Marc Dumontet


First Assistant "B" Camera
Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.
Комната чудес
First Assistant Camera
У Тельмы есть всё – успешная карьера, семья, любимый сын. Но однажды мальчика случайно сбивает грузовик, и он оказывается в коме. Чувствуя, что есть шанс пробудить сына к жизни, Тельма решает исполнять все его мечты, записывая это на камеру. Теперь ей предстоит перейти с закрытыми глазами перекрёсток в Токио, сыграть в футбол с его любимой командой и даже потрогать грудь математички... Увидит ли он это всё своими собственными глазами?
Our Brothers
First Assistant "B" Camera
Inspired by the story of Malik Oussekine, an affair of police violence which is believed to have caused the death of 22-year-old Malik Oussekine on the night of 5-6 December 1986, following several weeks of student protests against a university reform bill
À nos fantômes
Director of Photography
A group of friends gather after one of them sees the ghost of Antoine after his murderous arrest by several police officers. They will try to summon his specter.
La mémoire des grands chiens
Director of Photography
The small town of Los Angeles abounds with treasures that the entire of France envies her : Its carwash, banks, supermarket and even its pear vendor. Nevertheless, despite these admirable modesties, the small town's charm and character unravels due to a lack of tenderness.