Hayley Brown


Бескрайний бассейн
Production Manager
Парочка отдыхает на курорте, где «всё включено». Однажды на пляже происходит несчастный случай со смертельным исходом, после чего атмосфера отдыха резко меняется.
Line Producer
Set in 2101, against the harsh backdrop of a subarctic wasteland, Sumi, a human-child raised by Mama Polar Bear, narrowly escapes capture from a brutal Morad hunting party and sets out across the vast winter landscape. When Sumi stumbles across Frozen Girl, an unlikely friendship is forged and together they race ahead of the vindictive hunters towards the only guiding light Sumi knows - the POLARIS star.
Office drone Maria Barbizan leads what looks like a meaningless life. She’s lonely, and she doesn’t really exist, at her job or within her family. One day, she does everything we’ve all dreamed of – she throws her purse and old life in the trash, and joins an enigmatic contest to win... a car. Locked in a room with four strangers, each more eccentric than the next, she must go through a series of challenges – a “competition to probe the very essence of mind-body articulation”, lead by Homunculus, an intriguing and curious host.