Sid Tomack

Sid Tomack

Рождение : 1907-09-08,

Смерть : 1962-11-12


In addition to credited roles, he appears in the stock episode opening-credits footage for seasons 2 and 3 of "Perry Mason", as a spectator seated immediately behind Lt. Tragg (Ray Collins).


Sid Tomack


Sail A Crooked Ship
A bungling burglar, determined to go down in the annals of crime as a genius, steals a ship in New York in order to rob a bank in Boston.
Самый дурацкий корабль в армии
Arthur, Bartender at Kangaroo Club (uncredited)
Бывший яхтсмен, а ныне лейтенант американской армии, поверив радужным обещаниям, отправляется командовать «Самым дурацким кораблем в армии» — грудой металлолома с командой матросов-недотеп. И уж конечно, ни капитан, ни команда не знают, что на их корабль возложена сверхсекретная миссия по спасению союзников, оказавшихся на японской территории…
The Opposite Sex
Nightclub Waiter (uncredited)
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
That Certain Feeling
Shooting Gallery Proprietor
When Larry Larkin's comic strip needs some freshening up, he calls in ghost-writer Francis X. Dignan to help him with the strip. Things get complicated when Francis rekindles his love for his ex-wife, who happens to be Larkin's secretary and soon-to-be wife.
The Kettles in the Ozarks
Ma and the kids head out to help Pa's brother Sedgewick with the his farm in Mournful Hollow, Arkansas. Things get tighter when a couple of bootleggers rent Sedge's barn to manufacture moonshine. With Ma and the kids, the bootleggers get their pay.
Прожигая жизнь
Master of Ceremonies
Гомер Флагг - железнодорожный рабочий в маленьком городке Пустынная Дыра, Нью-Мексико. Его самая большая мечта - посетить Нью-Йорк, пока молод. Однажды он находит заброшенный автомобиль на старой атомном полигоне. Его врач и лучший друг Стив Харрис диагностирует у него радиационное отравление и дает ему три недели жизни. Репортер нью-йоркской газеты, услышав о тяжелом положении Гомера, убеждает своего редактора оплатить Гомеру поездку в Нью-Йорк и все расходы, чтобы сбылась его мечта. Стив, однако, понимает, что сделал ошибку, и Гомер страдает совсем от другого.
Somebody Loves Me
Harry Lake
Backstage musical biography of nightclub star Blossom Seeley that charts her rocky relationship with vaudeville singer Benny Fields.
Hoodlum Empire
It's a deadly play for power when a Mafia chieftain's top gun goes straight and threatens to testify against the big boss and his cruel, nationwide network of crime. The picture, which was shot in a semi-documentary style, was inspired by the Kefauver investigations of 1950-51.
Reunion in Reno
Serge Field
A little girl enlists the aid of an attorney to obtain a divorce from her parents. Breezy B comedy was loosely remade as Irreconcilable Differences.
Joe Palooka in Triple Cross
Second Trainer
Joe Palooka and two friends are taking hostage by three criminals.
Свидание с опасностью
Правительственные агенты выслеживают убийц почтового инспектора и предотвращают похищение миллиона долларов. Лэдд хорош в роли крутого, немногословного инспектора, ведущего это дело. Хорошая игра Филлис Кэлверт в роли монахини. Расследуя убийство, инспектор раскрывает заговор, в результате которого похищаются большие суммы наличных денег при перевозке по железной дороге. Он представляется полицейским, которого можно подкупить, и вымогает деньги у банды, угрожая сорвать план ограбления.
Side Street
A struggling young father-to-be gives in to temptation and impulsively steals an envelope of money from the office of a corrupt attorney. Instead of a few hundred dollars, it contains $30,000, and when he decides to return the money things go wrong and that is only the beginning of his troubles.
Mr. Humes
Paula Consodine comes to Los Angeles in search of her missing sister. Newspaperman Mark Sitko, investigating on Paula's behalf, discovers that the sister is dead, a supposed suicide. The whole thing seems a bit fishy to Sitko, and indeed it is: the girl's death was engineered by a black-market adoption racket, headed by one DeCola.
Sorrowful Jones
Waiter at Steve's Place (uncredited)
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Sorrowful must also evade crooked gangsters and indulge in a bit of horse-thieving.
Дом посторонних
Макса Монетти обуревает жажда мести родному брату, который предал их отца Джино. Однако воспоминания прошлого, в частности мысли о его отношениях с Ирен Беннет, приводят Макса к убеждению, что его отец сам виновен в сложных отношениях с семьей, после чего его он решает наладить отношения с братом.
Alias Nick Beal
After straight-arrow district attorney Joseph Foster says in frustration that he would sell his soul to bring down a local mob boss, a smooth-talking stranger named Nick Beal shows up with enough evidence to seal a conviction. When that success leads Foster to run for governor, Beal's unearthly hold on him turns the previously honest man corrupt, much to the displeasure of his wife and his steadfast minister.
Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture
The Runt
Blackie is seen leaving a Chinese laundry where the proprietor has been murdered, and must track down the real killer in Chinatown.
Стучись в любую дверь
Duke the Fence (uncredited)
Ник Романо — хулиган, живущий в квартале для бедняков. Его обвиняют в убийстве полицейского, и за это молодому человеку грозит смертная казнь. Единственный, кто соглашается ему помочь, — адвокат Эндрю Мортон, который в юности сам пережил подобную ситуацию. Сможет ли он убедить суд, что Ник не прирожденный убийца, а всего лишь жертва обстоятельств?
Homicide for Three
While on shore leave to celebrate his first anniversary, Lt. Peter Duluth (Warren Douglas) takes his wife, Iris (Audrey Long), to a Los Angeles hotel but is turned away. When mysterious Colette (Stephanie Bachelor) offers them her suite, the young couple becomes entangled in a murder plot. Aided by two PIs, Peter and Iris find two corpses and are desperate to locate Colette before she becomes the next victim, but the killers are one step ahead.
The Scar
Artell - Manager
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
My Girl Tisa
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
I Love Trouble
Buster Buffin
A wealthy man hires a detective to investigate his wife's mysterious past.
Двойная жизнь
Выдающийся актер, любимец публики Энтони Джон играет в театре свою звездную роль — Отелло. Он так старательно вживается в образ ревнивого мавра, что мастерство перевоплощения приводит его к непредсказуемому результату..
For the Love of Rusty
Moe Hatch
Danny Mitchell, feeling that he has been misunderstood by his parents, takes his dog, Rusty, and leaves home, camping out near the trailer of veterinary Dr. Francis Xavier Ray. Gas escapes in the trailer during the night, and Rusty rescues the vet before he is overcome.
Blondie's Holiday
Pete Brody
Dagwood gets a raise due to a new contract with a bank manager. Blondie misunderstanding the amount of the raise pledges more than they can afford to Dagwood's high school reunion organizer who was also Dagwood's high school sweetheart. To make matters worse Dagwood becomes involved with a gang running a gambling establishment.
Blind Spot
Mike, the waiter-bartender
A mystery writer becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation when a publisher he last saw is found dead.
The Thrill of Brazil
Irikie Bowers
Steve, revue producer in Rio de Janeiro, is still in love with his ex-wife Vicki, his star Linda is in love with Steve and Tito is in love with Linda. Because of this they all get small problems.