Kattina Bowell


The Well
Focus Puller
Young Katherine and her older friend Hester live at the isolated farm run by Hester and her father Francis. Katherine works as a maid and wants to leave that place because there's too much work. Hester, however, gets attracted to Katherine and hold her there, promising to give her less work in the future. When old Francis dies, Hester decides to sell the farm for cash. They move to small cottage on the edge of the farm and plan to go to Europe for the money they got. But tragic accident and theft of their money change their plans.
Love Serenade
Focus Puller
In Sunray, a backwater town on Australia's Murray River, there's little to do but fish or listen to the local radio station. D.J. Ken Sherry arrives from the hustle of Brisbane to run the station; he's mid-40s, detached, thrice divorced, hatchet faced. But both sisters next door find him attractive: awkward Dimity, only 20, who works in a Chinese restaurant with few patrons, and perky Vicki-Ann, a hairdresser with a hope chest who invents a happy future with Sherry based on little but his arrival. First Dimity then Vicki-Ann spend the night with Ken, one concluding he's her boy friend, the other her fiance. Then Dimity begins to smell something fishy.
Body Melt
Focus Puller
Residents of peaceful Pebbles Court, Homesville, are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new 'Body Drug' that causes rapid body decomposition (melting skin etc.) and painful death.
Focus Puller
В провинциальном австралийском городке Споттсвуде работает маленькая фабрика по производству мокасин. И в этот уютный мирок, где работники в цеху ходят в тапочках, является Эррол Уоллес, специалист по повышению эффективности предприятий. Ему поручено преобразовать местную фабрику так, чтобы она приносила наибольшую прибыль. Разумеется, его планы несут прямой ущерб простым рабочим, что в глубине души не нравится и самому Уоллесу.
Lover Boy
Assistant Camera
Explores the conflicting worlds of a teenager and a mature woman as they discover the full force of their sexuality.
Blowing Hot and Cold
Assistant Camera
The story of two men from opposite backgrounds and social structures who become friends. Jack Phillips is a laid-back, wry service station proprietor in a small Australian country town. His world is disrupted when a fast talking, gesticulating, vocal Italian, Nino Patrovita bursts upon the scene.