Renowned for his extreme generosity, the Athenian nobleman Timon has fallen prey to flatterers and false friends, on whom he showers lavish gifts and extravagant hospitality. His loyal steward, Flavius, tries to warn him of the financial consequences of such reckless expenditure, while the cynical philosopher Apemantus mocks his naivety, but Timon ignores them both. When his money runs out and his creditors demand payment, Timon sends confidently to his "friends" for help. When all refuse him, he throws one last party - one that heralds a dramatic change in his attitude to the world.
Stan Novatski
Eager to provide a better future for her son, Fadi, divorcée Muna Farah leaves her Palestinian homeland and takes up residence in rural Illinois -- just in time to encounter the domestic repercussions of America's disastrous war in Iraq. Now, the duo must reinvent their lives with some help from Muna's sister, Raghda, and brother-in-law, Nabeel.
John Lawson
Sergeant Major Osborn of Winnipeg protects his company by throwing himself on a live grenade during the Battle of Hong Kong.
James Keeshan
Based on the true story of Clarence Brandley, a black man wrongly accused in 1980 of the murder of a 16-year-old white high school girl named Cheryl Ferguson. Brandley worked at Conroe High School, where Ferguson was visiting as a member of the Belleville High School volleyball team. Three days after her body was discovered, Brandley was arrested as the murderer. Jew Don Boney, a popular activist and Houston city council member, leads the fight to uncover the truth about the Ferguson murder. Mike DeGeurin, a Texas attorney, is brought in to act as the head defense attorney for Brandley, and is joined by a former minister, Jim McCloskey. The lawyers discover that not only is there a complete lack of evidence against Brandley, but the District Attorney, James Keeshan, has been strategizing with the presiding judge. After nine years in prison, three trials and a stay of execution that saved Brandley's life, justice finally prevails as Brandley is granted his freedom.
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. В 1998 году Мэтью Шепарда, студента, ограбили, жестоко избили и привязали к забору. Полицейские обнаружили Мэтью и отвезли его в больницу, где он скончался. Убийцы Шепарда были приговорены к пожизненному заключению. В фильме рассказывается о событиях, произошедших после осуждения убийц. Родители жертвы должны принять мучительное решение о требовании смертной казни для одного из убийц их сына.
Mr. Gargan
Соединенные Штаты времен Второй мировой войны. 40-летний Лоренс Ньюман, живет со своей престарелой мамой в одном из кварталов Нью-Йорка и вот уже 20 лет честно трудится клерком в отделе кадров. Однажды в его комнате появляется эффектная дама Гертруда Харт, утверждающая, что она христианка. Лоренс, чьи предки - протестанты приехали в Америку из Англии еще в 19 веке, отказывает ей в приеме на работу на основании того, что она еврейка. А через день сам оказывается на улице, не приняв предложения о переводе на низшую должность на том основании, что он, надев очки, сам стал похож на еврея. Лоренс безуспешно пытается найти другую работу и однажды оказывается в офисе, где его встречает Гертруда...
Philip (the host)
Stuck in the attic, Phillip, (Joseph Ziegler) recounts several different tales to an unknown listener in order to explain the dangers of the world.
Matt Eckhardt
Teacher Jake Downey has relocated to a small town in Wyoming hoping to escape the urban problems of his last assignment. His myth of rural bliss is shattered when a former police officer comes unglued, builds a bomb and takes Jake's class hostage. The heroism of his true story unfolds as the hostage drama takes many surprising turns towards the phenomenal conclusion.
Vem Rawline
Роскошные, огромные машины, несмолкаемый рок-н-ролл на радиоволнах — и страстное желание. Один мальчик. Одна женщина. И — всего одна ночь, которая навсегда изменила жизнь.
Dr. Everett
Nolan is a brash, contentious genius in the world of Astrophysics, who has been blind since birth. He is on the cusp of a discovery that will change the world as we know it. Late one night in his lab as he tracks a mysterious object hurdling toward Earth, he has a dream: in it, he is able to see - an impossibility for a man in his condition. It is actually a glimpse into the future, proof that he is one of the first people to experience the object's effects. As one of the few who can help prevent the event, will he choose to stay blind and save life as we know it? Or gain sight and let society fend for itself?