Jacques Higelin

Jacques Higelin

Рождение : 1940-10-18, Brou-sur-Chantereine, Seine-et-Marne, France

Смерть : 2018-04-06


Jacques Joseph Victor Higelin (18 October 1940 – 6 April 2018) was a French pop singer who rose to prominence in the early 1970s. Higelin was born on 18 October 1940. His father, Paul, a railway worker and musician of Alsatian descent, introduced his two sons to various forms of music, while his mother, Renée, of Belgian descent, raised them both. Higelin's entertainment career began at age 14, when he left school to work as a stunt double. While playing a number of minor roles in motion pictures, Higelin was taught to play the guitar by Henri Crolla, a French-Italian jazz guitarist and a composer of film scores. By the early 1960s, Higelin was attending the René Simon drama school, where he won the François Perier award. For two years beginning in 1961, Higelin served in the French military in various countries. Upon returning to France, he resumed his film career but increasingly began to focus on music. By the end of the decade, he had become very active in the artistic underground in Paris and began to channel his music towards radical activism. Higelin began attracting popular attention through his live concerts, typically held in smaller venues, and released his first solo album in 1971. By the middle of the 1970s, Higelin had become one of France's most successful pop musicians, and he remains influential to this day. In the 70's Higelin was in a relationship with a French-Vietnamese woman called Kuelan Nguyen. She accompanied him during the recording of an album at Château d'Hérouville Studio, where Iggy Pop was also recording his debut solo album "The Idiot". Iggy Pop became infatuated with Nguyen, who rejected him, but the incident inspired the song China Girl, which later became a hit when re-recorded by David Bowie. Higelin had three children, all of whom became artists: Arthur H, singer, born to Nicole Courtois in 1966; Kên Higelin, actor, born to Kuelan Nguyen in 1972; Izïa, singer, born to dancer Aziza Zakine in 1990. Higelin married Zakine in 2011. Higelin died on 6 April 2018 in Paris. Source: Article "Jacques Higelin" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jacques Higelin


Ce que le temps a donné à l'homme
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Un homme a la mer
Против забвения
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Colin and Mailland are small-time crooks on the run who are surprised to find the seven-year-old runaway Savannah is along for the ride. The police and her parents fear she has been kidnapped, and a massive manhunt is launched with orders to shoot to kill the alleged perpetrators. The lovable little girl soon melts the hearts of the crooks, as the trio enjoy an unlikely but sentimental friendship.
Salut, voleurs!
In this French crime caper film, a young misfit (Jacques Higelin) who has grown tired of his job as a bank teller deliberately gets fired. When some underworld characters ask him to share the layout of the bank so that they can more effectively rob it, he does. He also joins in the robbery. But when members of the gang start shooting at one another, it becomes clear that he is definitely in over his head.
Год 01
The banjo singer
Фильм повествует об утопической заброшенности, всеобщей радости рыночной экономики и высокой производительности. Население принимает ряд резолюций, начиная с «Мы все прекращаем» и второй «После полного простоя будет возрождена - неохотно - что услуги и продукты, включая их отсутствие, окажутся невыносимыми. Вероятно: вода для питья, электричество для чтения на ночь, TSF, чтобы сказать: «Это не конец света, это 01, а теперь страница Небесной Механики». Реализация этих резолюций - первый день новой эры, 01 год. является символом вызова 1970-х годов и охватывает такие разнообразные темы, как экология, отрицание авторитета, свободная любовь, совместная жизнь, отказ от частной собственности и труда.
The Suburbs Are Everywhere
Bernard Réval
He is a sales rep. She is a secretary. They live in the suburbs but she works in Paris. They don't see much of each other and spend much of their time in commuter trains. They try desperately to change job locations to be more often together, but... The plot is not the important thing in the film ; what makes it emblematic of the early and mid-seventies is the insouciant atmosphere. The '74 oil crisis had not yet morphed into a recession, and life was good - even though it was as hard as ever to find a home near one's workplace (or the reverse) ! Marthe Keller and Jacques Higelin are both excellent. The movie is not an all-time great, but it captures the "zeitgeist" of French life in the Seventies.
Léa in Winter
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Seven Days Somewhere Else
A young composer is suffocating in his social and family life. He dreams of leaving and starting his life over somewhere else... Jacques goes on a tour of the provinces with a ballet troupe who dance to his music. They live in hotel rooms, train compartments, and dressing rooms where the excited dancers liven up the atmosphere. The girls, among themselves, describe their problems, experiences and hopes in their crude, colorful language. He falls madly in love with one dancer who is as distraught as he is. Maybe this is a way to find happiness again. But the tour comes to an end... It was just a 'brief encounter'. At the Gare de Lyon, Michèle, his wife, is waiting for him. Jacques lets Catherine go...
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The man
Saint-Tropez Blues
Jean-Paul Capelier
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