Ina Weisse

Ina Weisse

Рождение : 1968-06-12, Berlin, Germany


Ina Weisse


Playing God
Frau Keller
The 78-year-old former architect Richard Gärtner (Matthias Habich) wants to put an end to his life. However, this should not be done abroad, but quite legally with the help of his family doctor. For Dr. Brandt (Anna Maria Mühe), out of personal conviction, it is out of the question to get her elderly but healthy patient a fatal preparation.
Анна Бронски - преподаватель игры на скрипке в консерватории. Вопреки советам своих коллег, она начинает заниматься с учеником, в котором видит большой талант. Однако Анна слишком увлекается его подготовкой и совершенно забывает про родного сына, тоже скрипача и любителя хоккея, а также начинает отдаляться от мужа.
Анна Бронски - преподаватель игры на скрипке в консерватории. Вопреки советам своих коллег, она начинает заниматься с учеником, в котором видит большой талант. Однако Анна слишком увлекается его подготовкой и совершенно забывает про родного сына, тоже скрипача и любителя хоккея, а также начинает отдаляться от мужа.
Das Märchen von der Regentrude
The whole country wants an end of the drought. Maren has even more reason to wish for rain, her austere father,the rich hay farmer Iven, will approve her marriage with her beloved Andrees only if the rain falls before the next sunset.
Работа без авторства
Martha Seeband
Молодой художник Курт Барнерт сбегает из Восточной Германии в Западную, чтобы учиться живописи и свободно работать. Но прошлое настигает его, когда в отце своей возлюбленной он узнает человека, ответственного за страшные преступления. Курт разоблачит его через свои картины, которые со временем станут манифестом целого поколения.
Der Anfang von etwas
Anne Hoppe
Ein großer Aufbruch
After getting his cancer diagnosis, Holm decides to die in Switzerland. With a last big appearance he wants to say goodbye to his family. Holm invites family members and close friends to a dinner to review his successful life. But the evening is not a wistful-emotional family reunion, but a settlement with the head of the family. Old wounds break open, long kept secrets come to light, the different views of the people, the others and the life leads to hard argument and to many a surprise.
Der Verlust
Nora Fechner
Uli and Nora share an intimate, late love. But Uli always avoids the decision to stand on the common relationship. One morning Uli suffers a stroke during a tour of the harbor on the Elbe. He fights his way through the city to the reading room of the library where Nora works. At the last minute, an ambulance takes Uli to the hospital. In this situation, Nora is overwhelmed. When, on the initiative of her friend Eva, she fetches a few things for Uli from his apartment, a cell phone rings. At the other end there is an unknown female voice that sounds strangely familiar ...
Деревня, в которой все молчали
Lydia Perner
Она вернулась домой через 30 лет. Вернулась неожиданно, её никто не ждал. И остальным членам семьи это возвращение не принесло радости, а только тревогу. Потому что она вернулась, чтобы напомнить им о том, о чём они давно забыли - о том, какую боль они ей причинили, о том, как они сломали её жизнь. Только это была не месть - Лидия вернулась, чтобы спасти самого любимого для неё человека.
I Want You
Marie is a successful designer and has a loving husband and two children. But fate offers more. When she meets the fiancée of their friend Dom, the two women fall for each other. This comes out and life gets out of control. Can there be a long-term solution?
Die Flut ist pünktlich
Bettina Halbach
A corpse is washed up on the beach of the North Sea. The deceased is Alexander, husband of the beautiful Bettina. They have been coming to the island for a long time and possess a cottage there. At first no one doubts that Alexander died of an accident, but the young policewoman Maike, who has known the family since her childhood, thinks that Alexander should have been familiar with the mudflat. Did he kill himself?
Прощай, Париж
Gloria Berndssen
Аэропорт — место, где пересекаются судьбы. Банкир Фрэнк и продюсер Патрисиа слишком часто встречаются в парижском аэропорту, чтобы это можно было посчитать простой случайностью. Его карьера под угрозой — банковские махинации затронули его лично, она пытается смириться с трагедией — любовник находится в коме после тяжелой аварии и вряд ли вернется к нормальной жизни. Между тем, у каждого из них свои «странные утешения». Для Патрисии это жена любовника, с которой они разделяют горе, а для Фрэнка, как ни удивительно, знакомый мясник.
Death on the Baltic
Meike Hansen
A man goes over a girl and is in a village on the Baltic Sea henceforth as a "murderer" - until he lies dead in his garden. An accident, everyone says. But the autopsy shows that Ralf Kossak was killed. The police consider Stefan Hansen, the father of the dead Lisa, for the murderer, because he has the strongest motive: revenge. But Hansen was not, his wife Meike not. In the village begins a veritable witch hunt on Kossak's widow and her sons. The police discover what a shattering drama is in the Kossak family.
The Devil from Milan
Barbara Peters
Sonia’s nightmare is never ending. Her super-rich husband Frederic is now locked in a psychiatric unit after he attempted to kill her. But her mother-in-law continues to make her life hell by controlling her every move. Getting a job at a wellness spa in the mountains comes at just the rights time. However, on arriving, Sonia quickly realises that the villagers are not particularly sympathetic to newcomers and mysterious things begin to happen, all of them strangely connected to the legend of the devil of Milan. But is it just her mind playing tricks on her? DER TEUFEL VON MAILAND is a thriller based on the novel by Swiss author Martin Suter.
Mord in Ludwigslust
Rebecca Schuster
In the castle park of Ludwigslust lies a dead woman. Investigators encounter a wall of silence. Everyone knew the dead "Lulu", many have a motive, everyone is afraid. But from what? Sophia Eichstätt, analyst at the LKA Kiel, investigates in the case, which assumes ever larger dimensions. Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim? Sophia gets caught between the fronts and has to decide which side she's on. It is dangerous on both sides.
Конец одной ночи
Eva Hartmann
Из дома богатого предпринимателя Вернера Ламберга в полицию поступает звонок от его перепуганной жены Сандры с просьбой о помощи. Приехавшая по вызову группа обнаруживает в доме кровь, следы борьбы и его жестоко избитую жену, запершуюся в спальне. Вернера сразу же арестовывают по подозрению в совершённом насилии. Но он утверждает, что не виновен. Для судьи Катарины Вайс это будет трудным делом. Истец и ответчик представляют суду совершенно разные версии произошедшего тем вечером.
Tod in Istanbul
Susanne Wahlberg
Der Verdacht
Kirsten Buresch
A German energy engineer has been found dead in a burnt-out car off the main road in the African Namib desert. The Namibian police rule out an accident and the victim's wife and business partner Maja Reichardt is suspected to be involved in the death of her husband. She has only two hours to convince the German embassy staff of her innocence. If she fails she will be transferred to the local judiciary facing months of pretrial detention. Unfortunately diplomatic officer Kirsten Buresch who has to take the final decision feels that Maja is suffering from paranoia and therefore might have had a reason to kill her husband.
Im Dschungel
Amigo - Dead on Arrival
Maxime Bosch
The Architect
Accepting a prize, architect Georg Winter explains that an architect has the good fortune of measuring every completed building against the rightness of his original idea. Soon Georg himself is forced to take stock of the achievements and mistakes he has made in his personal life. An intense drama in which the four members of the family travel to a mountain village to bury Georg's mother. They get stranded in bad weather. This unexpected isolation throws new light on the past and present life of the parents and the two almost-adult children.
The Architect
Accepting a prize, architect Georg Winter explains that an architect has the good fortune of measuring every completed building against the rightness of his original idea. Soon Georg himself is forced to take stock of the achievements and mistakes he has made in his personal life. An intense drama in which the four members of the family travel to a mountain village to bury Georg's mother. They get stranded in bad weather. This unexpected isolation throws new light on the past and present life of the parents and the two almost-adult children.
Die Weisheit der Wolken
Marie Farber
Mutig in die neuen Zeiten - Alles anders
Valerie Ulmendorff
Duell in der Nacht
Mechthild Adler
Nichts als Gespenster
Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.
Based on the novel Hohaj by Elisabeth Rynell, it depicts the devastation felt by Elizabeth, a woman who had lost her husband in a car accident and wants to leave her three young children to join him in death by wandering out into the snowy deserts of Lapland. As she wanders through the snow, Elizabeth discovers the story of Aron and Ina, a couple who overcame dark secrets and over-controlling family members to be with each other.
Sams in Gefahr
Margarete Taschenbier
Sams in danger, it is said, when Mr. Taschenbier's son Martin brings the Sams back into the household, which, however, is kidnapped shortly afterwards by the sports teacher because of his special skills.
Ilse Trenk
Julia Nebel
Das verflixte Babyjahr - Nie wieder Sex?!
Sophia Blohm
A man and a woman both took a "baby year". When their paths cross, the offspring and the respective partner lose importance.
Der dreckige Tod
Greta Kunze
Single sucht Nachwuchs
Weihnachten mit Willy Wuff III - Mama braucht einen Millionär
Die Sexfalle
Corinna Hoff
Trügerische Nähe
Annette Weiss
Regular Guys
Christoph, cop and self-confident macho, has trouble with his fiance. After a long night he wakes up in the arms of Edgar, a good-looking, gay auto-mechanic. His live gets more and more troublesome after his girl friend throws him out of their apartment and as last resort he moves to Edgars place. Working together with a new, good-looking, very self-confident, female collegue, but living with a good-looking gay guy makes him pretty uncertain about his sexuality and his role as a cop. Written by Konstantin Articus
Brüder auf Leben und Tod
Anja Bach