Lise Delamare

Lise Delamare

Рождение : 1913-04-09, Colombes, Seine [now Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France], France

Смерть : 2006-07-25


Lise Delamare


Мертвая хватка
Madame Deville
«Я Бакстер. И жизнь у меня собачья. Дома я сижу на цепи, а выводят меня только на поводке. Хозяйка боится меня. Я чую запах ее страха. Она думает, что я сошел с ума. А ведь я хороший мальчик. Я думаю, без людей моя жизнь была бы куда лучше. Мне не нужны люди. Кошки и птицы прекрасно без них обходятся. Они никому не доверяют. Мне хочется кого-нибудь убить. Пора приступать к делу. Сегодня у меня родился план…»
Le sexe faible
Le château perdu
Anne d'Autriche
Madame de Lere
Граф де Клерамбар усадил всю семью за вязальные машины, чтобы заработать деньги на выкуп заложенного за долги замка. Сын Октав крайне недоволен тем, что его заставляют работать: он предпочел бы жениться на некрасивой, но богатой адвокатской дочери, лишь бы иметь возможность убежать из под опеки отца-тирана. Во время охоты на бродячих собак и кошек, устроенной графом с целью прокормить семью, ему является св. Франциск Ассизский и превращает его в ревностного христианина.
Demons at Midnight
This drama's main asset is Charles Boyer as Pierre, a father out looking for his son one night. Pierre receives a call from a woman who says she will kill herself because of his son. Naturally disturbed at this news, Pierre takes off to find his son and avert disaster. Along the way, he picks up a malcontent, wealthy young woman who decides to stick with him and help him look for his son. After traveling through some of the worst aspects of Paris' demi-monde, Pierre begins to wonder if his son will ever be found. Meanwhile, the relationship with his newfound wealthy friend is heating up.
Marie de Médicis
Экранизация одноимённого романа Мишеля Зевако. Франция, 1616 год, царит смута. Сыну убитого Генриха IV Людовику XIII пятнадцать лет. Королева-мать, регентша Мария Медичи, желает посадить на трон своего фаворита Кончини. Он получает титул герцога, чин маршала д'Анкра и назначается первым министром. Дворяне протестуют и хотят посадить на трон герцога д'Ангулема. Чтобы избежать этого, Кончини устраивает по всей стране кровавые расправы. Во время одной из таких расправ погибает маркиз де Тейнак, друг обедневшего дворянина Франсуа де Капестана. Капестану тоже грозит гибель, но убийца, уже готовый добить раненого шевалье, получает пулю, выпущенную девушкой. Прекрасная темноволосая незнакомка ухаживает за раненым Капестаном и исчезает. Впоследствии он ищет её, ему предстоит пережить немало приключений.
L'ennemi dans l'ombre
la marquise de Caulaincourt
Sister Catherine de Saint-Flavie
Mme. Mercenay
Based on Cornell Woolrich's 1940 story, "Cinderella and the Mob"
Лола Монтес
Lola's Mother
Немолодая уже, но всё ещё очаровательная танцовщица и авантюристка Лола Монтес даёт последнее представление в цирке, отвечая на глупые вопросы публики. В цветном и хаотичном водовороте перед зрителями пролетает её жизнь. Серьезный взгляд на европейскую культуру через призму романсов Лолы Ментес, хитрой куртизанки и сообразительной танцовщицы из цирка. Красивый, изысканный и прописанный до деталей фильм Макса Офюльса удивляет своей эстетической глубиной.
Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances
The King of the Bla Bla Bla
Lucienne Lafare
Prosper Bourrache, who has the gift of the gab, is natural born street vendor. Due to a mistake he gets involved in the burglary of a shady banker's house. In fact, the whole operation is a setup. But Prosper will finally get away with it, have the crooked financier arrested and pinch his girlfriend away from him.
A Certain Mister
Mme Lecorduvent
Documents relevant to National Defence have been concealed in a certain vase by a dangerous gang of robbers. To neutralize the criminals, a seasoned police commissioner and his clumsy assistant, young inspector César, join forces with a colorful trio of thieves nicknamed Le Pouce (Thumb), L'Index (Index Finger) and Le Majeur (Middle Finger)...
Monsieur Vincent
Françoise Marguerite de Silly, comtesse de Joigny
The life of Vincent de Paul, the 17th-century author and priest who founded two religious orders.
Le Capitan 2eme époque : Le Chevalier du roi
Le Capitan 1ere époque : Flamberge au vent
Léonora Galigaï
France under Louis XIII. 1615. The Duke of Angoulême is at the head of a group of gentlemen who are conspiring to drive the Florentines out of court, of whom Concini is the all-powerful leader. A cadet from Gascony, Adhémar de Capestang, who was later to become the Capitan, left his native province to come and try his luck in Paris. Along the way, he saves a young girl, Gisèle d'Angoulême, from a masked individual who wanted to kidnap her.
Happily married to Sandrine, Pierre Fouques also known as Raboliot is the father of two young children. He would live a steady life hadn't he a passion for poaching, which gets him into a lot of trouble. Because of the nastiness of Bourrel, the gamekeeper, of the jealousy of other poachers, he becomes a hunted man who, in order to defend himself, is driven to commit a crime.
Madame de Vertumne
A drifting woman hangs out in the suburbs of Marseille. A young engineer picks her up drunk and takes her to the hospital. He does not know then that it is the Countess Armance de Lunegarde, driven from her home and performing as a gummy in third-rate music halls.
Father Goriot
Madame de Beauséant
An old merchant ruined by the dot its two ungrateful daughters, moved to the Vauquer pension in Paris. In after Balzac.
A ruined banker is abandoned by his mistress. He commits suicide after entrusting a prostitute with twenty-thousand francs. The money changes hands. A crook is arrested in the house of an an actress he had fooled. In a luxury hotel, a typist kills her lover's wife. The trial of the murderer is followed by the bankruptcy of another financier and the money finally returns to the mistress of a suicide in the restaurant in which she had first appeared.
Sowing the Wind
A child is rejected by his father and sister when his mother dies giving birth to him. The family is falling apart; the father takes to drinking, the child is placed with a nurse. However, the little girl will take the initiative to bring the child back to the family home which she decides to take care of, thus encouraging the father to change his behavior.
The White Waltz
Bernard Lampré, a young composer, is engaged to Hélène Madelin, a gifted intern. Jealous of Professor d'Esperel, the great surgeon she proudly assists, Bernard, goes out and wanders in the rain all night long. He catches cold, falls ill and is sent to a sanitarium. There he meets again Jacqueline, a girl who studied music with him at the Conservatoire. Learning that she is dying, Bernard decides to play the comedy of love to soften her last moments.
Граф Монте-Кристо: Возмездие
Haydée (French version only)
Став очень богатым благодаря откровениям аббата Фария о сокровищах, Эдмон Дантес, под новым именем графа Монте-Кристо, вводящит в светское общество Парижа. Монте-Кристо неумолимо преследует тех, кто сломал его жизнь...
Twisted Mistress
Guy Carbonnel, a rich industrialist, has more eyes for rugby than for his wife Hélène. René Rivals, his long-time pal, takes advantage of it to court her but Guy is becoming suspicious so René has to find a way to deflect his friend's suspicion. He finally has an idea: he asks Lilian, a circus acrobat, to pose as his mistress. Lilian accepts and they embark on a series of eventful moments.
La Symphonie fantastique
Harriet Smithson
The film is biographical, telling the story of the life and artistic struggles of the French composer Hector Berlioz. Berlioz is shown as a recalcitrant medical student in an anatomy class dreaming of becoming a composer; at a demonstration during a performance at the Paris Opéra conducted by Habeneck; at supper with other young artists (Hugo, Janin, Dumas, Mérimée, Delacroix); and chasing after his future wife Harriet Smithson, after a performance of Hamlet. Also depicted are his life in a garret, while suffering from an illness due to an abscess in the throat; a visit from his mother who curses him; and the composition of the Symphonie fantastique. The film then shows his marital breakdown, the premiere of his opera Benvenuto Cellini, his travels throughout Europe, his second marriage to Marie Recio (called "Marie Martin" in the film), public acceptance in old age and reconciliation with his son.
Wicked Duchess
Madame de Serizy
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.
Sins of Youth
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
Mlle. Desiree
Joséphine de Beauharnais
Julie and Désirée Clary are courted by the brothers Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte. Joseph marries Julie and Napoleon is affianced to Désirée. When Napoleon breaks the engagement and marries Joséphine de Beauharnais, Désirée becomes involved with General Bernadotte.
Queen Marie-Antoinette
Сюжет построен на истории трех добровольцев-марсельцев. Трое героев в колонне марсельских добровольцев идут в Париж, чтобы спасти родину и завоевания революции. Марсельцы идут с победной песнью. Они приходят в Париж 10 августа, когда национальные гвардейцы, марсельцы и бретонцы с боем берут Тюильри и низвергают монархию.
Denise Moret
Denise Moret joins her husband, Pierre, in Mongolia where he works as a civil engineer. One night she loose a lot of money ont eh roulette and therefore is forced to borrow money from Prince Lee-Lang. The Prince immediately begins to flirt and make advances towards Denise. Advances she rejects.
Notre-Dame d'amour
In the Camargue, a herdsman has just become engaged to a young local girl when his heart is troubled by a stranger who is playing the comedy of love for him. After this disappointment, he resumes the interrupted idyll.
Pension Mimosas
Mr. and Mrs. Noblet run a boarding house on the French Riviera. One day, they are led by circumstances to welcome a little boy Pierre, whose father is in jail, into their home. Which makes Louise Noblet all the happier as she can't have children herself. But, after a while, Pierre's father is released from prison and reclaims his son... Time passes and Pierre, now a young adult, lives in Paris more or less on the wrong side of the law. He has a mistress, Nelly, who does not say no to other men's money... Louise, who still loves Pierre as her own son, wants only one thing - to help him get by.