Kanan Rustamli


Sermon To The Fish
Davud returns from war to find everyone in his village has succumbed to a strange illness and has decomposed. His sister, the only survivor, is slowly rotting away herself. Davud is troubled by his memories as a soldier, as he confronts the only true question: is surviving the same as living?
Crane Lantern
Musa, a law student seeks out Davud, a man imprisoned for kidnapping four women. He soon discovers that all of his victims have no wish to press charges. On the contrary, they have the feeling of a new truth in themselves. Musa's encounter with the purported criminal becomes a journey into someone else's inner world. Are the questions he asks the correct ones? Is the law a genuine form of justice? What is the meaning of humans imposing punishment on others? Is Musa being enlightened by a superior man, or is he being lured into a world of illusion?
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Original Music Composer
Молодой человек пытается найти свою «настоящую» семью. За день он проживает целую жизнь. В конце этого дня он находит свою любовь - ту, которая всегда была рядом. Находит, но слишком поздно.