Randyo Randev

Рождение : 1907-03-04, Sofia, Bulgaria


Production Design
This film brings us back to show us the life of the famous ancient sage Aesop, who helped people with his wisdom in their struggle for freedom and happiness.
Приключение в полночь
Production Design
В одном из пограничных районов Болгарии вспыхивает эпидемия сапа. Новейшая вакцина из ГДР не оказывает никакого действия на гибнущий скот. Органы госбезопасности считают, что имела место диверсия одной из иностранных разведок. Расследование происшествия поручают майору госбезопасности Аввакуму Захову.
Master of All Trades
Production Design
A dentistry student, graduating with honor, does not get the desired job and has to start working as a MASTER OF ALL TRADES in a construction company. He has to paint walls, clean chimneys, and fix water conduits. He is not able to accomplish any of these tasks and gets into funny situations all the time. Moreover, he and his roommate, a good friend of his, quarrel over a girl. But this situation is a misunderstanding as well - the friends love different girls. A happy end is in sight.