Nadja Bobyleva

Nadja Bobyleva

Рождение : 1983-05-07, Moscow, Russia


Nadja Bobyleva


Plötzlich so still
Stefanie Wolpert
When Eva wakes up, her baby is calm. Too calm. Your child is no longer breathing. Desperate, she massages the little heart. For free. While still in shock, Eva makes a monstrous decision.
Lea, a therapist specializing in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse, is unable to follow her own methods after she herself suffers an assault and plunges into the abyss of her own psyche. It is a journey through the inner realm of a violated woman, where reality and fiction, truth and dream intertwine.
Lea, a therapist specializing in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse, is unable to follow her own methods after she herself suffers an assault and plunges into the abyss of her own psyche. It is a journey through the inner realm of a violated woman, where reality and fiction, truth and dream intertwine.
Lea, a therapist specializing in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse, is unable to follow her own methods after she herself suffers an assault and plunges into the abyss of her own psyche. It is a journey through the inner realm of a violated woman, where reality and fiction, truth and dream intertwine.
Lea, a therapist specializing in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse, is unable to follow her own methods after she herself suffers an assault and plunges into the abyss of her own psyche. It is a journey through the inner realm of a violated woman, where reality and fiction, truth and dream intertwine.
Der Schneegänger
Sanela Beara
After missing four years, the body of a little boy is found in the forest. An unlikely pair of police officers investigate the boy's death.
Katie Fforde: Wachgeküsst
Maggie Bradford
Пепел в снегу
В 1941 году советские войска оккупируют Литву, после чего объявляют жителей Литвы нарушителями коммунистического режима и врагами народа и отправляют в ссылку на каторжные работы. В ссылку отправляют и семью 16-летней Лины. Девушка фиксирует все ужасы и невзгоды их положения на бумаге.
Katie Fforde: Ziemlich beste Freundinnen
Emily van Garden
Hasn't every woman ever wondered whether it's best to ditch all the men and just marry your best friend? Paula and Emily are doing just that. Single hotel owner Paula Atkinson and her impulsive friend Emily van Garden have known each other since high school and have always been able to rely on each other. In a love crisis, Emily therefore moves into the "Seaside Hotel" and supports Paula. When Emily catches her fiancé Frank with someone else a few days before the wedding and Paula realizes after an upsetting visit to the doctor that no one will be there for her nine-year-old daughter Lucy in an emergency, the two spontaneously order the posse in a two-girlfriends-against-the-rest-of-the-world moment.
Chaos-Queens - Die Braut sagt leider nein
Камера обскура
Claire Zeller
Бывший военный фотограф Джон страдает от посттравматического синдрома и никак не может встроиться в мирную жизнь. Его девушка, желая хоть как-то взбодрить парня, дарит ему винтажный фотоаппарат. Джон бродит по окрестностям и снимает, а на следующий день в новостях сообщают, что на детской площадке, где как раз он сделал пару снимков, погиб мальчик.
Шпионский мост
Действие фильма происходит на фоне серии реальных исторических событий и рассказывает о бруклинском адвокате Джеймсе Доноване, который оказывается в эпицентре холодной войны, когда ЦРУ отправляет его на практически невозможное задание — договориться об освобождении захваченного в СССР американского пилота самолета-разведчика U2.
Поэзия в стиле порнопанк
Книга "На дороге" Керуака влечет Дамона в Америку на дорогу "66". Пока же он вынужден зарабатывать на жизнь проституцией в провинциальном немецком городке и жить в машине. Неожиданная встреча с девушкой всколыхнула в нем давно забытые чувства по отношению к противоположному полу и подвергает серьезному испытанию сложившийся образ жизни...
My Brother's Keeper
Two very different brothers: Gregor (32) and Pietschi (30). Whereas one is reliable and committed, the other is spontaneous and aimless. Gregor is married and is a good doctor; Pietschi in contrast is something of a ladies’ man and a hedonist. According to tradition, the two see each other at least once a year for a weekend of sailing. But this year Pietschi drops out without leaving a message, and simply disappears. Gregor’s life goes on, but he is confused and searches everywhere for a sign of his brother’s whereabouts. The more Gregor realises how little he knows about his brother, the more he becomes fascinated by these things he doesn't know. And the longer Pietschi remains missing, the more obsessed Gregor becomes with his brother’s fading echo, even going so far as to try and slip into his brother’s life. But what happens when one of them suddenly disappears from the mirror image? Can the other continue to be the person they are. Or rather, were?
Meeres Stille
Frances Sander
On vacation at a remote house by the sea a family is faced with a disturbing reality, when lost memories urge to the surface and slowly fades out, what seemed safe once - as well as the past can't be washed away.
Einmal Leben bitte
Made for TV movie starring Anja Kling, Filip Peeters and Christine Schorn
Utta Danella - Wer küsst den Doc?
Verschollen am Kap
Karla Lohmann
Am Kreuzweg
Der Uranberg
Lydia Burskaya
Rock It!
am Cello bei der Ankunft
When being sent to a boarding school for classical music, teenager Julia discovers rock music - and rock musicians. Torn between these two musical worlds, she has to find her own way.
Ann Catrine
Биография австрийской актрисы Роми Шнайдер.
Nichts geht mehr
Comedy movie that deals with typical behavior of young teens.
Weißt was geil wär...?!
Wasted Youth
Getting a Life
Klara Berkhoff
Nur eins noch
The new guy of Lisas mother lost his job, sits at home and drinks. As long as her mother doesn't throw him out, she will have to do it herself.
Freundinnen für immer
Astrid Jakob
The Tenth Summer
Christel Hilfers
The tenth summer of Kalli is certainly one of these magical experiences. Along with his friends, he initially planned great things, including opening a zoo - however, one that not only offers the ordinary creeping or fluttering items in a preserving jar, but a true sensation...
Der Freund meiner Mutter
Nele Weber
Olga's Summer
A 16 years old Olga is dreaming about leaving house when suddenly she meets a mysterious man who is ready to join her.
Das verflixte 17. Jahr
Engel & Joe
A love story of a 17 year old punk-rocker and a 15 year old runaway girl.
Hand in Hand