Сацуки не может смириться с внезапной смертью любимого человека и пребывает в глубокой печали. Она продолжает думать о феномене лунной тени, о котором она когда-то слышала, - загадочном событии, которое позволяет человеку встретить мертвых в конце полнолуния. По одноименной повести Ёсимото Бананы.
When Chihiro was a baby, she suffered from eczema. Her parents tried to find a cure, but nothing worked. Her father's co-worker then gave him some water from a strange religious group. Chihiro was miraculously cured by the water. Her parents began to follow the strange religion and became fervent followers. Chihiro is now in the 3rd grade of middle school and she faces changes in her life.
Yamano Yamame, an entertainer who can't sell, is unreasonably told by his seniors that he should live in the accident property because he will put it on TV, and he moves to the property where the murder occurred due to his appearance on TV and the low rent. At first glance, the room was a normal room, but a mysterious white object was reflected in the image of the room, and the sound was disturbed. The program in which Yamame appeared became lively, and Yamame moved around the accident property in search of new material. Yamame, who encounters various mysterious phenomena in the room where he lives, makes a big break as an "entertainer who lives in the accident property".
Любовный треугольник, который захватывает всю магию и меланхолию лета, концентрируясь на мимолетных моментах и встречах, пережитых его тремя главными героями.