William Kendall
Рождение : 1903-08-26, London, England, UK
Смерть : 1984-04-01
William Kendall was born on August 26, 1903 in London, England as William Isaac Kendall. Died on April 1, 1984 (age 80). He was an actor.
M. Marivaux at 'La Belle Amie'
Девушка, одержимая идеей равенства полов, Соня Винтер, ввязывается в весьма опасную авантюру. Став клиентом фирмы под устрашающим названием «Бюро убийств», она заказывает убийство самого главы этой организации Ивана Драгомилова. Иван, хорошо образованный молодой человек с высокими моральными устоями, унаследовавший дело своего отца, принимает заказ, бросив тем самым дерзкий вызов всем остальным членам организации…
Wing Commander Aston (uncredited)
Тайный агент расследует причины неожиданных смертей среди людей, связанных с созданием нового трансконтинентального авилайнера.
Maj. Gen. Jeffcock
Brothers Michael and David Tremayne decide to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, not for criminal purposes, but to make themselves famous.
The all-girl school foil an attempt by train robbers to recover two and a half million pounds hidden in their school.
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
На довыборах в парламент телевизионная знаменитость Боб Уилкот от консерваторов соперничает со Стеллой Стокер от социалистов. Что будет, если политические конкуренты влюбятся? Агенты противоборствующих партий вступают в сговор чтобы предотвратить электоральную катастрофу.
Commanding Officer
A rock'n'roll idol is drafted into the wrong regiment.
Two con-men just released from prison get straight back to their old tricks.
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
A man inherits a nightclub that belonged to his brother but soon discovers that it is the headquarters for a dangerous criminal gang.
Edward Bane
Two business partners are having woman trouble. One wants to marry his secretary and the other is set to marry a wealthy aristocrat. When the partner who wants to marry his secretary lets her go before he proposes to her, the woman confused woman tries to commit suicide by jumping into a river. Complications ensue.
Paul Martin
A Colonel's daughter steals from the regimental mess funds to pay off her gambling debts. One of the officers, who is love with her, takes the blame, and is sent to Africa.
Leslie Fuller stars as a quack whose son qualifies as a doctor in total ignorance of his father's occupation!
That's a Good Girl is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Jack Buchanan and starring Buchanan, Elsie Randolph and Dorothy Hyson. The film was based on a musical show of the same title that opened at the Lewisham Hippodrome on 19 March 1928, in which Jack Buchanan also starred. The music was written by Joseph Meyer and Phil Charig, with lyrics by Douglas Furber. The film omitted much of music of the original show, but popularised one song in particular, Fancy our Meeting. The song remained a Jack Buchanan favourite and a version of it was also recorded by Al Bowlly shortly after the film's release.
Captain Richards
'Romance set around the famous air race in which a girl helps a nervous pilot to victory.' (British Film Institute)
Max is an Austrian officer in the army and son of a highly placed general. His father wants him to marry a Countess but he has fallen in love with Vicki. Attending a party given in his honour, they are informed that war has broken out. Max writes a note to Vicki and goes off to war. Unfortunately the note is lost. Some time after the war, Max is just a shoe shop assistant while Vicki is now a famous singer. They meet and at first she snubs him but then falls in love with him again