Rourke Crawford-Flett


Крокодил Данди 2
Данди, охотник на крокодилов, сменил австралийский шалаш на американский пентхаус: спит в шёлковой пижаме и пьёт кофе из японского фарфора. Но шляпу с крокодильими зубами, кожаные штаны и огромный нож за поясом он себе оставил — на всякий случай. Хватит ли этого, чтобы спасти любимую от колумбийской мафии?
Around the World in Eighty Ways
Assistant Grip
Mavis Davis has had enough! Younger son Eddie wears headphones all day and almost electrocutes her. Older boy Wally is gay and lives in a huge over-ripe banana. And her husband Roly has grown into a blind, motionless, emotionless vegetable. So pack the bags, Mavis is off on an around the world package trip leaving them all behind. However, when Dad finds out she has been joined by their hated next door neighbour long dead passions begin to stir. Blind, senile old Dad decides to chase his wife around the world...