19-year-old Yoon Young lives alone with her mother and prepares for the civil service exam while working part-time. Regardless of good heart and sincere will, unexpected incidents turn Yoon Young from a victim to the killer, driving her to prison and being called inmate "2037" instead of "Yoon Young." In a hopeless situation her co-inmates in Cell No. 12 with their own stories offer a hand of hope to protect Yoon Young...
Ли Шиминь, император династии Тан, после разгрома в 630 году Восточно-тюркского каганата решил покорить Когурё, одно из раннекорейских государств. Завоевательный поход императора был успешным: крепости пали одна за другой, китайская армия разбивала пехоту и конницу противника. Побеждённый в одной из битв генерал Ён посылает кадета Са-муля убить предателя Ян Ман-чхуна, коменданта крепости Анси. В 645 году Ли Шиминь подошел к Анси. Имея подавляющее численное преимущество, император считал, что взятие крепости — дело одного дня, но генерал Ян Ман-чхун с немногочисленными солдатами армии Когурё будет любой ценой держать оборону крепости Анси — последнего рубежа на пути к Пхеньяну.
Seongjong who history remembers, earns a reputation for appreciating the motto 'making the people feel comfortable and putting political affairs right'. He is known as the king who led his country in the most peaceful and steady way during the Joseon times. However, was Seongjong really a wise king? Seongjong was enthroned by Queen Jeong-hee, Queen In-soo, Han Myeong-hoi and his supporters. The 13-year-old king made 73 of his supporters his retainers! Numerous noblemen were happy that he became king. However, some of his people had to cry blood because he became the king. "Is this country run by phantoms like you My Lord?" Seongjong, the puppet who dreamt of a reign of peace, wishes to behead the king who dominates the people!