Sound Engineer
After failing the medical entrance exam, Léopold enters midwifery school by default, hiding the truth from those around him. While he is unconvinced of his commitment to this exclusively female environment, his meeting with Nathalie, an experienced midwife with a passionate character, will change his view of this fascinating world and upset his certainties.
Sound Designer
Оставив всё позади, Лили сбегает на край света, чтобы воплотить в жизнь свою мечту – рыбачить в Северных морях. Ей удается уговорить Йана, капитана траулера, дать ей шанс и позволить присоединиться к команде рыболовов. Лили – единственная женщина на борту, и рыбаки прозвали ее «воробышком». Но за хрупкой внешностью скрывается несгибаемая воля, и вскоре Лили с помощью смелости и решительности завоевывает уважение всей команды и право на иную, свободную жизнь...
Sound Engineer
Pierre Bonnard would not be the painter everyone knows without the enigmatic Marthe who occupies more than a third of his work. Maria Boursin, alias Marthe de Méligny, posed as a ruined Italian aristocrat the day they fell madly in love with each other. Little did she know that she would become the pillar of a gigantic work, now considered one of the most important of the early 20th century.