Wim Roborgh


Freek de Jonge: De Stemming 5
Camera Operator
Alkemade & Bloemen: Je Moet Niet Alles Geloven Wat Gemma Zegt
Camera Operator
Stage registration of the sixth show by the Dutch comedy duo Alkemade & Bloemen, 'Je moet niet alles geloven wat Gemma zegt' ('Don't believe everything Gemma says'). The show consists of absurd and unpredictable scenes about aliens, frustrated doctors and obsessive neighbors.
Pieter Tiddens: Vooruit! Nog Één Keer Kindercabaret, Nu Nog Anders!
Camera Operator
A comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist (and actor and singer and musician) Pieter Tiddens. The show is about the mutability of life. Why can't things stay as they are?
Pieter Tiddens: De Zoektocht naar 'Cool'
Camera Operator
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens.