Perrette Pradier
Рождение : 1938-04-17, Hanoi, Vietnam
Смерть : 2013-01-16
Head Nurse Mouse (voice)
Большая дружба начинается с малого… Она — маленькая мышка, он — огромный медведь. Она — ребенок, он — взрослый. Она мечтает быть художницей, хотя по правилам своего мира должна стать дантистом, он — музыкант и поэт, ведущий бездумную жизнь и никогда не имеющий куска хлеба на завтра. Они живут в разных мирах: для обитателей мышиного царства нет ничего более дикого, чем подружиться с «большим плохим медведем», да и его соседи вряд ли поймут, зачем водиться с мышкой. Но дружба и родство душ сродни настоящему волшебству. И какое этой парочке дело до условностей, разницы в размере, исторических предрассудков и культурных барьеров?
Charlotte (Voix)
The perfect "Granny or Grandpa" poster face is what the photographer from Discra, an adult diaper company, hopes to find as he approaches a retirement home, camera in hand. A quick look at a couple of "nice old folks" and that should be it. But it's just the beginning of the story (or rather stories). While the folks he meets are a bit long in the tooth, they have a lot to say. With Pumpkins and Old Lace, Juliette Loubières joins the classic tradition of puppet animation films, creating a sincere, whimsical fairy tale with a moral that reminds us that old age is sometimes a mask guarding the treasures of our souls.
Madame Scritch (voice)
An origin story of how three high school girls became, like, totally spies.
Madame Purpur (voice)
A science-fiction film centered around planet Earth receiving a coded message from outer space and the subsequent disappearance of 12,000 inhabitants of Sepuvedra, a free-trade port. The government and the army are convinced that they have been kidnapped by aliens and Professor Larsen, an eminent astrophysicist and UFO expert, is assigned to lead an urgent investigative mission into the deserted town.
Una (voice)
In 1995, Italy annihilates Libya, which destroys Israel. Africa bombs Germany, which in turn attacks France. Luxembourg conquers England. Sweden, Monte Carlo and Switzerland immolate themselves.The Russians decide to liquidate the Americans, who unleash their nuclear fleet, leaving only two continents on the verge of World War IV.
The cowboy Lucky Luke tracks the Dalton brothers who escaped from prison and are seeking refuge in Canada.
Julie Sotto
A transsexual becomes a star of Paris and lives a crazy love story with the lover of a friend. But the young man comes to his senses and his bourgeois upbringing. A victim of prejudice, Vicky has no choice but to kill herself.
Clara Marlowe (voice) (uncredited)
Dick Sand travels aboard the "Pilgrim" when, following dramatic events, the ship becomes without a captain. Fate has it so that, to keep all sailors in peace, he shall command the ship. All accept this arrangement, even Negoro - whose resentment will add treachery to circumstances already difficult to take the ship to safe harbour. To a point the task may prove impossible...
D'Artagnan and his musketeer comrades must thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu to usurp King Louis XIII's power. Animated film directed by John Halas.
Germain, a great seducer, collects the mistresses. There are four, all brown, and all married. When the husband of one of them disembarks to threaten him with death, he must break up. But with which? The gouailleur Robert Lamoureux interprets this man who does not like to leave women.
In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.
Dominique Berg
Marc is a French secret agent whose only weapons are judo and karate. With the help of his sidekick Jacques, the duo goes to protect a noted scientist from falling into the hands of a gang of underworld thugs. Marc finds love with one of the female gang members who turns out to be a double agent with the British Secret Service.
Catherine Guérande (Valeria Ciangottini), a 19-year-old attractive Parisian girl, decides to become a prostitute after a messy love affair. She did not count on Pornotropos (Jean Yanne), a brutal racketeer who runs the profitable business of model agencies, cabarets, and camping sites, backed by Thanatos (Jean-Marie Fertey), his brother, who runs the mugging and murder side of their business. Pornotropos is not taking it well that a freelancer is around reducing his profits, and he sets his girls to harass and beat her up. Catherine does not take his mistreatment and moves to another brothel. But luck has it that an old man (Roger Karl) dies in her room, and that he was the owner of a marketing agency. Paul (Jacques Destoop), a young and handsome executive in his company, decides to investigate the shady causes of death of his late boss, and when Paul meets Catherine it's love at first sight.
Elisabeth Furst
An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.
Consuela Moroni
Известных политиков убивают при помощи загипнотизированных террористов-смертников. На расследование в Бразилию отправляется суперагент OSS 117, где его ожидают ярость, опасность, коварство, таинственные убийства, непроходимые леса Амазонки, секретная террористическая организация и встреча с красавицей-блондинкой...
Maria, Hussy
Действие происходит в 50-е в приграничьи Испании и Франции. Юный сирота Пако ищет, кто отомстит за смерть его отца. Казалось бы, герой гражданской войны Мануэль Артигес — самый подходящий кандидат для такого дела…
Lisa Lambert
Jeff Gordon, FBI agent, infiltrates a gang and finds himself in the midst of a gang war.
Фантазёр и весельчак в одном лице, Джефф Берлингтон в одном из крупных городов, где проходят игры, приходит в казино и просит хозяина принять его на работу в качестве артиста-шуточника, который бы развлекал тамошнюю публику всякими анекдотами. Хозяин казино, мрачный и неприятный тип, Брадфорд, советует приготовить ему действительно комический номер и намекает в каком русле. Брадфорд в действительности грозный бандит, прозванный "Золотой рукой", хочет царить над всем городом, влавствовать и вытеснять из него своих конкурентов из двух гангстерских группировок, которые кроме всего прочего ещё и воюют друг с другом.
Пьер Марсэ выходит вечером из кинотеатра и погибает под колёсами автомобиля, которым управляет полковник Робертс. Полковник отправляется к вдове, чтобы успокоить её, и узнаёт, что погибший заказал убийство своей жены…
Lucie Desgrez
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
La speakerine (segment "La colère")
Каждый из семи режиссеров рассказывает об одном из смертных грехов в своей отдельной новелле. «Гнев» перерастает в ядерную войну. В «Лени» кинозвезда платит деньги, чтобы ему завязывали шнурки. В «Ненасытности», семейство едет на похороны родственника, чтобы хорошо поесть и так далее…
Anger seizes a man who finds a fly in his Sunday soup. It spreads through his neighborhood, his city, his country and soon the whole world. (Segment of "Les sept péchés capitaux")
Florence Geder
A dozen elegant people are gathered in a writer's desirable mansion. In the grand tradition of Agatha Christie, they all have something to hide.They begin a cruel game of truth, a game where you're not supposed to tell lies. As the questions become more and more intimate and precise, the tempers rise, while outside the storm is raging. Enter a hateful person (played by Paul Meurisse, the nasty headmaster in "Les Diaboliques") who seems to know a lot about them. Someone is murdered. Whodunit?
Constance Bonacieux
Вот уж правда, счастье и несчастье идут рука об рука. Вспомните, как повезло Д`Артаньяну: его полюбила прелестная госпожа Бонасье, сама королева вознаградила его за отвагу, а главные забияки мушкетерского полка назвали гасконца своим другом. У Д`Артаньяна появился могущественный враг - сам кардинал Ришелье. Он не может простить мушкетеру истории с подвесками. Но даже кардинал - еще не беда. Куда страшней разъяренная белокурая тигрица миледи де Винтер. Д«Артаньян встал у нее на пути, и она решает отомстить...
Constance Bonacieux
Итак, молодой гасконец Д`Артаньян прибывает в столицу на дрянной лошаденке непонятного цвета. Казалось, что может ждать деревенщину в Париже, кроме неприятностей? А вот что: служба в мушкетерском полку, любовь прелестнейшей из придворных дам, знакомство с королевой Анной Австрийской и приключения, приключения, приключения…
Françoise Morel
Les amours de Paris focuses on three disparate couples and their problems in the arena of romantic love. One couple is comprised of a faithful husband and a sick wife whose stay in the hospital is not so bad because she has taken a sudden interest in her doctor. In the second pairing, a womanizer comes to see that the model who is in love with him is worth more than yet another conquest. And to complete the trio, two zany people finally realize they are a couple.
Louise Martin
Meant to be a psychological study of a dysfunctional couple and an equally unbalanced maid, this slow-paced, murky melodrama stars Michele Morgan and Robert Hossein as Thelma and Jess, two Americans who move into a down-at-the-heels Paris neighborhood. The couple is still suffering from the loss of their only son in an automobile accident that happened some time in the distant past. Thelma tends to drown her sorrows in alcohol, while Jess is introspected and morose. After they hire a maid to help out with the housework, she falls for the taciturn Jess. Her interest seems to be only a simple attraction, yet appearances, as it turns out, are deceiving.
Germain Vignon is a used car dealer whose eloquence is such that he could sell the lousiest banger to a guy that does not even have a driver's license. He is not bad either at chatting up girls. Indeed, since his blonde wife left him, Germain has seduced no fewer than four brunettes. And as, besides being a ladies'man, he has a heart of gold, Germain is unable to break up with any of them, hence a complicated sentimental life. But this delicate balance is threatened the day an outraged stranger comes to him and orders him to leave his wife alone. One small problem is that the man has forgotten to specify the name of the lady in question. So, which of his four mistresses - Christine, Sophie, Anne-Marie or Sonia - should he leave?