Greg Krikorian


Woodward and Bernstein: Lighting the Fire
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward changed American history through their dogged pursuit of the truth in uncovering the story of Watergate. Starting small and building step-by-step, they connected the dots that led from a third-rate burglary at the Watergate Office Building to the resignation of the President of the United States. This documentary asks the question: If two young reporters uncovered a national crime in the White House today, could they be as successful as Woodward and Bernstein were in the 1970s? Through interviews with prominent journalists such Walter Cronkite, Jonathan Alter, Linda Ellerbee, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, we take an insightful look at the state of investigative journalism in America today.
Out of the Shadows: The Man Who Was Deep Throat
It was a plot device worthy of any film noir thriller. A shadowy figure, keeper of the secrets to a national crime, reveals snippets of information to the man struggling to crack the case. Meetings in shadowy parking garages... cryptic signals using flower pots on balconies... it was John Le Carre or Alfred Hitchcock at their best... And it was all true. Featuring interviews with Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward, Walter Cronkite, Oliver Stone, Watergate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste and many others, this documentary examines the methods, motivations and far-reaching legacy of the man known as Deep Throat, now revealed to be W. Mark Felt, Deputy Director of the FBI during the Watergate era.