в Сильвию Льюис. Однако Сильвия отвечает взаимностью Дэвиду, а Джек не замечает влюбленную в него соседскую девчонку Мэри Престон. После вступления США в Первую Мировую войну юноши попадают в авиационный корпус и становятся не только асами, но и друзьями. Стараясь быть ближе к Джеку, Мэри присоединяется к женскому механизированному корпусу, но война охватила большие расстояния и они почти не встречаются. Один единственный раз Мэри находит Джека в увольнении, но в таком виде, что он ее не узнает и встреча печально заканчивается для самой Мэри. Меж тем, между друзьями произошла размолвка, и они улетают в бой, не примирившись, что в итоге приводит к трагической развязке — это война…
The Beloved Rogue
François Villon, in his lifetime the most renowned poet in France, is also a prankster, an occasional criminal, and an ardent patriot.
Rabbi Mendel Lyon
Lea Lyon, the daughter of a rabbi, lives happily with her father in their Gulicinu village, but there are rumblings of war. Soon, the village is overrun with the Imperial troops of the Russian Czar, with Constantine in Imperial command. He is attracted by the beauty of Lea and commands her to come to his quarters. She refuses and he is outraged. He orders the townspeople barred behind their doors and the village burned. Though she loves her honor above everything else, she can not bear to see the villagers suffer, and makes the lonely walk through the village to the Inn.
Don Juan
Marchese Rinaldo
If there was one thing that Don Juan de Marana learned from his father Don Jose, it was that women gave you three things - life, disillusionment and death. In his father's case it was his wife, Donna Isobel, and Donna Elvira who supplied the latter. Don Juan settled in Rome after attending the University of Pisa. Rome was run by the tyrannical Borgia family consisting of Caesar, Lucrezia and the Count Donati. Juan has his way with and was pursued by many women, but it is the one that he could not have that haunts him. It will be for her that he suffers the wrath of Borgia for ignoring Lucrezia and then killing Count Donati in a duel. For Adriana, they will both be condemned to death in the prison on the river Tigre.
The Greater Glory
Dr. Hermann von Berg
A story of Vienna following World War I, in which the butchers became millionaires and the aristocrats became beggars, told against a background of mother-love and sacrifice.
Yellow Fingers
Rajah Jagore
Ralph Ince stars as Brute Shane, a South Pacific trader who has adopted native girl Saina (Olive Broden). When Shane rescues English lass Nona Deering (Claire Adams) from white slavers, the jealous Saina begins plotting Nona's demise.
The Ancient Mariner
Doris Matthews, a beautiful, innocent young girl, forsakes her sweetheart, Joel Barlowe, in favor of Victor Brant, a wealthy roué. On the night before they are to elope, an old sailor gives Brant a strange potion to drink and then unfolds before his eyes "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Deeply touched by this story about the consequences of the wanton destruction of innocent beauty, Brant leaves without Doris. After some time, he returns and finds to his pained satisfaction that Doris, having overcome her infatuation for him, has again turned her tender attentions toward Joel.
Бен-Гур: Расказ Христа
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
He's a Prince!
Prince Alexis is the son of the king of a small European country. His duties, though fairly unimportant, nevertheless keep him so busy that he has no time for anything else. One day he meets and falls in love with a pretty young girl and wants to spend as much time with her as possible, but the royal advisers won't allow it, as it would take away from his duties. To make matters worse, his father dies and Alexis becomes king. Frustrated at his position and his inability to spend time with the woman he loves, he comes up with a novel plan to solve his problems.
Mademoiselle Midnight
Dr. Sanchez
Renée (Mae Murray) is the heiress of a Mexican ranch, granddaughter of a woman known for her recklessness and frivolity at night. This first "Mademoiselle Midnight" is banished in the opening scene by Napoleon III at Empress Eugenie's insistence to Mexico. Renee is kept locked at the hacienda at night by her father to prevent her following in her grandmother's wayward footsteps. She falls in love with a visiting American (Monte Blue) but is also pursued by the craven outlaw Manuel Corrales. Miss Murray gets to do some of her trademark dancing, but this one isn't a comedy, despite comic relief provided by Johnny Arthur.
A Boy of Flanders
Jehan Daas
An orphan boy wins a prize for his drawing.
Three Weeks
A young aristocrat strikes up an affair with a mysterious woman for three weeks.
Wild Oranges
Litchfield Stope
Millie Stope lives with her grandfather on a remote island. Man-child Nicholas, a fugitive from justice, also lives there and is terrorizing them - and he's interested in Millie. One day widower John Woolfolk, sailing on his yacht, happens upon the island. Soon he and Millie fall in love. Will jealous Nicholas stand for this?
St. Elmo
Rev. Alan Hammond
St. Elmo is a man who killed his romantic rival in a brawl. Traveling the world as a confirmed misogynist, St. Elmo returns to home and hearth only to fall in love with the daughter of the local blacksmith. The film is based on the 1867 novel of the same name written by Augusta Jane Evans. Today, St. Elmo is a lost film.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Don Claudio
In 15th century France, a gypsy girl is framed for murder by the infatuated Chief Justice, and only the deformed bellringer of Notre Dame Cathedral can save her.
The Eleventh Hour
Mordecai Newman
An evil prince plans to use a super-explosive to take over the world.
Jokaanan, the Prophet
Based on Oscar Wilde's play, the films tells the story of how Salomé agrees to dance for King Herod in return for the head of John the Baptist.
Omar the Tentmaker
Nizam ul Mulk
About Omar Khayyam of Persia, the poet and mathematician, who wrote the Iranian first solar calendar circa A.D. 1073. His fiancé was forced to marry the shah, but she eventually escaped and, with help of grand Vazir, joined Omar Khayyam. Hollywood made a film based on the same story with Connell Wilde, the life and adventures of Omar Khayyam.
A Doll's House
Dr. Rank
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed ...
Глупые жены
Monk (uncredited)
На вилле в Монте-Карло со своими кузинами живёт бывший русский офицер Карамзин, выдающий себя за графа. Впрочем, возможно, он выдаёт себя и за офицера, а кузины - всего-навсего его сообщницы. А занимаются они сбытом фальшивых денег, поставляемых итальянцем Вентуччи. В Монте-Карло прибывает новый американский посланник. Карамзин с кузинами решают, что ему необходимо познакомиться с женой посланника, завязать с ней интрижку, занять у неё крупную сумму настоящих денег...
The Devil Within
Dr. Philiol
Director Bernard J. Durning's silent seafaring romantic melodrama
The Three Musketeers
Cardinal Richelieu
The young Gascon D'Artagnan arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu.
Without Benefit of Clergy
Pir Khan
A British engineer in India takes a simple native girl as his bride, an act which defies social strictures and leads to tragedy.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Set in the years before and during World War I, this epic tale tells the story of a rich Argentine family, one of its two descending branches being half of French heritage, the other being half German. Following the death of the family patriarch, the man's two daughters and their families resettle to France and Germany, respectively. In time the Great War breaks out, putting members of the family on opposing sides.
His Pajama Girl
Manuel Lopez
Planning to fleece wealthy Henry Dodd, Blackie Blaisdell and his band of crooks convince the millionaire that they have located the deposed president of San Salvador, a country in which Dodd holds mining interests.
The Virgin of Stamboul
Capt. Kassan
Achmet Bey, a Turkish chieftain, catches one of his many wives in adultery and murders her lover. Throwing aside the cuckolding wife, he abducts his harem an innocent girl. However, a brave American who loves her comes to her rescue.
The Mystery Of 13
Raoul Ferrar
A man comes by a map that shows the location of a secret treasure, but runs afoul of a criminal organization known as the "13". Chapter ten, eleven and twelve are still missing from this 15 episode serial.
Actress Mignon is the toast of Paris until she marries young American engineer John Stanley. He is commissioned to go to work in the Sahara desert, and Mignon accompanies him with their baby. But it isn't long before she is lonely and horribly bored. When a wealthy Russian, Baron Alexis, passes through the camp, he offers to take her away to Cairo. She goes with him, and he surrounds her in luxury. Years pass, but the situation does not bring her happiness.
The Romance of Tarzan
Tarzan and Jane are to sail for England. They are attacked by natives and Tarzan is believed to have been killed. The Greystoke relatives return to England, the Porters (Jane's family) goes to their ranch near San Francisco. Tarzan shows up in a tuxedo and rescues Jane from outlaws...
Just prior to World War I, the Kaiser sends Baron von Zeller to inform Emperor Franz Josef of Austria that he is ready to declare war on France. Sensing the impending crisis, the French War Office dispatches secret agent René de Bornay to investigate the situation, and upon his arrival, he cultivates the friendship of Franz Josef's mistress, the Countess Griselda von Arenburg.
The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin
Capt. von Neigle
A propagandistic view of the First World War, showing the political greed of the German Kaiser Wilhelm, the resistance of some of his own soldiers, and fanciful prediction of the nature of the war's end.
The Girl o' Dreams
Phillip Fletcher
After his young wife dies, Phillip Fletcher, a millionaire and sculptor, makes his home on an uncharted desert island. Harry LeRoy, a cad who is courting the widow Mrs. Hansen, desires the widow's convent-bred daughter Norma and persuades mother and daughter to accompany him on a sea cruise. When the ship catches fire, Norma, abandoned by LeRoy and her mother in the confusion, is washed ashore on Phillip's island.
Townsman (uncredited)
This melodrama about an actress in love with a playwright and the stage manager blackmailing her for her affections offers a unique glimpse into Chaney’s career before his classic performances in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera.
The Bond Between
Feole Zelnar
Pierre Duval is a night watchman at a museum of art who dotes on his art student son, Jacques. One evening at the museum, Pierre finds a highly valuable painting missing, and since Jacques had just left, he believes his son stole it.
The Voice on the Wire
Professor Duval
A silent action movie serial.
Joan the Woman
Man at Trial (uncredited)
A WWI English officer is inspired the night before a dangerous mission by a vision of Joan of Arc, whose story he relives.
Extra (uncredited)
Фильм «Нетерпимость» — один из этапных в развитии мирового киноискусства; — это сложная сюжетная конструкция из четырех перемежающихся новелл, показывавших четыре различные эпохи. В ленте, снятой с грандиозным постановочным размахом, был затронут широкий круг философских и моральных проблем. Нетерпимость трактована как зло, отравляющее жизнь во все времена и у всех народов. Обратившись к огромному историческому и мифологическому материалу, Гриффит использовал при его воплощении необычные для того времени кинематографические средства и приемы, определившие новаторское значение фильма.
Thorton Darcy
Purity, a simple country girl, comes to the city and is hired as an artist's model. A young poet becomes obsessed with her, and is distraught when he learns she has been posing nude. But his distress is diminished when he finds that she intends to use her income from modelling to publish his poetry. (IMDb)
The Dumb Girl of Portici
Father Francisco
Fenella, a poor Italian girl, falls in love with a Spanish nobleman, but their affair triggers a revolution and national catastrophe.
Pastor Manders (uncredited)
Based on Henrik Ibsen's play.
The Spanish Jade
Don Luis
In a provincial Spanish town, during the mid-nineteenth century, Manuela is sold as a dancing girl to a strolling musician. In their wanderings, she meets Don Bartolome, who left his poor father Don Luis to become a highwayman. Bartolome falls in love with Manuela and takes her with him after killing the musician. When they meet Osmund Manvers, an English squire, Bartolome wants to use Manuela to rob him, but Manvers rescues Manuela from a gang of drifters and carries her into the country. Later, Manuela stabs and kills Bartolome after he threatens her. Manuela flees and Manvers searches for her. When Don Luis learns about Bartolome's death, he challenges Manvers to a duel.
Distraut Man in Church (uncredited)
The story of St. Gabriel, who was killed by an ignorant mob for making a nude statue representing Purity, who is also represented by a ghostly naked girl that flits through the film.
The Pursuit of the Phantom
The Poet
Accompanied by his dog Skookum, artist Richard Alden goes to work painting the beauty of Laguna Beach. There he courts a city woman, much to the delight of a whimsical waif who weaves fantasies about the lovers. The idyll is interrupted, though, when Wyant Van Zandt, an ambitious millionaire, steals the artist's sweetheart. Alden marries the waif, who later bears him six children. Years pass, and Van Zandt's son falls in love with Helen, the artist's daughter. Indignant at the unsuitability of the match, the millionaire forces his son to break with Helen. Thinking that his daughter's honor has been compromised, Alden attacks and chokes the youth, but at young Van Zandt's bedside, all are reconciled. An allegorical epilogue contrasts the lots of Van Zandt and Alden. To the left, the millionaire embraces a skeleton in black, while, to the right, the artist holds his wife. -From Database, powered by the AFI.