Eric van der Donk

Eric van der Donk

Рождение : 1929-06-29, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands


Eric van der Donk


Cat and Mice
Story with a macabre twist about a peculiar boy, who gathers cats from the street and returns them - for a reward - to the rightful owner. One day, he comes across a poster that reports the missing of a beautiful girl. His observations, distorted by loneliness, lead him to believe he knows where she is, but during his rescue operation he loses sight of the dangers of the real world.
An elderly man pines away in a nursing home. His family calls on him out of a guilty conscience, but they try to get away from the stuffy atmosphere as soon as possible. The old man obliges them and behaves unresponsive. But as soon as everybody is gone, he smiles contented while softly speaking to his canary Arie. The human form the bird suddenly assumes is the kick-off for an adventure.
Het zwijgen
Oom Lambertus
Annelie in the Depths of the Night
De Muizenkoning
A young girl called Annetje Lie is staying with her grandmother for an undisclosed period after her father unceremoniously dropped her off and left. At night, Annetje disappears into a dream world in which her friend the Moon transports her back to her elderly home. There she gets into all sorts of nightmarish adventures with the King of Mice and the mysterious Heintje Vaar. Meanwhile, her grandmother is beginning to suspect Annetje might be seriously ill.
Hidden Flaws
Seventy-year-old Agnes takes the ashes of her dear Robert and travels to their regular holiday cottage on the Scottish island of Mull. On the way, two Dutch runaways, the ten-year-old girl Chris and her younger brother Tommie, sneak into her car. The children warn Agnes they will flee again if she calls the police. In the secluded house, beautifully located near a bay with a view of the sea, the elderly woman and the children gradually grow towards each other. Chris is confident and short-tempered, and dominates not only her younger, pigheaded brother, but also old Agnes, who loses herself in memories of Robert. Meanwhile, Agnes has to withstand the people who want to take over the house from her. The surroundings play a major role in this adaptation of Renate Dorrestein's novel about family, trust and secrets.
De kroon
Max van der Stoel
Wim Giel
Inspired by true events, a chilling psychological drama. A couple's secret pact takes an unexpected, sinister turn.
The Silence of the Soul
Susan is a successful, young businesswoman who apparently lives the perfect life: a good career and an upcoming marriage. During a visit to Belgium, however, she suddenly comes face to face with Jules, a notorious murderer who is just being transported from the court. He leaves her confused and intrigued. Without knowing why Susan tries to get in touch with this man, who turns out to be a simple and humble man who killed his girlfriend 14 years ago. During his imprisonment Jules has become a Christian. He and Susan develop a close friendship and it appears that Susan has been carrying a secret since childhood. Their relationship causes a split between her and David, her husband-to-be, who turns out to be a jealous and dangerous character. He keeps telling Susan that Jules can't be trusted. Susan decides there's only one way to find out: she pushes him to the extreme. Will she survive? Based on a true story.
Маленький Крамб, потеряв женщину, которую всю жизнь считал своей мамой, узнает, что его мать давно уехала, поручив заботы о нем доброй соседке, а его отец еще до его рождения перебрался в Америку. И тогда он решает найти отца, потому что жить в детдоме не хочет ни под каким видом, а мать считает предательницей, которая его бросила. Но тут оказывается, что билет в Америку стоит очень дорого, а заработать на него не так то и просто, когда тебе всего десять лет. Тем более что у малыша начинаются большие нелады с полицией — очень уж хулиганистый. К счастью, ему помогает добрый человек, который неожиданно оказывается старым другом его отца..
В этой истории смешалось все – страсть, секс, насилие и абсурд. А главным героем, центром всех событий стало обычное платье. Рисунок ткани для него придумал дизайнер-неудачник, модельер нарисовал простенький фасончик, и платье появилось в магазине, где его и купила одна из женщин. Но дама недолго радовалась обновке - она умерла. Платье улетает с порывом ветра, чтобы продолжить свой жутковато-мистический путь - оно становится фетишем маньяка-проводника, причиной увольнения и разрушения судьбы чиновника с фабрики. Окончание "жизни" платья символично - оно испепеляется в пламени крематория вместе с бомжихой, которая украла наряд, прельстившись золотыми листьями...
Het contract
Cruise Manager
Последние дни войны. Голландия оккупирована фашистами. Около дома одного из жителей маленького городка партизанами был убит голландец, который сотрудничал с фашистами. Жители этого домика, опасаясь мести фашистов, перетаскивают тело к другому дому. В нем живет директор гимназии с семьей.Фашисты расстреливают всю семью, и сжигают этот дом дотла. Удается выжить только 12-летнему Антону.
Frits Schiller
Four-part musical about the life of Dutch actress Fien de la Mar, chronicling her earliest days on stage with her father, her glory days as a stage and movie star and the building her own theatre, up until the tragic end of her life.
Murder in Ecstasy
De Cock and Vledder investigate the robbery of an armored truck which leads to several murders.
Henk Duif
Registration of Herman Heijermans' play, performed by the 'Toneelgroep Theater' company.
De Orde Der Dingen
School Principal