Alan Hale Jr.

Alan Hale Jr.

Рождение : 1921-03-08, Los Angeles, California, United States

Смерть : 1990-01-02


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Alan Hale, Jr. (March 8, 1921– January 2, 1990) was an American movie and television actor, best known for his role as Skipper (Jonas Grumby) on the popular sitcom Gilligan's Island. Hale was the lookalike son of popular supporting film actor Alan Hale. Description above from the Wikipedia article  Alan Hale, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Alan Hale Jr.
Alan Hale Jr.


Terror Night
Jake Nelson
Lance Hayward, a silent movie star, appears as various characters, killing quite a handful of unfortunates, using various weapons.
Обратно на пляж
Bartender’s Buddy
Вполне еще молодые родители вырываются из рутины серых будней и едут в Южную Калфорнию навестить дочь в ее квартире рядышком с пляжем. Шокированные поначалу образом жизни юной наследницы, родители вскоре начинают входить во вкус и веселиться на всю катушку. В конце концов они становятся лучшей "пляжной парой" восьмидесятых.
Опасный Джонни
Desk Sergeant
Фильм начинается с того, что юный Байрон Тэмз берется за тяжкий гангстерский труд только потому, что у него мама больна многими заболеваниями, а по жизни он добросердечный, честный парень, как все. Стэплтон тоже хорошо подобрана на роль-клише, как и Питер Бойл на роль доброго бандита Данди, а Джо Пископо - на роль плохого Вермина. Намеренно перегибая палку в подражании Кэгни, Майкл Китон поначалу очень хорош в заглавной роли, как и Гриффин Данн в роли брата Джонни. К сожалению, материал, с которым им приходится работать становится все хуже и хуже.
The Red Fury
Doc Kaminsky
A lonely boy befriends a vicious stallion.
The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island
The Harlem Globetrotters' chartered plane crash lands on the atoll inhabited by the happily marooned Gilligan and fellow castaways, and they all must play basketball against a specially programmed squad of robots controlled by a mad scientist.
The Castaways on Gilligan's Island
In the second of three additional Gilligan's Island movies following the series, the gang finds a way of getting rescued from the "uncharted desert isle" for a second time through a series of misadventures but comes back to turn it into a tropical resort for uptight mainlanders.
Пятый мушкетер
Четверо мушкетеров тайно воспитывают брата-близнеца Людовика XIV Филиппа. Об этом становится известно первому министру короля Фуке. Тот разрабатывает план, который должен поддержать пошатнувшуюся популярность Людовика, а заодно и разрушить карьеру его соперника Кольбера. По замыслу последнего французский король должен жениться на испанской инфанте Марии Терезе. Этот брак положит конец старой вражде между королевствами и укрепит обнищавшую французскую казну. Однако Фуке рассчитывает подменить короля на церемонии встречи невесты и устроить покушение на двойника, после чего настоящий Людовик возродится в ореоле божественной славы...
The North Avenue Irregulars
Harry, the Hat (as Alan Hale)
When crooks set up operations in a traditional town, a minister and a group of church ladies are willing to do anything, no matter how wacky, to get them out.
Evidence of Power
When criminology student Tom Richardson returns home to Hyland for the summer break, he is shocked to learn of a series of horrible deaths and mutilations.
Angels' Brigade
Six sexy women, and a teenage girl, devastate a right-wing militia before doing battle with ruthless drug pushers.
Rescue from Gilligan's Island
Skipper Jonas Grumby
When a decaying Russian satellite crashes on the island, the Professor uses a key component for a barometer. With that device, he learns that a massive wave is going to swamp the island. In desperation, the castaways lash their huts together into one structure in order to have any chance to ride the disaster out.
Mike (as Alan Hale)
Delightful story of a young boy whose playful nature and love for animals spark zany incidents and a dangerous adventure. A small boy, crippled since birth, helps his family find faith through his gentle spirit.
Вторжение гигантских пауков
Через образовавшуюся в космическом пространстве чёрную дыру на нашу планету обрушился метеорит, упавший в окрестностях американского штата Висконсин. Наутро парочка любознательных людей пошла посмотреть, что же такое упало и недалеко от места падения они обнаружили трупы обглоданных коров, а в воронке - какой-то камень. Они взяли его с собой, а дома открыли, обнаружив внутри алмазы. Но, глядя на алмазы, они не заметили главного в данном случае — вылезшего оттуда паука. Поблизости от падения было много подобных камешков, содержащих внутри себя паучков, которые, как оказалось позже, были очень даже плотоядны…
The Sky's the Limit
A family is thrown into turmoil when a grandson convinces his grandfather to teach him to fly.
Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love
Pilot for a proposed television anthology series with stories about love, either dramatic or comedic. In this pilot, there were three different segments: in the first, a computer falls in love with its programmer; in the second, a World War II vet falls in love with a murderer; in the third, a woman falls in love with a penniless painter.
Жил-был обманщик
Мошенник Пэрис Питман попадает на десять лет в окружную тюрьму. Но он находит способ сократить срок благодаря огромному богатству, спрятанному в укромном месте. Питман начинает манипулировать всеми, кто хоть как-то может помочь ему достичь своей цели - побега.
Tiger by the Tail
Billy Jack Whitehorn
Vietnam war hero, accused of murdering his brother, recruits his socialite girlfriend to hunt for the real killer.
Вздёрни их повыше
Matt Stone
Джеда Купера несправедливо обвинили в убийстве соседа и краже его скота. Девять самопровозглашенных судей не верят в его оправдания и вешают его, но он остается жив. Бывший слуга закона Джед возвращается в город, чтобы выследить своих врагов и отдать их под суд.
Bullet for a Badman
Former Texas Rangers Sam Ward and Logan Keliher become enemies when Sam turns bank robber and Logan marries Sam's ex-wife.
The Crawling Hand
Sheriff Townsend
After an astronaut space capsule is detonated in orbit, with the astronaut begging to be killed, a teenager couple finds a severed arm on a remote beach. The boy takes the arm home, where it becomes animate and the alien force which animates it soon possesses his mind as well.
The Iron Maiden
Paul Fisher
The film follows Jack Hopkins (played by Michael Craig), an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss (played by Cecil Parker) is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher (Alan Hale, Jr.). The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy (Anne Helm) damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
The Long Rope
Sheriff John Millard
A judge in a murder trial, believing the defendant is innocent, sets out to find the real killer.
Moochie of Pop Warner Football
Fred Preston
Moochie joins a Pop Warner Football team, but has troubles with the mayor’s son. When the two make amends, they help the team win and go to the Disneyland Bowl, and get to enjoy a visit to the park.
Thunder in Carolina
Buddy Schaeffer
A stock-car veteran (Rory Calhoun) teaches a grease monkey to race in the Southern 500 in Darlington, S.C.
Mission of Danger
Sam Beal
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men.
Moochie of the Little League
Fred Preston
A young newspaper boy who is on a Little League team works hard to persuade an elderly Englishman, with whom he had a previous run-in, to donate land for a baseball diamond.
Up Periscope
Lt. Pat Malone
Lieutenant Braden discovers that Sally, the woman he's been falling in love with, has actually been checking out his qualifications to be a U.S. Navy frogman. He must put his personal life behind him after being assigned to be smuggled into a Japanese-held island via submarine to photograph radio codes.
The Lady Takes a Flyer
Frank Henshaw
Change of pace comedy casts Lana Turner and Jeff Chandler as competing pilots who fall in love.
All Mine to Give
Tom Cullen
This is a story based on fact that follows a husband and wife who emigrate from Scotland to Wisconsin in the 1850s. They work very hard and become welcome citizens of their new town, Eureka. They have six children. They prosper in the husband's boat-building business. But when their eldest is 12, tragedy strikes the family, and the 12-year-old is burdened with a terrible task which he handles as well as any adult could.
The True Story of Jesse James
Cole Younger (as Alan Hale)
Having fought with the Confederacy during the Civil War, Jesse James and his brother Frank dream of a farm life in Missouri. Harassed by Union sympathizers, they assemble a gang of outlaws, robbing trains and becoming folk heroes in the process. Jesse marries his sweetheart, Zee, and maintains an aura of domesticity, but after a group of lawmen launch an attack on his mother's house, Jesse plans one more great raid -- on a Minnesota bank.
Affair in Reno
Deke (as Alan Hale)
The story of a PR man hired by a millionaire to go to Reno to prevent his daughter from marrying an opportunistic gambler.
Боевой гимн
Mess Sergeant
Подлинная история летчика времен Второй мировой войны полковника Шона Дэвиса, которого преследуют воспоминания о случайной бомбардировке сиротского приюта в ходе войны. В 1950 году он возвращается на службу и отправляется в Сеул для обучения корейских пилотов. Вместе с любимой женщиной он строит для местных сирот бомбоубежище.
The Cruel Tower
Rocky Milliken (as Alan Hale)
The story of a bunch of hard-drinking steeplejacks.
Canyon River
George Lynch
A rancher's (George Montgomery) foreman (Peter Graves) schemes against him on a cattle drive from Oregon to Wyoming.
The Three Outlaws
Sundance Kid (as Alan Hale)
Ready to quit their life of crime, the three "most-wanted" outlaws in the West---Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid and Bill Carver ---perform their final job by robbing and stealing a train and fleeing across the border. In a South American town they begin their life of respectability by purchasing a ranch and depositing their stolen fortune in the local bank, and throwing a big fiesta to entertain the locals, including Colonel Aguilar and his beautiful daughter Rita.
The Killer Is Loose
A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. Poole begins his plans to get revenge when he escapes his captors.
Man on the Ledge
Beat cop Bragan is about to go off duty when he discovers a man standing on the ledge of a hotel more than a dozen stories up. Bragan tries to talk the man, Robert Cosick, down from his threatening perch and in the process learns the reasons for the Robert's suicide attempt.
Индейский воин
Will Crabtree (as Alan Hale)
Орегон. 1870 год. Вождь племени Сиу «Красное облако» любит родной край и не желает присутствия чужаков. Он объявил войну белым переселенцам за то, что те спаивают его племя, выменивая золото на дешевое виски, и хотят захватить золотоносный ручей. Джонни Хоукс, в свое время лучший друг индейцев, возвращается на дикий запад после гражданской войны, с целью вернуться к мирной жизни. Герой подряжается провести караван переселенцев через земли племени Сиу к плодородным равнинам. Добившись подписания временного мирного договора с вождем пламени, колонисты отправляются в путь. Но среди белых есть недовольные миром, Они делают все возможное, чтобы нарушить договоренность и хитростью выведать золотое месторождение племени. Из-за их алчности на горной тропе пролита кровь мирных индейцев. В ответ на убийство, вождь поднимает топор войны и, только благодаря силе убеждения Джонни Хоукса, удается остановить новое кровопролитие…
A Man Alone
Jim Anderson
A gunfighter, stranded in the desert, comes across the aftermath of a stage robbery, in which all the passengers were killed. He takes one of the horses to ride to town to report the massacre, but finds himself accused of it. He also finds himself accused of the murder of the local banker, and winds up hiding in the basement of a house where the local sheriff, who is very sick, lives with his daughter.
Морская погоня
Начало Второй Мировой войны, Австралия. Капитан торгового парохода Карл Ерлих уводит свой корабль и свою команду от интернирования, и пытается их отвести через моря и океаны, через лишения и проблемы, уходя от погонь, домой в Германию. Во всем этом, мешая и иногда помогая, участвует нежданная пассажирка Эльза. Один из немногих голливудских фильмов, который показывает Вторую Мировую войну с немецкой точки зрения. Хороший фильм своего жанра, создателям которого, удалось красиво смешать и драму, и приключения, и войну, и любовь.
Many Rivers to Cross
Luke Radford
Packaged and sold as an outdoor actioner, Many Rivers to Cross is as much a comedy as anything else. Robert Taylor stars as 18th century trapper Bushrod Gentry, who is himself entrapped into marriage by the spunky Mary Stuart Cherne (Eleanor Parker). Escaping his marital responsibilities (which were impressed upon him on threat of death), Gentry heads into the North Country, with Mary in hot pursuit. Hero and heroine spend the rest of the picture taking turns rescuing each other from hostile Indians. Some of the humor is predicated upon the wholesale slaughter of the "redskins", and as such is a bit hard to take when seen today. Supporting Taylor and Parker are Victor McLaglen as the heroine's burly father, and TV-stars-to be James Arness (Gunsmoke) and Russell Johnson and Alan Hale Jr. (Gilligan's Island).
Заместитель шерифа Дестри
Jack Larson
Небольшой пограничный городок находится под контролем безжалостного босса мафии Дэкера и его приспешников. После того, как местный шериф погибает при загадочных обстоятельствах, Дэкер устраивает так, чтобы новым шерифом назначили местного пьяницу, думая, что от него не будет проблем. Но новый шериф нанимает Тома Дестри, сын известного шерифа, своим заместителем, чтобы вершить правосудие…
Это молодое сердце
Robert Neary
Лори одна из трех дочерей музыканта Грегори Туттла они умны, красивы, воспитаны и давно хотят замуж. Лори и Эми договариваются о совместной свадьбе. Найдя подходящих женихов, они начинают приготовления к свадьбам. В это время Алекс — жених Лори, для своего нового проекта приглашает Барни Слоана — музыканта и аранжировщика, чтобы написать музыку. Барни поселяется в доме Грегори Туттла и постепенно знакомится со всей семьей. Он пессимист и считает себя неудачником, особенно он откровенен с Лори, они много говорят на разные темы. Приходит день свадьбы и неожиданно Лори понимает, что Алекс с которым она помолвлена, не ее мужчина, только меланхоличный Барни мил ее сердцу — именно он должен стать ее мужем и отцом будущих детей…
Johnny Stark
Сержант полиции Крис Келвени (Роберт Тейлор) подрабатывает на гангстеров под руководством Дэна Бомонта (Джордж Рафт). Брат Криса по имени Эдди (Стив Форрест) также работает в полиции, и однажды задерживает убийцу Джорджа Фаллона. Бомонт вызывает Криса и требует, чтобы тот заставил своего брата не давать показания в суде за взятку в размере 15 тысяч долларов. Но Эдди проявляет принципиальность и отказывается. Тогда Бомонт посылает своего наемного убийцу устранить Эдди. После того, как Крис узнает об убийстве брата, ему ничего другого не остается, как отправиться мстить Бомонту и его бандитам…
The Law vs. Billy the Kid
Bob Ollinger
Billy the Kid is forced to kill for the woman he loves, and is ultimately brought to justice by his old friend Pat Garrett.
Silver Lode
Dan Ballard, a respected citizen in the western town of Silver Lode, has his wedding interrupted by four men led by Ned McCarty, an old acquaintance who, as a US Marshal, arrests Ballard for the murder of his brother and the theft of $20,000. Ballard seeks to stall McCarty while tracking down evidence that will prove his innocence.
Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl
Jay Simpson
Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl is a 1954 Action-adventure film about a woman who disguises herself as a slave girl in order to try to gain information from Captain Kidd about his hidden treasure. The film was directed by Lew Landers, and stars Anthony Dexter, Eva Gabor, and Alan Hale Jr..
The Iron Glove
Patrick Gaydon
Irishman Charles Wogan wields his sword in the cause of James Stuart who seeks to replace George I on the throne of England.
Born in Freedom: The Story of Colonel Drake
Crew Foreman
In 1857 Edwin L. Drake is sent to investigate an oil seep in a creek near Titusville, Pennsylvania. Overcoming many other obstacles, Drake's innovation to shield the well from water entry by using a drive pipe finally allows drilling to proceed until striking oil in August, 1859. His perseverance yields many barrels of oil a day, and immediately brings about the start of the oil industry.
Captain John Smith and Pocahontas
The story of, well, Captain John Smith and Pocahontas. Jamestown. Early 1600s.
The Man Behind The Gun
Cpl. Olaf Swenson
This 1952 western stars Randolph Scott as an army investigator who poses as a schoolteacher while working undercover to expose a group of secessionists. Also starring Patrice Wymore, Roy Roberts, Alan Hale Jr., Lina Romay, Morris Ankrum, Dick Wesson and Philip Carey.
Mr. Walkie Talkie
Military comedy about two sergeant buddies constantly getting into trouble.
Стрелок из Спрингфилда
США, 1864 год. Союзная армия нуждается в лошадях, чтобы начать наступление против Юга. Офицеры в Форте Хедли в Колорадо, во главе с подполковником Хадсоном, не могут выполнить задачу по перегону лошадей из форта, окруженного горами, на равнину. Несмотря на все предосторожности и секретные тропы, по которым следуют Союзные конники, неизвестные налетчики, сочувствующие Конфедерации Юга, нападают на сопровождение и уводят лошадей. Очередной отряд всадников Союзных войск подвергся нападению южан, но на этот раз майор Алекс Кирни, решив не жертвовать своими солдатами, не стал вступать в бой, он оставил лошадей врагу и вернулся в форт. За этот поступок, Кирни был разжалован и уволен из армии, но на этом история не заканчивается, отставной майор решает лично выяснить кто предатель, раскрывающий планы передвижения войск врагу и ради этой цели, бывший офицер становится членом банды налетчиков...
Arctic Flight
John W. Wetherby
Mike Wein, an Alaskan bush pilot operating the the Bering Sea area, makes friends with John W. Wetherby, posing as a wealth United States businessman. But, in reality, he is a Russian spy on his way to Siberia carrying microfilms of the United States' defense installations. (imdb)
Lady In The Iron Mask
A female version of the man in the iron mask. In this version the mask is put on a princess (patricia medina) rather than a prince as in the original book by Alexander Dumas.
Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie
George Oliphant
At the fiftieth anniversary of his town's founding, the town's first barber recalls his long-dead, spirited bride and the flaw in his own character that helped bring about her loss and several others.
Ellis in Freedomland
Male Model
Westinghouse claims its electric appliances "freed women from the drudgery of housework." The first half involves a dream salesman at work; the second half is focused on the "Spring Sales Event," called "Freedomland."
At Sword's Point
Porthos Jr.
France, 1648: Richelieu and Louis XIII are dead, the new king is a minor, and the Duc de Lavalle is in virtually open rebellion, scheming to seize power. As a last resort, Queen Anne summons the heirs of the original Musketeers to her aid...including Claire, daughter of Athos, who when she chooses can miraculously pass as a boy, and wields as fine a sword as any. All their skills will be needed for a battle against increasing odds. One for all and all for one! Written by Rod Crawford
The Big Trees
In 1900, unscrupulous timber baron Jim Fallon plans to take advantage of a new law and make millions off California redwood. Much of the land he hopes to grab has been homesteaded by a Quaker colony, who try to persuade him to spare the giant sequoias...but these are the very trees he wants most. Expert at manipulating others, Fallon finds that other sharks are at his own heels, and forms an unlikely alliance.
Joe Boyd
A music publishing company tries to swindle a song from a country girl that they inadvertently recorded without her permission.
Home Town Story
Slim Haskins
Blake Washburn blames manufacturer MacFarland for his defeat in the race for re-election to the state legislature. He takes over his uncle's newspaper to take on big business as an enemy of the people. Miss Martin works in the "Herald" newspaper office. When tragedy strikes, Blake must re-examine his views.
Sierra Passage
Yance Carter
When young Johnny York witnesses the murder of his father, he joins a travelling variety troupe and trains up as a sharpshooter so he might one day get his revenge.
Short Grass
Chris Christofferson
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
Вест-поинтская история
Bull Gilbert
Продюсер-неудачник Элвин Биксби не от хорошей жизни вынужден взяться за необычное задание. Требуется помочь курсантам Вест-Пойнтской военной Академии поставить музыкальное шоу и заодно постараться убедить талантливого молодого кадета, племянника влиятельного дядюшки из шоу-бизнеса, оставить военную службу. В самый разгар «операции» одна из бывших протеже Элвина Джен Вильсон смешивает все карты. События приобретают критический оборот, появляются самые невероятные действующие лица, включая премьер-министра Франции.
The Blazing Sun
Ben Luber
Gene Autry hunts bank robbers Al Bartlett and Trot Lucas with his old friend Mike. Bartlett, to throw off his pursuers, kills Trot and his own brother. When Kitty Bartlett comes to town claiming to be the slain Bartlett's widow, Gene has to save her from the irate townspeople who are not aware that her name isn't Bartlett but she really is the daughter of a law officer slain by Al Bartlett. Ben Luder, a local hood, tricks Bartlett back into town by saying he has to fixed to have Doc Larry Taylor do plastic surgery on him. En route they meet Doc and his assistant Helen Ellis and Ben's ruse is exposed. Bartlett kills Ben and forces Doc to drive him to the railroad. Gene, in a fight atop a runaway train, captures Bartlett.
The Underworld Story
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
First Brother (uncredited)
Джимми Ринго - человек легенда, самый быстрый стрелок на Диком Западе. Он не стар, но уже утомлен жизнью. Дело в том, что он не может спокойно остановиться ни в одном городе. Везде его преследует, слава самого крутого стрелка. И в каждом салуне находится, какой-нибудь ковбой, который хочет проверить: так ли уж он хорош, как об этом разносит молва. Вот и приходится Джимми убивать, увивать и убивать. В итоге находится один «отморозок», который подло убивает Ринго выстрелом в спину. Его за это не вешают. Но! На него переходит проклятие «самого-кругого-стрелка-убившего-Джимми-Ринго». С этого момента его тоже будут хотеть убить каждом салуне Дикого Запада...
Kill the Umpire
Harry Shea (uncredited)
Ex-baseball player Bill Johnson, failing at many jobs when his ball-playing days are over, reluctantly takes the advice of his father-in-law, Jonah Evans, a retired umpire, and enters an umpire-training school. Assigned to the Texas League, he does fine until the championship play-offs when a riot develops over one of his calls. The involved player is knocked unconscious in the proceedings and cannot verify that Bill made the correct call. Despite lynch mob plans to at least tar-and-feather him, Bill's family - his daughters Lucy (Gloria Henry and Susan and his wife Betty - help Bill reach the ballpark safely the next day through a series of hair-raising encounters.
Riders in the Sky
Marshal Riggs
When asked about the Ghost Riders song he sings, Gene Autry tells this legend: Gene is about to resign as an investigator for the county attorney and go into the cattle business with his pal Chuckawalla Jones but decides instead to help Anne Lawson clear her father, rancher Ralph Lawson, of a false murder charge. He looks for the three witnesses who can testify that Lawson shot only in self defense in killing a gambler, but the witnesses are terrorized by another gambler, town boss Rock McCleary, who shoots witness Pop Roberts Morgan. Fatally wounded, Pop gives Gene the information needed to clear Lawson, then dies crying the "Ghost Riders" are coming for him. Gene then heads for a showdown with McCleary.
Rim of the Canyon
Matt Kimbrough
20 years ago, 3 men robbed a stage and hid $30,000. They were caught and sent to prison by Marshal Steve Autry. 20 years later, the men bust out of prison and return to the ghost town where they stashed their treasure searching. Steve's grandson picks up where Steve left off to foil the plans of the outlaws.
It Happens Every Spring
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
One Sunday Afternoon
The third film version of James Hagan's play, this time with songs added, starring Dennis Morgan as a dentist who marries patient and loyal Dorothy Malone despite his constant infatuation with sexy flirt Janis Paige. Filmed previously in 1933 ("One Sunday Afternoon") and 1941 ("The Strawberry Blonde").
Music Man
Bickering brothers unwittingly wind up working together on the same musical production.
Military Policeman (uncredited)
Self-absorbed Dr. Lee Johnson enlists with the Army medical corps during World War II, more out of a feeling that it's "the thing to do" rather than deep-seated patriotism. On his first day, he's put into place by 'Snapshot', a sassy and attractive nurse. Their initial antagonism blossoms into romance. Lee then finds himself torn with guilt over being unfaithful to his wife, Penny, who's waiting for him back home.
The Spirit of West Point
Oklahoma Cutter
The story of Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis, two All-American football players at the U.S. Army Military Academy at West Point.
Sarge Goes to College
A Marine Sergeant, wounded in overseas service, requires an operation, and the Navy psychiatrist recommends to the Captain and Colonel that "Sarge" be given a few weeks rest before hospitalization. Through the Dean of San Juan Junior College, Sarge enters the school on a temporary basis.
Это случилось на Пятой авеню
Whitey Temple
Алоизиус МакКивер - бездомный бродяга, любящий роскошь, проводит эимы в дорогих особняках, пустующих в это время года. Этой зимой он облюбовал дом миллиардера Майкла О'Коннора на Пятой Авеню. Однажды он встречает бездомного ветерана Второй мировой войны Джима Баллока и предлагает ему «свой» кров. Вскоре к ним присоединяется 18-летняя Труди Смит, которая якобы сбежала от отца-деспота. Между Джимом и Труди, по законам жанра, вспыхивают романтические чувства. Но ни Джим, ни МакКивер даже не подозревают о том, кто на самом деле Труди...
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
Mike Mitchell
A couple of gamblers pressure the local night club owner to rig things so the local college rowing crew will lose their upcoming race.
Monsieur Beaucaire
Courtier (uncredited)
A bumbling barber in the court of King Louis XV becomes engaged in political intrigue when he masquerades as a dashing nobleman engaged to the princess of Spain.
The McGuerins from Brooklyn
Tim McGuerin and Eddie Corbett operates a big taxi-fleet company together and because of a misunderstanding Tim's wife Sadie thinks he is having an affair with his secretary, Ms. Lucy Gibbs. To annoy Tim, Sadie starts taking classes with a fitness instructor, Samson, and later going with him to his out-of-town health club. To sort out all the misunderstandings both Tim and Eddie go to the health club as well.
К берегам Триполи
Tom Hall
"Первый отряд, два шага вперед! Второй отряд, шаг вперед! Третий отряд стоит на месте! Четвертый, шаг назад!" Это - легендарная учебка в Сан-Диего - именно здесь проходили азы большинство морских пехотинцев США. Здесь проходит службу Крис Винтерс - дерзкий плейбой и волокита из богатенькой семьи. Но армия - это не вечеринка, а сержант Дикси Смит - это не подружка Смита медсестра Мэри...
Остров Уэйк
Декабрь 1941. Без всякой надежды на помощь, небольшой гарнизон на островах Уилкс, Уэйк и Пил, в течение двух недель отражал яростные атаки японского флота.
Rubber Racketeers
Racketeer Gillin is paroled from prison and immediately goes to work trying to make an illegal buck from America's war effort. With rationing in effect the black market tire business is booming. Gillen's mob sets up car lots around town where they peddle stolen tires and "new" tires milled in the gangster's factories from cheap faulty materials. People begin to die in crashes as the defective tires fail. Bill Barry leads his fellow defense plant workers on a crusade to uncover the source of the black market rubber and bring the guilty to justice. Although clearly intended to warn the public about black market tire smuggling, Rubber Racketeers holds it own as a saga of mobsters versus an irate public.
Eagle Squadron
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Top Sergeant
An army sergeant recognises a young recruit as the man responsible for his brother's death, while attempting a robbery.
Victory Quiz
A short film where viewers are given 10 or 15 seconds to answer questions about the United States and its involvement in World War II.
All-American Co-Ed
Fraternity brothers enter one of their own into a scholarship lottery after a women's college insults them. Though the Zeta boys are celebrated for their comedy drag revue, staying undercover as a woman at an all-girls' school wasn't part of the rehearsal!