Mayank Singhania


Tiger Nageswara Rao
Based on the life of the notorious thief Nageswara Rao, who was the most wanted thief of south India& managed to evade the authorities on several occasions in the 1970s, earning him the moniker of 'Tiger.'
Karthikeya 2
Before the Kalyug begins, Lord Krishna hands over an anklet that holds the answer to all of world’s miseries. Years later a doctor finds himself in the thick of things when the pursuit for the anklet carries on. A doctor with a curious mind, Karthikeya, aka Karthik, believes in pursuing the truth. The quest leads Karthik to discover the power of the ancient Indian belief system and the essence of Krishna.
Кашмирские файлы
«Кашмирские файлы» — это история, основанная на видеоинтервью первого поколения жертв геноцида кашмирской общины пандитов в 1990 году.