Edmund Goulding

Edmund Goulding

Рождение : 1891-03-20, Feltham, Middlesex, England, UK

Смерть : 1959-12-24


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Edmund Goulding (20 March 1891 – 24 December 1959) was a British film writer and director. Goulding is best remembered for directing cultured dramas and such as Grand Hotel (1932) with Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, Dark Victory (1939) with Bette Davis, and The Razor's Edge (1946) with Gene Tierney and Tyrone Power. He also directed the classic film noir Nightmare Alley (1947) with Tyrone Power and Joan Blondell, and the action drama The Dawn Patrol. He was also a successful songwriter, composer, and producer. Description above from the Wikipedia article Edmund Goulding, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Edmund Goulding


Checking Out: Grand Hotel
Self (archive footage)
Until 1932's Grand Hotel, never had there existed an all-star ensemble cast on film. Conceived by MGM's production genius Irving Thalberg, the film boasted names like Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery and John and Lionel Barrymore and went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. This short documentary takes a look at the making of the classic film.
Mardi Gras
A military school cadet romances a visiting French actress during Mardi Gras. With songs, kissing and New Orleans locations.
Teenage Rebel
Nancy Fallon gets her teenage daughter back from her ex-husband when she remarries and must win her love.
Teenage Rebel
Nancy Fallon gets her teenage daughter back from her ex-husband when she remarries and must win her love.
Down Among the Sheltering Palms
War-weary Captain Willoby and his men are the occupation force on an island of lovely women...and are forbidden to fraternize.
Мы не женаты
Юридическая ошибка объединила в комедийный сюжет пять супружеских пар. Их брачные контракты не зарегистрированы документально и по своей сути они жили в браке тридцать месяцев неофициально. Каждая из пар по-своему отреагировала на правительственное письмо, известившее их о том, что они не женаты.
Mister 880
The Skipper is a charming old man loved by all his neighbors. What they don't know is that he is also Mr. 880, an amateurish counterfeiter who has amazingly managed to elude the Secret Service for 20 years.
Everybody Does It
Leonard Borland loves his monied wife, but with his wrecking business looking shaky he treasures her all the more. So when she decides to try again to become an opera singer he indulges her. While organising a concert for her he meets glamorous Cecil Carver. She in turn discovers Leonard has a splendid voice, and encourages him to use it for reasons very much her own.
Аллея кошмаров
Стэн Карлайл работал фокусником, «читавшим» чужие мысли на ярмарках и в передвижном цирке. Вскоре это перестало его удовлетворять, и он с помощью психиатра начал убеждать состоятельных людей, что способен входить в контакт с их умершими родственниками. Стареющий миллионер Гриндл, жаждущий пообщаться с покойной дочерью, обращается к Карлайлу.
На краю лезвия
Начало двадцатых годов прошлого века. Обеспеченный молодой человек по имени Лэрри Даррелл , в одночасье разрывает свои отношения с близкими людьми и, раздумав жениться на своей давней подруге Изабель, решает искать смысл жизни в путешествиях в дальние страны. Поиски просвещения приводят его в Гималаи. Насытившись впечатлениями, герой решает вернуться в родные пенаты, но он и не предполагает, что его возвращение сродни шагам по лезвию бритвы… В этом «Оскароносном» фильме за взаимоотношениями персонажей, страстей и натур отчетливо проступает художественно-философский анализ «вечных» тем мировой литературы: смысла жизни, назначение искусства, любви и смерти.
Of Human Bondage
A medical student with a club foot falls for a beautiful but ambitious waitress. She soon leaves him, but gets pregnant and comes back to him for help.
Breakdowns of 1944
The Warner Bros. annual blooper reel for 1944.
Child bride Claudia Naughton has made life difficult for her husband David because she can't stand living so far away from her mother. She's also afraid her husband doesn't find her desirable enough. To remedy both situations, she sells their farm to an opera singer so they'll have to move back to the city near her mother, and she tries to make her husband jealous by flirting with a neighbor. Eventually, Claudia has to learn to grow when she discovers that she's about to become a mother and that her own mother is gravely ill.
Верная нимфа
Himself, Trailer Host & Narrator
Четырнадцатилетняя Тесса безнадежно влюблена в красивого композитора Льюиса Додда, друга семьи. Льюис обожает Тессу, но никогда не проявлял никаких романтических чувств к ней. Когда отец Тессы умирает, Льюис принимает на себя опеку над Тессой и её сёстрами. Вскоре он женится на двоюродной сестре Тессы Флоранс. Флоранс отправляет Тессу и её сестру Полу в школу, но девочки убегают из школы и Тесса приезжает к Флоранс и Льюису. Флоранс вскоре начинает ревновать мужа к Тессе.
Верная нимфа
Четырнадцатилетняя Тесса безнадежно влюблена в красивого композитора Льюиса Додда, друга семьи. Льюис обожает Тессу, но никогда не проявлял никаких романтических чувств к ней. Когда отец Тессы умирает, Льюис принимает на себя опеку над Тессой и её сёстрами. Вскоре он женится на двоюродной сестре Тессы Флоранс. Флоранс отправляет Тессу и её сестру Полу в школу, но девочки убегают из школы и Тесса приезжает к Флоранс и Льюису. Флоранс вскоре начинает ревновать мужа к Тессе.
Forever and a Day
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
Breakdowns of 1942
This is a collection of bloopers and film manipulation by The Warner Studio Club for an annual dinner for the staff at Warner Brothers.
Великая ложь
Проснувшись после пьяной свадьбы Пит узнает, что его брак с Сандрой недействителен, так как ее развод не вступил в законную силу. Он делает ей повторное предложение, а пока она размышляет он женится на своей бывшей невесте Мэгги. Но Сандра не намерена сдаваться, и она вступает в единоборство с Мэгги за обладание Питом, ведь в ее рукаве есть один неоспоримый козырь, она беременна ребенком Пита.
'Til We Meet Again
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
Two Girls on Broadway
Eddie Kerns sells his song to a Broadway producer and also lands a job dancing in the musical. He sends for his dance partner-fiancée Molly Mahoney who brings her younger sister Pat. Upon seeing Molly and Pat dance, the producer picks Pat for the show and gives Molly a job selling cigarettes. A wealthy friend of the producer named "Chat" Chatsworth also has his eye on Pat. Pat is teamed with Eddie in the specialty number as Kerns and Mahoney. Pat and Eddie soon realize that they are in love and must tell Molly. Pat balks at hurting Molly and goes out with Chat who already has five ex-wives.
We Are Not Alone
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Старая дева
1860 год, в день свадьбы Делии Ловел и богатого управляющего банком Джима Рэлстона, появляется Клем Спендер, который отсутствовал два года в связи со службой в армии, но за которого Делия обещала выйти замуж. Узнав о предательстве любимой, Клем впал в отчаяние. Кузина Делии по имени Шарлота, с малых лет влюблена в Клемма и сжалившись над молодым человеком и пришла к нему, чтобы утешить. Вернулась юная Шарлотта домой далеко за полночь. На следующий день Клем решил вернуться в армию и вскоре пал на поле битвы. Четыре года спустя, Шарлотта открывает дом для военных сирот, среди которых находится девочка Тина — внебрачная дочь Шарлотты от погибшего Клема. Шарлотта скрывает тайну рождения ребенка, так как надеется выйти замуж за Джима Джо, но этому не суждено случиться. Делия узнав, что Тина дочь ее бывшего возлюбленного Клема сделает все, чтобы ее сестра навсегда осталась «Старой девой»…
Победить темноту
Молодая красавица Джудит Трэйхерн находится в центре внимания окружающих, когда доктор Фредерик Стил ставит ей страшный диагноз — опухоль мозга. После операции между Джудит и Фредериком начинается роман. Но вскоре выясняется, что болезнь вернулась и на этот раз ничто уже не поможет…
Утренний патруль
Действие фильма разворачивается во время Первой мировой войны. Майор Брэнд — командир эскадрона британского Королевского летного корпуса, размещенного во Франции. Капитан Кортни и его друг лейтенант Скотт называют своего командира мясником за то, что Брэнд поручает опасные задания неопытным пилотам и тем самым обрекает их на верную смерть.
White Banners
A homeless woman named Hannah drifts into the lives of the kindly Ward family, in a small Indiana town in 1919. Hannah makes herself useful as a cook and housekeeper and stays with the Wards... but her real interest is in meeting their neighbor, teenager Peter Trimble. It turns out that Peter is the son she bore out of wedlock and gave up for adoption, and now Hannah has returned to town to see what sort of young man her son has become.
Breakdowns of 1938
Goulding (archive footage) (uncredited)
This was one of the annual "blooper" reels screened by the Warners Club, an organization of Warners actors, crew and executives. It was meant to poke fun at the flubs and bloopers that occurred ont the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
Та самая женщина
Мэри работает секретарем успешного адвоката. Ее шеф проявляет не только доброе расположение к подчиненной, но буквально берет ее судьбу в свои руки и помогает Мэри выйти замуж за Джека, которого она давно любит. Но его отец разрушает брак. Спустя несколько лет Мэри и Джек снова встретятся: он — человек с изломанной судьбой, она — счастливая мать их сына…
Та самая женщина
Мэри работает секретарем успешного адвоката. Ее шеф проявляет не только доброе расположение к подчиненной, но буквально берет ее судьбу в свои руки и помогает Мэри выйти замуж за Джека, которого она давно любит. Но его отец разрушает брак. Спустя несколько лет Мэри и Джек снова встретятся: он — человек с изломанной судьбой, она — счастливая мать их сына…
Вечер в опере
Ловкач Отис Дрифтвуд придумал способ прикарманить денежки богатой вдовы, делами которой он управлял. Вдовушка спала и видела, как бы пробиться в высшее общество и Отис подговорил её вложить круглую сумму в Нью-Йоркскую оперу. Вместо прославленного тенора Ласпари Отис нанял за «десятку» певца из хора, а остаток присвоил себе. Певец оказался действительно хорош и за 10 долларов отработал на всю тысячу, а заодно покорил сердце любимой девушки-хористки.
The Flame Within
Psychiatrist finds herself falling for her patient.
The Flame Within
Psychiatrist finds herself falling for her patient.
The Flame Within
Psychiatrist finds herself falling for her patient.
Вечеринка в Голливуде
Jimmy Durante is jungle movie star Schnarzan the Conqueror, but the public is tiring of his fake lions. When Baron Munchausen comes to town with real man-eating lions, Durante throws him a big Hollywood star-studded party so that he might use the lions in his next movie. But, his film rival sneaks into the party to buy the lions before Durante.
Mary is an impetuous romantic who marries British aristocrat Lord Philip Rexford on a whim. Their marriage is successful, though, and they grow closer over the years. Then, a trip to the Italian Riviera unexpectedly reunites Mary with her former beau, Tommie. After some vicious gossip makes Rexford distrust her, he begins work on a divorce. Mary must now choose between the man she has married and the man she once loved.
Mary is an impetuous romantic who marries British aristocrat Lord Philip Rexford on a whim. Their marriage is successful, though, and they grow closer over the years. Then, a trip to the Italian Riviera unexpectedly reunites Mary with her former beau, Tommie. After some vicious gossip makes Rexford distrust her, he begins work on a divorce. Mary must now choose between the man she has married and the man she once loved.
Трудный мужчина
Профессиональный карточный шулер Бэйб Стюарт зарабатывает на жизнь подпольной и к тому же нечестной игрой в компании подельников и своей любовницы Кэй. В один из вечеров, после не очень удачной игры, он решает порвать свои отношения с надоевшей подругой и объявляет ей, что он свободен и не желает продолжать отношения. Разгневанная девица начинает шантажировать его, не проходит и пяти минут как на пороге появляется местный детектив, который давно следит за шайкой мошенников и предупреждает Бэйба, что он у него на крючке. Недолго думая, герой покупает билет на первый попавшийся поезд, и уезжает от навалившихся проблем в провинцию. Маленький городок станет на несколько дней его новым пристанищем, здесь парню предстоит встретиться с белокурой библиотекаршей Кони, которая перевернет всю его жизнь...
Gifted German wrestler Polokai falls in love with ex-con Laura, who persuades him to emigrate to America and gets him involved with crooked promoters.
Blondie of the Follies
New York City tenement dwelling neighbors Blondie and Lottie are longtime best friends. When Lottie makes the cast of the Follies and moves up in the world, she arranges for Blondie, as well, to join the cast and gain the advantages. But the friendship goes awry when Lottie's sweetheart, wealthy Larry Belmont, falls for Blondie and she for him.
Гранд Отель
Обычный день роскошного Берлинского гранд-отеля, сотни служащих и гостей, люди встречаются, люди расходятся… Убийство и воровство, любовь и ненависть, азарт и жадность — все грехи мира представлены в этом замкнутом мире красоты и порока. Судьба всех сводит в один клубок.
The Night Angel
In this crime drama, a Prague DA must close down a house of prostitution masquerading as a cafe. He sends the owner's daughter to a nurse's home until her mother is released. When the happy day comes, he goes to visit them, but is attacked by the doorman, who is in love with the daughter and jealous of the DA. The DA kills him in self-defense but is acquitted when the daughter delivers a highly emotional speech professing her love for him.
The Night Angel
In this crime drama, a Prague DA must close down a house of prostitution masquerading as a cafe. He sends the owner's daughter to a nurse's home until her mother is released. When the happy day comes, he goes to visit them, but is attacked by the doorman, who is in love with the daughter and jealous of the DA. The DA kills him in self-defense but is acquitted when the daughter delivers a highly emotional speech professing her love for him.
Sunday of Life
Ellen Hobart is a gold-digging manicurist who sights her sights on David Stone, a wealthy young man. After they marry, Hobart is persuaded to accept $50,000 to give her husband up. She willingly goes along with this arrangement, only to realize she's genuinely in love with the boy when he falls dangerously ill. German-language version of the American pre-code film The Devil's Holiday.
A woman's tomorrow
A smart young manicurist works in a hotel where she earns big money by tricking businessmen by persuading them to do certain deals where she has a commission. She meets a young inexperienced man who falls in love with her and proposes.
The devil's party
Reaching for the Moon
Wall Street wizard, Larry Day, new to the ways of love, is coached by his valet. He follows Vivian Benton on an ocean liner, where cocktails, laced with a "love potion," work their magic. He then loses his fortune in the market crash and feels he has also lost his girl.
Reaching for the Moon
Wall Street wizard, Larry Day, new to the ways of love, is coached by his valet. He follows Vivian Benton on an ocean liner, where cocktails, laced with a "love potion," work their magic. He then loses his fortune in the market crash and feels he has also lost his girl.
The Devil's Holiday
Original Music Composer
Beautiful manicurist Hallie Hobart sets her sights on handsome David Stone, the son of wealthy wheat farmer Ezra Stone. Professing to hate men, Hallie is only interested in luring David in for a lucrative business deal. David easily falls in love, but older brother Mark brands Hallie a gold-digger. To get even with the straight-laced Stone family, Hallie accepts David's marriage proposal.
The Devil's Holiday
Beautiful manicurist Hallie Hobart sets her sights on handsome David Stone, the son of wealthy wheat farmer Ezra Stone. Professing to hate men, Hallie is only interested in luring David in for a lucrative business deal. David easily falls in love, but older brother Mark brands Hallie a gold-digger. To get even with the straight-laced Stone family, Hallie accepts David's marriage proposal.
The Devil's Holiday
Beautiful manicurist Hallie Hobart sets her sights on handsome David Stone, the son of wealthy wheat farmer Ezra Stone. Professing to hate men, Hallie is only interested in luring David in for a lucrative business deal. David easily falls in love, but older brother Mark brands Hallie a gold-digger. To get even with the straight-laced Stone family, Hallie accepts David's marriage proposal.
The Devil's Holiday
Beautiful manicurist Hallie Hobart sets her sights on handsome David Stone, the son of wealthy wheat farmer Ezra Stone. Professing to hate men, Hallie is only interested in luring David in for a lucrative business deal. David easily falls in love, but older brother Mark brands Hallie a gold-digger. To get even with the straight-laced Stone family, Hallie accepts David's marriage proposal.
Paramount on Parade
This 1930 film, a collection of songs and sketches showcasing Paramount Studios' contract stars, credits 11 directors
The Grand Parade
No one suffered more magnificently in the early-talkie era than the inimitable Helen Twelvetrees. In Grand Parade, the actress is cast as Molly, the sweetheart of minstrel-show performer Jack Kelly. Rising to the top of his profession, Kelly plummets to the bottom thanks to his fondness for intoxicating beverages. Molly nurses and coddles Kelly back to health, giving nary a thought for her own comfort or happiness.
The Trespasser
A stenographer who works for a lawyer falls in love with and marries a wealthy young man. His family has the marraige annulled, after which she gives birth to a child. Her former boss helps her out to ensure the child's welfare, which starts gossip that she is a "kept woman."
The Trespasser
A stenographer who works for a lawyer falls in love with and marries a wealthy young man. His family has the marraige annulled, after which she gives birth to a child. Her former boss helps her out to ensure the child's welfare, which starts gossip that she is a "kept woman."
The Trespasser
A stenographer who works for a lawyer falls in love with and marries a wealthy young man. His family has the marraige annulled, after which she gives birth to a child. Her former boss helps her out to ensure the child's welfare, which starts gossip that she is a "kept woman."
Бродвейская мелодия
Танцующие певицы сестры Махони приезжают на Бродвей, где их друг Эдди Керне хочет задействовать их в одном из новых шоу Фрэнсиса Занфилда. Эдди и одна из сестер даже состоят в отношениях и намереваются обвенчаться, однако Эдди влюбляется во вторую сестру, на которую положил глаз член высшего общества Нью-Йорка Джок Уорринер…
A Lady of Chance
A con woman working the Atlantic City hotels targets a visiting businessman from Alabama.
Happiness Ahead
Happiness Ahead is a persumed lost 1928 silent film drama directed by William A. Seiter and starring Colleen Moore and then husband and wife Edmund Lowe and Lilyan Tashman.
A Certain Young Man
An aristocratic English womanizer is forced to take a fishing trip to avoid the husbands of his conquests, meets a young American lady on the train, and follows her to Biarritz.
Анна замужем за русским дворянином Алексеем Карениным. Она влюбляется в молодого офицера Вронского, бросает мужа и уходит к любовнику, за что Каренин лишает её прав на ребенка…
Анна замужем за русским дворянином Алексеем Карениным. Она влюбляется в молодого офицера Вронского, бросает мужа и уходит к любовнику, за что Каренин лишает её прав на ребенка…
Women Love Diamonds
A young woman can't marry a millionaire because she was born illegitimately.
Women Love Diamonds
A young woman can't marry a millionaire because she was born illegitimately.
The power of love in the violent underground world of the Apaches in Paris in the early 20th century.
The power of love in the violent underground world of the Apaches in Paris in the early 20th century.
Sally, Irene and Mary
The three are showgirls, each with a different approach to life and love.
Sally, Irene and Mary
The three are showgirls, each with a different approach to life and love.
The Beautiful City
For their mother's sake, a man takes the blame for a robbery committed by his brother and his brother's gangster boss.
When she hears her boy has been killed in WWI a vengeful Kentucky hills mother shelters a deserter as a protest.When the boy returns she asks him to kill the deserter who she learns is the son of a murderous revenue agent.
When she hears her boy has been killed in WWI a vengeful Kentucky hills mother shelters a deserter as a protest.When the boy returns she asks him to kill the deserter who she learns is the son of a murderous revenue agent.
1925 Studio Tour
A tour of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio in 1925 shows the people who make the movies there, and gives viewers a glimpse at how movies are made.
The Dancers
Young Tony, unable to make a living in crowded and fast-paced London, goes to South America in search of his fortune. He soon becomes the owner of a saloon and dance hall. One of the dancers in his place, Maxine, falls in love with him, but Tony is still in love with his childhood sweetheart Una, although Una is now a "party girl" back in London and has forgotten about Tony. However, Tony comes into an unexpected inheritance, along with a title, and returns to London for Una. Although disappointed with Una's current lifestyle, he asks her to marry him despite her "indiscretions". However, the night before they are to be married Una confesses a deep, dark secret to Tony that could change their lives forever.
The Man Who Came Back
Henry Potter is the irresponsible playboy son of a New York millionaire. Fearing he will disgrace the family name if he stays in New York, the father sends him to San Francisco to work in the family shipyards and, to make a man out of him, he is told he will have to start at the bottom and work his way up. Henry decides this is not a good idea and resents it to the point he will indeed start at the bottom but will work his way down from there, and disgrace the family name in San Francisco.
Tiger Rose
Originally a Broadway play by Willard Macks, Lenore Ulric played the lead on Broadway and reprises her role for this film. At the Wutchi Wum trading post In the peaceful Loon River Valley, deep in the Canadian Northwest comes a story of love, vengeance and sacrifice. Having lived at the trading post following the death of her father, Rose will soon fall in love. But when her new love is in trouble, Rose will discover that she is capable of much more than she thought in order to keep him safe.
Bright Lights of Broadway
An innocent country girl who happens to have a lovely singing voice falls under the influence of a ruthless Broadway producer. At first she's dazzled by the producer's surface charm as well as those bright lights the title refers to, but eventually gets a dose of reality
The Bright Shawl
Charles Abbott is implicated in the death of his friend Escobar, brother to the woman he loves.
The queen of a mythical European nation flees to America when a general threatens to overthrow her government.
Dark Secrets
Ruth Rutherford, crippled as a result of being thrown from a horse, breaks her engagement to Lord Wallington. Dejected, he returns to his regiment in Egypt and sinks into dissipation. Ruth hears of his plight and also goes to Egypt, where she meets Dr. Mohammed Ali. Ali cures her lameness in return for Ruth's agreeing to become his wife, but Biskra, Ruth's servant, kills Ali before he can collect. Even from death Ali's power over Ruth returns her to her wheelchair until she jumps up to save Wallington from an attack feigned by Biskra.
Fury is a 1923 silent film
Fury is a 1923 silent film
Heroes of the Street
When a smart-alec street kid's father, a policeman, is killed in the line of duty, the boy turns over a new leaf and goes to work to support his mother, brothers, and sisters. He gets a job as an usher in a theater but really wants to become a policeman to avenge the death of his father. He soon finds himself involved in a fake kidnapping, real gangsters and a tip on the identity of the man who killed his dad.
Broadway Rose
Rosalie Lawrence, a dancing star on Broadway, falls for rich Hugh Thompson. His parents disapprove and want him to marry Barbara Royce, so he and Rosalie marry secretly. However, Hugh isn't quite the man he seems, as Rosalie is soon to find out.
Broadway Rose
Rosalie Lawrence, a dancing star on Broadway, falls for rich Hugh Thompson. His parents disapprove and want him to marry Barbara Royce, so he and Rosalie marry secretly. However, Hugh isn't quite the man he seems, as Rosalie is soon to find out.
Fascination is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring his then wife Mae Murray. The film is based on an original story by Edmund Goulding, soon to be a prolific film director. The story capitalizes on Murray's continuing forays into outlandish costume dramas.
Fascination is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring his then wife Mae Murray. The film is based on an original story by Edmund Goulding, soon to be a prolific film director. The story capitalizes on Murray's continuing forays into outlandish costume dramas.
The Seventh Day
A group of New York society folk on a yachting excursion are forced to put into a New England fishing village for repairs. The engaged couple Reggie and Patricia are taken with the quaint town and its quainter ways, but also with two locals, Betty Alden and her brother John. Patricia begins to fall for John while her fiancé takes a seemingly unworthy liking to Betty. The new infatuations lead to disharmony.
Peacock Alley
A young man brings his new worldly Parisian wife back home to Pennsylvania.
Three Live Ghosts
Jimmy Gubbins
Adapted from a popular Broadway play and concerns three veterans who return to London from the War only to discover that they have been officially listed as dead.
Tol'able David
Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mail carrier for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.
The Devil
Dr. Muller, a friend to all, finds pleasure in turning the goodness in people to evil ends. He meets Marie Matin and her fiancée, Georges Roben, while viewing a new painting, "The Martyr--Truth Crucified by Evil." Marie declares that the picture was wrong--evil could never triumph over truth--and though Muller says he agrees with her, he plots to prove otherwise.
A Daughter of Two Worlds
The Glorious Lady
During an annual celebration in which English peasants and aristocrats mingle, the Duke of Loame is thrown from his horse and saved by Ivis Benson, the daughter of a tenant farmer. Both injured, they fall in love, to the dismay of his mother and Lady Eileen, his intended bride.
The Imp
The Picture of Dorian Gray