Barbara Laage

Barbara Laage

Рождение : 1920-07-30, Menthon-Saint-Bernard, Haute Savoie, France

Смерть : 1988-05-21


Barbara Laage


Private Screening
Complications abound in this French film, which tells the story of a filmmaker who is attempting to put his real life into a movie; his interactions with the people in the movie he is filming create reverberations in his "real" life, although the past remains unchanged. Among the complications is his growing regard for the woman who plays his cinematic wife. She may wind up replacing his actual wife in real life. One of the highlights of this film is the insight it gives into the actual mechanics of filmmaking.
Forbidden to Know
Mme Christiani
When the police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it is predictable that she is charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for the defence. He begins an inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani's for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that Bruno, Juliette's brother, also died that same night in a car accident...
Le Père Goriot
Jean-Joachim Goriot, a merchant who got rich during the Revolution, is obsessed with the love of his two daughters, whose social promotion he wants. He endows them richly, ruins himself to pay their debts, but Delphine and Anastasie do not return his affection and abandon him at the time of his death to run to a big ball.
Семейный очаг
Monique, la Secrétaire
Продолжение во многом автобиографичной истории подростка Антуана Дуанеля. Он тяготится своим положением в школе и в семье, стремится вырваться из тусклой и унылой повседневной жизни. Повзрослев, Дуанель влюбляется и женится на Кристин, становится отцом ребенка, затем экспериментирует с адюльтером, заведя мало интересную любовную интрижку с Киоко.
Therese and Isabelle
Thérèse's mother
Two young girls experience awakening sexuality in the heated atmosphere of a Swiss girls' boarding school.
Strange Game
In 1944, in Paris, the leader of a resistance network is looking for the traitor who gave away a radio operator.
The Burning Body
Márcia discovers that her husband is having an affair and decides to take a trip out into an isolated part of Brazil with little human contact. There she finds a black stallion roaming the fields.
The Heat of a Thousand Suns
A young man from the far future, bored by his surroundings, blasts off into space with only his cat and some robots for company. On a distant planet he discovers a serene, tranquil culture and falls in love with a girl. The story follows his problems adjusting to their sociological standards and customs where family units are comprised of sexual groups of eight people.
The Crime of Aldeia Velha
Set in a little remote village, where everyone is very religious and primitive, it tells the story of Joana, the most beautiful girl in village. She is badly regarded by all other women because they envy her and her affairs with men. As soon as accidents start happening involving her (at some point, she holds an already sick baby and he eventually dies), the women (and slowly, men too) in the village start claiming that she is possessed by the devil. At first,she doesn't believe it. They ask for two priests to exorcise her, but they leave and say to the people that she isn't possessed at all, and that people need to relax. But, little by little, they start convincing Joana that she is really possessed and she starts entering a stage of slight madness and behaving like she is. So, people "believing" that she isn't going to die, and that the demon will leave her body, with her permission, they end up burning her alive...
Portuguese Vacation
Françoise and her husband Jean-Pierre invite some friend couples to spend a weekend in their large villa on the Portuguese coast. What follows is a romantic intrigue, with each character discovering a little more about themselves.
The Captive
Sylvie Hamelin
Two gun runners, Le Doc and Rougier, save and tend the only survivor of a plane crash into the Vietnamese jungle. When they realize the man named Hamelin is a renowned electronics engineer, they decide to keep him hostage and to release him in exchange for a high ransom. Things get complicated with the coming of Sylvie, Hamelin's wife in search of her missing husband. To make matters worse, Wong,a Chinese gang leader and former ally of the traffickers, turns against them and attacks them with his men.
Парижский блюз
Marie Séoul
Два американских джазовых музыканта влюбляются в Париже в двух туристок из США и начинают активно за ними ухаживать.
There's Going to Be a Party
Michèle Laurent
FBI agent John Lewis travels in Europe, from Paris to Lisbon, trying to locate a disappeared fellow secret-agent, Mark Lemoine. Soon he has trouble with a violant gang, and is involved with a young French reporter, Michèle Laurent. Finally, the chief of the Secret Service tells Lewis that Lemoine never existed. Instead of ending his mission there, the real trouble starts.
Le Caïd
Bombs on Monte Carlo
In Monte Carlo, a captain tries to raise the money to pay his crew at the gaming table, and meets and falls in love with a Queen.
Orientalische Nächte
a movie by Heinz Paul
Soft Skin on Black Silk
Everything you need to know is telegraphed by the title of this Spanish-language drama. The story takes place in a hothouse Mediterranean setting and combines lust, intrigue and murder in the overheated sexploitation style that was popular during the late 1950s and early '60s.
Miss Pigalle
Yvonne Pigalle
A young woman has been run over by the car of Carlos, a brilliant embassy attaché. Feeling sorry for her, Carlos drives her to his place and decides to take her in. The young lady accepts his offer but refuses to tell Carlos her name, wanting to be called Miss Pigalle, after the Paris district where she was born. It does not take long before Yvonne (Miss Pigalle's true name) and Carlos fall in love. Life is like a dream and, when Yvonne gets pregnant, their happiness is at their peak. Unfortunately, a revolution breaks out and Carlos returns to his country in secret. Feeling forsaken and at a loss, Yvonne, who is now penniless, has no other solution but prostitute herself.
Whereabouts Unknown
The Happy Road
Suzanne Duval
Two children run away from a Swiss boarding school and set out for Paris, with their frantic parents in hot pursuit.
To Catch a Spy
Hiedi Effen
The blueprints of an aeroplane built from an ultra-secret metal are stolen from national security. French secret service agent Walder believes that the documents are now in Switzerland, in the hands of a man named Lindbaum. The latter agrees to hand over the blueprints in return for a large sum of money. Another agent, Francis Coplan, is sent to Switzerland to handle the deal, but Lindbaum only has half of the documents because he was double-crossed by Kalpannen, an international crook. With the help of Heidi, a Swiss correspondent, Coplan sets out to identify the members of Kalpannen’s gang, only to find that they have all been murdered…
Jaqueline Delbois
Convinced that a wartime resistance heroine is innocent of a murder charge, Nap Rumbold, a solicitor / private detective travels to France searching for evidence to clear her name.
Les assassins du dimanche
Simone Simonet
Una parigina a Roma
Germaine, la Parigina
Riccardo, a brilliant pianist studying in Rome, falls in love with Germaine, a young and pretty French tourist.
Quai des blondes
Barbara Laage essays the title role in Zoe. Our heroine's adventures begin when she catches the eye of a big-city playboy named Arthur (Michel Auclair), who is attracted not only to Zoe's beauty, but by her insistence upon telling nothing but the whole truth. This trait causes no end of comic complications when Zoe moves into the palatial home of Arthur's family. The limit comes when Zoe botches a big business deal formulated by Arthur's not-altogether-honest father (Louis Seigner). Zoe is based on a stage farce by Jean Marsan.
Акт любви
История любви американца и француженки, которая началась в освобожденном от фашистов Париже в 1944 году. Спустя два года после войны американец Роберт Тейлор приезжает в приморский городок на юге Франции. Он мысленно возвращается в 1944 год, вспоминая Париж после освобождения. Там он встретил девушку по имени Лиза и влюбился в нее.
Traviata 53
An engineer has a romance with the mistress of a rich banker but she sacrifices herself,returning to the rich man, for the best interests of the lover and his family.
The Slave
Anne-Marie 'Fétiche'
A young composer is forced to work as a bar pianist. One night he gets hit by a car and is brought to a hospital. Severely injured he is injected with morphine. He becomes addicted.
Почтительная проститутка
Lizzie McKay
Действие разворачивается в маленьком городке, в одном из южных штатов Америки. Лиззи Мак-Кей (Барбара Лаж), молоденькая девушка, приезжает из Нью-Йорка на поезде, где становится свидетельницей убийства белым человеком одного из двух негров, которые, как потом объяснил убийца, якобы хотели изнасиловать Лиззи..
Алая роза
Claire Claris, la photographe
The Jacques Brothers, their temporary replacements, Yves Gérard and his troupe, as well as a famous movie star looking for a new partner, Evelyne Dorsey, are causing disruption at the "La Rose rouge" cabaret, the most famous cellar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, to the delight of regulars.
Дочь Б.Ф.
Eugenia Taris, Tom's dutch Girl
Состоятельная барышня Полли Фултон — единственная дочь богатого промышленника Б. Ф. Фултона. Девушка собирается выйти замуж за мужчину своей мечты — адвоката Роберта С. Тасмина III, но неожиданно встречает на своём пути интеллектуала Томаса Бретта. Он — учёный прогрессивных взглядов, и отношение мужчины к капитализму в корне отличается от мировоззрения богатой наследницы Полли. Но любовь превыше всего, и вскоре молодые люди женятся. Через этот брак Томас становится неотъемлемой частью ненавистного ему высшего общества и, осознав происходящее, приходит в ужас и направляет свой гнев на Полли…
Signé illisible
Strange things are happening in the small town of Breuil-le-Château. Provisions from the black market are stolen regularly and wealthy young men, including the squire's son, start vanishing... Ransom demands are sent but with an illegible signature. The investigation is trusted to Ducreux, the local police brigadier. He is assisted by Carlier, a film director in search of locations for his next movie, who has been mistaken for a police inspector from Paris. The two men will have more than their share of surprises.