Key Animation
The Ainsworth family's goal is to save the world from evil, but their success depends on the great sacrifice Magical Girl Miyu makes for them. Her brother Shirou, however, is not willing to let the family have his sister without a fight. That’s why he doggedly searches for a way to save not only the world but also Miyu...
Animation Director
The Ainsworth family's goal is to save the world from evil, but their success depends on the great sacrifice Magical Girl Miyu makes for them. Her brother Shirou, however, is not willing to let the family have his sister without a fight. That’s why he doggedly searches for a way to save not only the world but also Miyu...
Key Animation
The characters from the "Fate / kaleid liner Prisma Illya" series gather together across the boundaries of the parallel world!
Key Animation
Летние каникулы подходят к концу. И тут Сугуру выигрывает поездку на Окинаву! Все пять учеников школы Асахигаока в восторге от возможности эффектно подвести итог отдыху. Все, включая Хикагэ, Кономи, учителя и хозяина конфетного магазина, отправляются на три дня на Окинаву. Там-то Нацуми и знакомится с Аои, помогающей отелю, в котором они остановились.