Magali Claveyrolles


Abbé Pierre - A Century of Devotion
Location Scout
Born and raised a catholic, Henri Groues is determined to become a priest. WWII begins and decides otherwise : he joins the Resistance. Losing a friend on the battlefield, facing the horrors of war but the beauty and strengh of brotherwood Henri Groues emerges as a new man : L’Abbé Pierre. From the end of WWII to his death in 2007 L’Abbé Pierre will live many lives and face many battles. State representative, founder of Emmaus, L’Abbé Pierre will fight for the homeless and give a voice to the speechless. A French figure, L’Abbé Pierre met Charlie Chaplin, De Gaulle, Einstein... A humanist, he met everyone in needs. His dedication earned him the respect of his peers and a place in every hearts. His impact earned him a place in History.
A Little Lesson in Love
Location Scout
Julie and Mathieu, soon after meeting for the first time, embark in a quest across Paris to stop one of Mathieu’s pupil at school from doing anything stupid after finding a disturbing love note. Inside Mathieu’s old little car, the two characters mix like oil and water, with the math teacher’s carelessness for others not going so well with Julie’s larger than life personality. The more Mathieu discovers some fragility under Julie’s exuberance, the more the two become inseparable.