Lola Glaudini

Lola Glaudini

Рождение : 1971-11-24, New York City, New York, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Lola Glaudini (born November 24, 1971, New York City, New York) is an American actress. She attended Bard College. She was a regular on the CBS series Criminal Minds as Elle Greenaway, but left the show early in the second season because she reportedly became unhappy living in Los Angeles and wanted to return to the East Coast. She had a recurring role on the HBO series The Sopranos as Federal Agent Deborah Ciccerone-Waldrup. Before those roles she appeared on NYPD Blue as Dolores Mayo, a heroin-addicted office assistant. She has guest starred in The Good Guys, The King of Queens, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Boomtown, Special Unit 2, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Las Vegas, Two And A Half Men, Monk, and ER. Lola also appeared briefly in the Neil LaBute film, Your Friends & Neighbors. In the 2006 film Invincible, she had a brief role as the first wife of Vince Papale, played by Mark Wahlberg, where she is seen berating Papale's career failures and informs him of divorce. She most recently played the role of Kat Damatto on the NBC mini-series Persons Unknown.


Lola Glaudini


Food and felonies are inseparable in Hardboiled, a stop-motion animated satire of the classic urban American crime drama.
В поисках счастья
Уэс и Люк друзья с колледжа, которые к 30 годам столкнулись с кризисом среднего возраста. Уэс давно женат и пытается завести ребенка со своей женой, но не уверен, что это то, что он хочет. Люк пребывает в депрессии, потому что никак не может забыть свою первую любовь. Друзья решают отправиться в Портленд, чтобы найти ту самую девушку Люка, которая кажется ему единственной любовью. Их путешествие оборачивается незабываемым приключением в поисках счастья.
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